Femdom Puppy Play

You want to be Goddess Lana's live in slave and be apart of her everyday life, but she finds you to be a useless slave. She does have an idea though... the only way she will consider it is if you become her puppy slave. She starts your transformation by commanding you to get down on all fours and start to pant with your tongue out. You past the first set of commands and she tells you your much cuter as a puppy than your ugly human self. She then gives you a command to sit and then to lay down. Now your face is right in front of her red high heels. Lana starts to dangle her high heels and tells you to start sniffing her heels and feet, just like a puppy would, and don't forget to pant while you do it. Now follow her next command as she tells you to bark. She says that you sucked as her human slave, but so far you make a much better puppy slave. Ofcourse every puppy needs a collar and leash so she proceeds to put a collar around your neck and clips a leash to it so you further understand your new role. Now that you are on a leash she commands you to spin around so she can get a full look at her new puppy. Lana is pleased with her new puppy and has a treat for you, but you have to work a little harder to earn it. She reveals a bone shaped chew toy for you to play with. She gives the bone some extra flavor by rubbing it along the soles of her feet, but before you get the bone to chew on, you have to lick the soles of her feet clean, good boy! Now crawl over to the corner and enjoy your new chew toy!
femdom pov, foot worship, goddess worship, puppy play, transformation fantasies
Download link ----> Lana Blade Turns Her Useless Slave Into Her Puppy Slave - 525.13 MB

femdom pov, humiliation, puppy play, redhead, sfw, transformation fantasies
Download link ----> Goth Girl Ditria Train The School Jock to Be Her Guard Doggy - 239.32 MB

You and your girlfriend Jasper are on a tropical vacation but she finds you quite whiney and annoying! She thinks it's pathetic that you even try to fuck her after your ridiculous behavior. In fact she is totally turned off by you and decides she is more interested in fucking the hot women walking around in skimpy bikinis than get intimate with you! After all they are sooo much more attractive than you and she feels that is the life that is really meant for her! She decides to give you an ultimatum... she can either dump you now and your vacation and relationship ends, or you can stay in her life and become her pathetic little puppy. You'd finally be of some value to her as entertainment for her and the women she hooks up with. She will walk you on the beach with a collar and leash and everyone will pet you on the head and tell you what a good doggy you are! If you accept your life as her puppy, Jasper would have a much better vacation, and if you are a good boy, she may even let you lay in the corner and watch as she fucks the other women she picks up here on vacation... well what do you say?! (please note there was a lot of wind during this shoot)
cuckolding, femdom pov, lesbian domination, puppy play, redhead
Download link ----> Jasper Lesbian Cucks Her Boyfriend Turned Pup - 464.27 MB

Carmen confronts you since you gave her an "F" on her book report. She thinks you gave her an "F" because she rejected your sexual advances the other day. She actually recorded your lewd advances on her camera phone. So here is what's going to happen because of your inappropriate horndog behavior, first you are going to give her an "A". Secondly to get your horndog urges under control, she is going to make you her puppy. She starts by revealing a chastity device. She tells you to get down on all fours and crawl over to her so she can lock up your little red rocket. Now that you are locked up with the keys firmly in her possession she decides that you will also be doing her homework for her other classes. After all, you are in no position to say no. She teases you by saying she is going to wear to class the keys to your chastity device on a necklace so others can see. Now she can order you around when she wants and she may even come in after class with with some doggy treats for you, make you sit while she watches you eat them, like the good puppy that you're going to be. Now start by fixing her grade and when she comes back with some other homework for you, she will bring a collar for you to wear with a name tag on it that says "Carmen's New puppy"!
blackmail fantasy, chastity, femdom pov, puppy play, sph
Download link ----> Carmen X Blackmails Horndog Professor Into Becoming Her Pup - 381.22 MB

Letty is back from her date and the man she went out with is in the bathroom freshening up. She is going to have sex with him do she is giving you an opportunity to get back in her good graces by helping her freshen up and if you do a good job she will let you be a "fluffer" They were out dancing and she is pretty sweaty and her boots are very dirty so she wants you to start by licking her boots clean. She knows they are probably stinky but that doesn't matter to her. Get them fully clean before she allows you to start cleaning her sweaty feet. Make sure to get all the sweat off her feet, including between her toes as her date likes her feet to be very clean. That's it, lick and suck those toes. She notices her armpits are stinking too so after you properly lick her feet clean, she has you start licking all the sweat from her armpits, but get a nice big sniff of them before you start licking. She knows you love all her smells so she tells you to clean the rest of her. She went to the bathroom while she was out dancing so she turns around, lifts up her dress, and spreads her bare ass checks as she tells you to get your tongue in there and lick her asshole clean. Don't forget to take a sniff to make sure it's clean, after all, her man is going to be fucking her in her ass! Ok, he is coming out of the bathroom soon so crawl over to the corner of the room and watch him fuck her, and maybe she will have a "job" for you after...
armpits, asshole fetish, cuckolding, femdom pov, foot licking
Download link ----> Letty Cucks and Creampies Her Pup Sub on Date Night Part 3 - 427.15 MB

Raquel calls for you and you quickly crawl to your step-sister who is in the bathroom getting ready as her boyfriend is coming over to take her out on on a date. She's happy so far with your progress of going from her step-brother to her puppy, and expects you to continue to behave when her boyfriend comes over. Just to make sure you keep quiet while he is over, she straps a bone gag in your mouth. She torments you in her skimpy bikini telling you she is going to fuck her boyfriend before they got out on the date, and she knows you will be able to hear everything! She acknowledges though that you might feel a little empty inside, but not to worry, she has something in mind...she shows you a butt plug with a tail on it which she knows will fill you up nicely! She lubes it up just a bit with the drool dripping down from you bone gag and then makes you turn around so her puppy gets a tail! She teases you, making you wag your new tail and even threatens to take photos of you as her puppy and show to people, well unless remain her good puppy. Raquel plans to lock you up while she it out on her date so you don't get into any trouble, but don't worry, she has a treat for you when she gets back from her date as she will be saving the cum from her boyfriend in her pussy during the entire date so she can feed you a nice warm creampie, and if some drips into her ass, you'll be lapping that up too! She can tell that you are getting excited at the thought of lapping up your your new owner, as your little red rocket is pressing up against your chastity cage.
butt plug, cuckolding, femdom pov, sfw, sisters, taboo
Download link ----> Raquel Roper Cucks and Creampies Her Step Brother - 474.91 MB

London walks you outside on your collar and leash. She is upset with you as she has been trying to potty train you in the house but you keep on peeing on the floor, despite her putting pee pads down. She decides you now must go potty outside until you behave and learn how to properly go potty inside, and not pee on the floor. She tells you to take sniffs in the grass to decide where you want to pee. You don't seem to be getting it so she gets down on the grass on all fours and demonstates how to lift up your leg and pee. She tells you that you can even pee on the leg of the chair if you prefer. Still you just sit there so she tries to give you some incentive by allowing you to sniff and lick her feet, even licking off the grass and chew on it as she knows puppies love to chew on grass. Still you just sit there so she turns around and pulls down her exercise shorts to motivate you by allowing you to sniff her ass. You can also sniff the crotch of her panties too, but only if you decide to behave now. You clearly seem to be enjoying that. She tells you to take more sniffs of the grass to pick "your spot" but you still are defiant. OK, she is going to give you one more try before she decides to leave you outside and keep you in a doghouse, instead of being her inside pup. You have 10 seconds to start going potty or you will be left outside for the rest of the day, 10 ... 9... 8... 7 Oh good, you are starting to pee. Now that is how you are going to go potty until you can properly pee inside on the pee pads.
ass worship, femdom pov, foot licking, puppy play, sfw, toilet humiliation
Download link ----> London Disciplines Her Puppy Sub With Outdoor Potty Training - 521.53 MB

Agatha is left to look after you, her step son while her husband is away again on a business trip. She is annoyed as she didn't sign up to be the constant babysitter for you. She finds you annoying and out of control so tells you that from now on when you are in her presence you will be treated as her puppy and must obey all her commands! No longer will you be treated as a human, just a puppy! She tells you that she is no longer your step mom, now she is your owner and you will be required to be a good little pup for her. The training starts with a collar and leash she picked up but, that is just the beginning. She will be walking you on all fours, make you eat from a doggy bowl, crate train you, and eventually you'll have to go potty outside, but before that begins, she has you start doing what ever puppy likes to do... sniff and lick her feet. She knows you'll probably want to sniff butts as well, so why not start with hers as she turns around and tells you to put your snout right in between her ass checks to get a good sniff and lick. This is just the beginning... just wait for the public walks in the doggy park on a collar and leash!
ass worship, femdom pov, foot worship, mommy roleplay, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Agatha's Puppy Step-son - 1.26 GB

You scamper on all fours into the kitchen when Summer calls for you. She reminds you that you are not human anymore, you are her puppy and she is your owner. She tells you that since you are a puppy you are not going to get to sit at the table to eat, and that she will feed you when she wants and what she wants, and you will have no say in it. Ofcourse as her puppy, you will be eating out of a doggy bowl, not on a plate for a human. You will not get any utensils and you will only lap up your food from the bowl on the floor. Summer also warns you not to beg for food, or you will get punished. Before she decides to give you your puppy dinner, she decides to give you an appetizer by allowing you to sniff and lick her feet. Don't forget the soles and make sure to get them completely clean including the sweat and dirty specs... and no begging! Ok, Summer decides it's time for your special meal. She grabs a bag a chips and proceeds to chew them up, but wait... she spits out the chewed up chips into your doggy bowl for you to lap up! She does know it may be a bit dry so she is nice enough to swallow some water, swish it around in her mouth, and spit it back into your food bowl to moisten it up a bit, how thoughtful of her! Now it's about time to dig in, but she tells you to "stay" until she gives you the OK to lap it all up!
femdom pov, food, foot fetish, puppy play, redhead, sfw
Download link ----> Summer Marshall Feeds Her Puppy Sub Feet and Scraps - 481.48 MB

Riot brings you with her to a private gym in an attempt to motivate your lazy ass to start exercising, whether by just being able to admire her fit, sexy body, or by humiliating you since you are lazy and not in great shape. She starts by warming up on the cardio machine which she knows you are perving on her, staring at her shapely legs and beautiful ass. After her warm up, Riot starts working her chest muscles. She is lifting way more weight than you could and is working up quite a sweat. She plans to make you lick the sweat from her armpits when she is done. Shell tells you that since you just sit on your couch being a weak little wimp, you can never get a woman like her. As she is working her arms, chest and core, she teases you that the only muscle you work out is your forearm, from jerking off soo much! But don't worry, since you are a pathetic little cuck, you get the responsibility of licking all the sweat off her body when she finishes exercising, after all, she can't be too sweaty before her date tonight with a real man, who has a man size dick, unlike you with your small little inchworm penis. Now get on your knees and start by licking her dirty, sweaty feet...
cuckolding, femdom pov, sfw, sph, strong women, sweat fetish
Download link ----> Riot Brings Her Lazy Little Cuck To The Gym - 430.62 MB

You met Stella on an online dating site. She thought you were cute enough to meet in person so she agreed to go out on a date with you, but when you two met in person she immediately noticed that you lied about your height. You are just too short for her to consider you as a romantic love interest. However an idea did come to mind while she was on the date with you. She has wanted a puppy but her landlord doesn't allow them. Plus she really doesn't have time to take care of a real doggy. She thinks you are sweet and she says you are a small enough that you can even fit on her lap, just like a puppy, so she proposes that you become her puppy. That is the only way you can stay in her life, otherwise you'll have to leave and you will never see her again. Since you don't get up and walk out the door she takes that as a "yes", so she tells you to get down off the sofa, as she doesn't allow her puppy up there without her permission. She explains that as her puppy you will excitedly greet her at the door every time she comes home and you will enthusiastically want to sniff and lick her feet. She plans to give you proper training and expects you to be obedient. If you are bad, she will keep you in a cage, but if you are a good boy, she will not crate you, and she'll even leave her dirty panties and socks for you to play with when she is away. She noticed during the date that you seem to be submissive and obedient already so she has high hopes for you as her puppy, and after all since you are shorter than her she assumes you have a small penis that just wouldn't be able to satisfy her like a real man could, so it's best for both of you that you are her puppy. She hasn't forgotten though that you lied on her dating profile about your height so she tells you she must come up with a punishment for you, but in the meantime, she needs to get a collar and leash to start your puppy training.
big tits, femdom pov, height humiliation, pet play, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Stella Elle Turns Her Bad Date Into Her Puppy Sub - 478.88 MB

You were buying Jane a bunch of beverages at the hotel bar hotel hoping to get lucky with her. She decides to bring you up to her hotel room, but not for the reason you are hoping for. She finds you kinda needy and desperate, but there is something kinda sweet about you, kind of like a puppy who wants a lot of attention, so she decides she will treat you as a puppy. You have been talking a lot all night, just like a yappy puppy so she tells you to get down on the ground and she brings out a bone gag from the draw. She doesn't want to hear you anymore, other than maybe a few whimpers, so she tells you to open your mouth wide and she sticks the bone in your mouth and secures it with the straps. Jane see that you are aroused so she takes out a chastity device and locks up your little penis. Even with the chastity on, she sees that you are still hard so she decides to give you a little treat to calm you down.... she allows you to sniff and lick (through the bone gag) her beautiful, perfect feet. Enjoy what you can get for now!
chastity, femdom pov, foot fetish, gag, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Jane Jupiter Picks Up a Pathetic Pup From the Bar - 427.06 MB

You are down on the ground sniffing your Owner's sweaty sock covered feet. Ashlynn knows you love her stinky gym feet. You were such a loyal, good boy following her around at the gym and sitting on the ground holding her stuff while she exercised. That's why she is allowing you to smell her stinky feet as a reward. There are other sweaty parts of her body to sniff, but she is wondering if you deserve those. Well for now you will just get her feet as she peels her sweaty sock off of her foot. You are soo focused now on her feet that she has to get your attention to focus on the pool of sweat in the crotch of her yoga pants, especially since she didn't wear any panties at the gym. That also means her ass is very sweaty too! Ashlynn turns around and lets you take a sniff of her sweaty ass but you disobey and try to take a lick so she scolds you and tells you to sit! Since you disobeyed, she only lets you play with her sweaty socks while she continues to tease you with her sweaty ass and crotch. Ok, you can have a sniff of her crotch, but she warns you, no licking! The only thing Ashlynn allows you to lick are her armpits as she tells you to lick up all the sweat!
armpits, ass sniffing, femdom pov, foot fetish, sfw, sweat fetish
Download link ----> Ashlynn Taylor's Sweat Loving Pervy Puppy Sub - 575.59 MB

Princess Onyx is bored with you as her slave so she decides to turn you into her puppy slave, but not just an any puppy slave, her rubber puppy slave. That will make you look a lot more appealing and fun to play with. She puts a rubber collar around your neck and encourages you to give her a woof. Ofcourse as Princess Onyx's puppy you need to be on a leash as well. She needs her new puppy to have paws and not hands, so she grabs gauze and wraps your hands so you can no longer use your fingers. Now that you are on all fours get your face down on the ground and sniff and lick her black leather boots, just like a puppy would. Make sure to get her boots nice and clean with your tongue. For obeying her commands she gives you a treat by allowing you to sniff her ass through her fishnets. Now to really transform you into the rubber puppy slave she wants, she reveals a rubber puppy hood to put on you, especially since she is tired of looking at your ugly face. You'll now look much better in this rubber hood... what an improvement! She tells her new good boy to give her another woof! She continues with various puppy commands and when you obey again she gives you another sniff of her ass. Princess Onyx has one more surprise for you. Every puppy needs a tail so she reveals a rubber puppy tail butt plug. She knows it's going to be a tight fit in your ass, she she graciously spits on the butt plug and tells you to bend over and turn around...
asian princess, ass worship, femdom pov, puppy play, rubber fetish, sfw
Download link ----> Princess Onyx's Rubber Puppy Slave - 480.21 MB

Mommy Gia has put you in a cage before she goes out dancing as she can't trust you to behave while she is away for a few hours. She puts a pee pad in your cage incase you have to go potty while she is away, which she expects you will after she squats down and fills up your water bowl with her pee, yes that's all you'll have to lap up while she is away! She locks the cage before she leaves, but decides to give you some incentive to be a good boy and be on your best behavior as she plans to bring a man home tonight to... she takes off her high heels and sticks her feet between the bars of the cage for you to worship for a bit. If you are quiet when she gets back home with her date, she will let you play with her feet even more.
cuckolding, foot fetish, mommy roleplay, pee, toilet humiliation
Download link ----> Mommy Gia Cages, Cucks and Hydrates Her Puppy Boy - 439.07 MB

Jasper is annoyed that you continue to hover over her as she is trying to do school work. You both have a huge paper due soon, but you are not prepared for it. She tells you to get back to studying and stop getting in "her space". You are reminding her of a puppy she used to have who would never leave her alone when she was trying to study. In fact she teases you that she may have to crate train you just like she had to crate train that puppy. She tells you again to leave her alone and go back to studying, but you ignore her again. She has had it and decides that from now on if you want to continue to come over to her house, she is going to train you as her new puppy, and if you don't agree, she will tell the teacher you didn't want to be part of the group project. Jasper starts with a basic command and tells you to "sit". You don't sit fast enough for her liking so she gives you the command again. This time you do a better job. She knows her former puppy used to love the scent of her shoes, socks and panties. She decides to take off her sneakers and tells you to crawl closer to sniff her sweaty knee high socks. She expects you to obey her commands, when and how she instructs you to do so! She instructs you to take big sniffs as you are supposed to like that smell as a puppy, and don't forget her shoes too. Next Jasper teaches you to beg...beg to sniff the warm dirty panties that she is wearing. Put your puppy paws together and beg! How bad do you want to put your puppy nose in between her thighs and get a good sniff! Well you are going to have to earn that puppy privilege with good behavior! For now you can continue to sniff her dirty, stinky socks while you stare at her beautiful ass. She is enjoying this and finds it cathartic to punish you for being so obnoxious. She agrees to let you stick around while she studies, but plans to continue to train you as her puppy. Now crawl under her desk and lay by her stinky feet.
blackmail fantasy, panty fetish, puppy play, redhead, sock smelling
Download link ----> Jasper Trains Her Annoying Classmate To Be Her Pup - 520.49 MB

Maia gets to the gym for a workout after her boyfriend fucked her hard last night. She starts out with a good stretch and warming up her body with some cardio on the stepper machine. After getting nice and warmed up she jumps off the stepper. She worked up a good sweat and her armpits are really pungent so she strips off her shirt as it's drenched in sweat. Her whole body is sore after her boyfriend fucked her really good, so Maia gets down on the mat to do some more stretching and some yoga. She feels her shoes are sweaty inside the soles so she takes them off and notices how much her feet smell. As she is stretching out her entire body she knows some lucky guy would love to smell her sweaty armpits, feet, and ass, but her pussy is reserved for her boyfriend, and in fact as she is stretching her legs and groin she decides that tonight would be a good night for her boyfriend to stick his big dick in her ass, so she certainly needs to get a good stretch for that! Maia wraps up her workout and wipes off more of her sweaty body with her shirt and comments that she knows someone would love to take home her sweat drenched shirt!
armpits, cuckolding, foot fetish, sweat fetish, yoga pants
Download link ----> Maia's Workout in After Her Boyfriend Gives Her a Workout - 836.14 MB

After Letty notices right before heading out the door on her date, that you peed on her sex toys, she drags you into the bathroom for a swift punishment. She puts one of your pee pads down on the floor and grabs two of your favorite chew toys. She proceeds to squat down and lets out a torrent of pee all over your chew toys. Oh, but that's not the end of your punishment. She proceeds to make you take the pee soaked chew toys in your mouth to chew on. She then instructs you to drop the chew toys and has you lick pee off her fingers. When her fingers are completely clean of pee she commands you to do one more thing before she finally heads out the door for her date... she tells you to crawl over to her and lick her pussy clean, make sure to get all the pee off so she is properly clean to fuck her date later.
cuckolding, femdom pov, pee, puppy play, toilet humiliation
Download link ----> Letty Cucks and Creampies Her Pup Sub on Date Night Part 2 - 385.12 MB

You've been misbehaving a lot so Aunt Carmen has come over to help stop your bad behavior and train you to be well behaved. You remind her of a rambunctious puppy so she decides it's appropriate to train you as she would train a puppy. She commands you to get down on all fours and she proceeds to put a collar around your neck and attaches a leash. Now that she has you on a leash she is going to make you follow her around all day, whether you like it or not. She commands you to bark for her like a good pup. She is pleased with your bark so pets you on the head. She notices you looking at her feet so she tells you to sniff and lick her sweaty and dirty feet. Even though you don't clean your room, you are going to have to clean her feet! She then catches you staring at her pussy under her dress since she is not wearing any panties. She knows what you want, you dirty puppy, so she tells you to crawl closer and gives you a good sniff of her juicy pussy. Carmen knows puppies like asses too, so she turns around and sticks her asshole in your face and tells you to stick your tongue out and get her asshole nice and clean. She commends you for being a good boy and getting it nice and clean. You get more pats on the head for doing such a good job. As reward she is going to give you a snack... she lifts up the front of her dress again and lets you lick her tasty pussy... now bark and tell her thank you!
asshole fetish, femdom pov, foot fetish, pussy worship, taboo
Download link ----> Carmen Valentina Puppy Trains Her Bad Nephew - 385.64 MB

Agatha is left to look after you, her step son while her husband is away again on a business trip. She is annoyed as she didn't sign up to be the constant babysitter for you. She finds you annoying and out of control so tells you that from now on when you are in her presence you will be treated as her puppy and must obey all her commands! No longer will you be treated as a human, just a puppy! She tells you that she is no longer your step mom, now she is your owner and you will be required to be a good little pup for her. The training starts with a collar and leash she picked up but, that is just the beginning. She will be walking you on all fours, make you eat from a doggy bowl, crate train you, and eventually you'll have to go potty outside, but before that begins, she has you start doing what ever puppy likes to do... sniff and lick her feet. She knows you'll probably want to sniff butts as well, so why not start with hers as she turns around and tells you to put your snout right in between her ass checks to get a good sniff and lick. This is just the beginning... just wait for the public walks in the doggy park on a collar and leash!
ass worship, foot worship, mommy roleplay, puppy play, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Agatha's Puppy Step-son - 1.26 GB

After some play time out by the pool, Irene leads you back inside to the kitchen as it's dinner time. She knows you are hungry but you must be patient as she has to make herself something to eat first and then she will feed you, so she tells you to sit and stay like a good boy. She decides to make you a little snack before she gets too far into making dinner for herself. She knows you want your special snack with the special sauce from Mommy. She grabs your bowl and begins chewing up pretzels and spits them into your bowl. She then takes a gulp of water and swishes it around in her mouth before spitting it back in your doggy bowl to give your "kibble" some "gravy". Ofcourse you need some liquid to lap up with your food, so Mommy Irene takes off her shorts and grabs your water bowl and proceeds to squat down over the bowl and fills it up completely. She certainly doesn't want you to be thirty after you eat your snack! You know Mommy has the best flavors, but she tells you to still wait until she start to prepare her dinner before she gives you the command to lap it all up.... wait, wait.... Ok, lap it all up!
feeding, femdom pov, mommy roleplay, pee, puppy play
Download link ----> Irene Silver's Good Puppy Boy Part 2 - 428.01 MB

Your sister is lying on her bed in lingerie when you crawl into her bedroom. She knows you came in to sniff her ass but she didn't say you could. She also scolds you for being a naughty puppy as she found a pair of her panties she's been looking for. when she was doing laundry. She noticed that you took the them and chewed up the crotch of the panties that had piss, brown marks, cum, and even red stains on them... which you seem to have gotten off off of the panties, you dirty perverted puppy! Well she now needs to punish and discipline you. She takes out a Nyla bone gag and secures it in your mouth with a head strap. From now on you are only going to be allowed to cum on her command, and until you get it right, there will be no more dirty panties for you! She takes a dirty sock on the floor and makes you put your little red rocket in the sock. She then takes your leash and hooks it to her dirty sock that's now on your little penis. She teases you by saying that the sock doesn't exactly smell like her foot scent, as it probably also smell like her boyfriend! Your sister grabs the leash and tells you to make your red rocket nice and hard so she can start to give you a count down to when you have to cum on her command. She starts the countdown from twenty.... you better cum exactly when she gets to zero, and if you don't, there will be no more ass sniffing and her dirty panties for you!
cuckolding, femdom pov, jerk off instruction, panty fetish, taboo
Download link ----> Brother Turned Puppy JOI Punishment For Chewing His Sister's - 378.01 MB

Anastasia has had a very stressful day and has just come home to find that you have left the apartment a mess, again. Anastasia feels that she will be less mad at you, her sloppy roommate if you can at least give her a foot rub after her long day of work. You are very good at giving massages and are glad to have at least one thing you can do right to make your roommate less angry with you. Anastasia teases you with her feet, making you smell them and eventually putting her feet in your mouth. She giggles. Your tongue feels like a puppy’s! Anastasia gets a novel idea. You will probably be a better pet than a roommate. She will help train you for your new role. Better do as Anastasia says, pup, or you will end up on the street!
ass sniffing, femdom pov, foot worship, puppy play, pussy rubbing
Download link ----> Anastasia's Foot and Ass Worship By Her Roommate Turned Pup - 485.79 MB

Jasper is not happy with you. She called you over to her home and it took you 7 minutes to walk next door, and your are standing in her presence! After all the training she has put you through to make you her obedient puppy since she caught you peeping into her window, and you are still not showing enough improvement. Do you know how many boys would beg to be in your place, getting to be so close to her and the privilege of her attention?! She warned you that she can be a sweet loving owner or she can punish you. Do you think you've deserved a sweet loving owner? Well today, she is going to subject you to public humiliation as she invited her friends over. They are all the girls you know from school and they are going to be surprised by a pathetic puppy boy on the floor! When they see you on all fours being treated as Jasper's puppy, her friends are going to laugh at you, and are going to tell everyone at school! When you walk down the halls of school other schoolmates with be telling you to bark! This all could have been avoided if you just behaved and accepted that this is your life now. It's time to let all your human fantasies and wants go, as you are just a puppy now, her puppy! The sooner you face that, the less punishment you'll receive. So when the girls get there, Jasper expects you to be on your best behavior, no whining or barking, as you better not embarrass her infront of her friends. If you behave, maybe her friends will give you pets, and she will even allow you back in her bedroom when she is fucking her boyfriend. Now crawl over and lick her feet clean so they are not smelly and sweaty when her friends arrive. Lap up every bit of sweat or her and her friends are going to walk you around the block when they get there, and everyone will laugh at you! The sooner you accept your role as her puppy, and provide her with unconditional love and obedience, the better your life will become!
cuckolding, femdom pov, foot worship, humiliation, redhead, sfw
Download link ----> Jasper Cucks Her Peeping Neighbor To Be Her Puppy Sub Pt 2 - 522.85 MB

You have been a good, obedient pup quietly watching Autumn while she's been exercising. Since you've been a good boy she wants to reward you. First she leans towards you and has you bury your nose right in her sweaty armpits. Get a really big sniff and worship them! Are you ready now to lick up the sweat from her armpits and the drop of sweat dripping down between her tits. But Autumn knows what you are really waiting for... it's to worship her lovely sweaty feet! Open wide so she can stick her size 8 1/2 feet in your mouth. She wants you to enjoy her sweaty soles and her beautiful arches. Now lap up all the sweat from her wrinkled soles and in between all ten toes!
armpits, femdom pov, foot fetish, foot worship, milf, sfw
Download link ----> Autumn Bodell's Foot Licking Puppy - 478.29 MB

Your girlfriend, Jane, is trying to finish some work before the two of you head out on the town, but you keep hovering over her so she can't concentrate on her work. She has told you time and time again to give her some space and go do something else for a while until she is finished, but you continue to hover and annoy her. She has had it and says you are soo clingy and constantly in her space and following her around. You remind her of puppy so from now on you are going to be her puppy instead of her boyfriend. She expects you to obey her and begins by telling you to get down on all fours. Jane says that boyfriends get all the benefits of having a girlfriend as she flaunts her bodacious body infront of you, but since you are now just her puppy you don't get those privileges. She is however willing to give you some treats. She turns around and bends over in her skimpy, see through panties and tells you to sniff her beautiful ass like a good pup. She compliments you for being a quiet, obedient pup and has another surprise for you... she pulls out a collar and leash she had when she was pet sitting her neighbor's doggy as she thinks it will be a good look for you to put the collar and leash on! After all, you like being so close to her, so she will keep you close with the collar and leash. From now on your are going to follow her every command, but not every command is a bad one, some you will even like, as she commands you to get close and sniff her crotch. If you continue to follow her commands there will be even more treats for you.
ass worship, big tits, femdom pov, obedience, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Jane Jupiter Turns Her Clingy Boyfriend Into Her Pup - 443.64 MB

You finally arrive at Mistress Ditria's home, but she is not very happy with you as you were late to the airport and missed your flight, so you showed up 4 hours later than you were supposed to. As a result, Mistress Ditria was not able to take you to the doggy park to show you off to her friends and have you run around with their doggies. She plans to reschedule your doggy play date but you ruined her plans today so she comes up with a devilish idea to make you pay for missing your flight. See, while you were waiting at the airport for another flight, she called up a guy she's been chatting with and had him come over. She knew he had a big cock to satify her, unlike your little red rocket, so she fucked him multiple times before you finally arrived. Oh, but she was thinking about you too... she saved you a nice fresh creampie for you to lap up from her juicy pussy. You know better than to disobey her after already arriving late, so you crawl in between her spread legs and at her command, you lap up the creampie. Just to make sure you got it all, she has you take once last lick of her pussy to get it nice and clean. Your humiliation and punishment doesn't end there though. Mistress Ditria has a nighttime bathroom ritual of peeing before she heads to bed. Since you are there, she decides not to waste her golden nectar in the toilet, but instead she has you crawl behind her into the bathroom where so proceeds to fill up your doggy bowl with her warm Goddess champagne. Once she fills the bowl, she commands you to lap it all up!
cream pie, cuckolding, femdom pov, pee, puppy play
Download link ----> Ditria's New Puppy Boy Part 3 - 477.33 MB

Goddess Natalia is angry with you and tells you to crawl over to her as you have been a bad mutt for continuing to hump the pillows! She thought she trained that bad behavior out of you as she hates when you whip your little doggy dick out. Well now she is going to punish you. She takes her boots off that she has been wearing all day and shoves the inside of her boot right into your snout to make you sniff the pungent aroma. Then she takes off her stinky, smelly socks and shoves them in your mouth to suck out the sweat. She tells you that is your dinner for tonight. Just to make sure the socks stay in your mouth she ties a bone gag in your mouth. Goddess Natalia sticks her stinky boots back in your nose and makes you inhale them again. She knows how bad you want to worship and lick her feet, but you are gagged with her stinky, smelly socks so she relishes in teases you with her beautiful feet, sticking them right in your face and all you can do is sniff them. Well she has had enough of you and decides that your final punishment will be that you have to stay in your crate for the next week!
boot fetish, femdom pov, foot fetish, goddess worship, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Goddess Natalia Vouise Punishes Her Perverted Puppy Slave - 417.45 MB

Madeline is in the kitchen and calls for you to crawl over to her. You notice she is wearing a skimpy new bikini in red, your favorite color. Well she is not wearing it for you. She is going to the pool with her girlfriends... and a few guys they recently met at your's and her's special restaurant, well it use to be atleast, but since you're just her puppy now you can't go there anymore, because as Madeline teasingly points out, doggy's are not allowed in there. She is very excited to meet up with one particular guy she met at the restaurant, as he is taller and more muscular than you ever were and that just turns her on. As Madeline points out, she has sexual needs that you just can't satisfy now that you are no longer her boyfriend, but just her little puppy boy. She says she doesn't need a little horndog running around when she brings him back home, so she bought a chastity cage to put on your little red rocket. She got a small size chastity, but when she puts it on you she notices it's too big. She teases you that she should have bought an extra small for your little puppy penis but this will just have to due for now. This should stop you from trying to hump anyone or anything when she comes back with that guy, but she warns you that you better be a good boy and leave them alone when he's there. Well she has to leave now, but she knows she has to give you some food and water before she heads out so she grabs two doggy bowls and fills one with some water she spits in there, and the other one with some bread she chews up and spits out in the bowl. You better appreciate this special meal she is preparing for you! Ok, time for her to leave so you better say goodbye the way she has trained you, by kissing and licking her feet and toes!
chastity, cuckolding, femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Madeline's Boyfriend is Now Her Puppy Part 2 - 282.16 MB

Letty informs you that she is getting ready to go out on a date tonight. She expects you to behave while she is gone and if you are a good pup, she will give you a reward when she gets home. Instead of giving her date a blow job, she wants you to fluff him to get him ready to fuck her. She plans to have anal sex with him as well. She is excited for this date because he is able to fuck multiple times in a row, unlike you. If you behave and do a good job fluffing him she will reward you by allowing you to hump her leg, but you're going to have to hump her dates leg too, but that's not all. She is going to have him cum on her tits, in her pussy and in her ass... and you are going to have to lick it all up like a good boy! As she is finishing getting ready to head out the door Letty notices her sex toys are wet! There can only be one explanation, you peed on her sex toys out of disobedience! Well she is going to teach you a lesson right now...
cream pie, cuckolding, cum eating instruction, humiliation, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Letty Cucks and Creampies Her Pup Sub on Date Night Part 1 - 410.74 MB

Your mom Vicky comes home from gym and reminds you that you are going to learn a new command today since you have still been misbehaving. She got all hot and sweaty at the gym, especially since she forgot to wear deodorant and panties today. Vicky wants you to learn her scent because you are going to have to follow her around, and if you don't know where she is, she expects to you to pick up her scent and come to her immediately. She tells you to lay down and rollover and she proceeds to squat over your face with her sweaty spandex gym shorts so you can get a good sniff of her ass! She sits down on your face and cuts off your air just to tease and torment you. She finally stands only to bend down to make you sniff her sweaty armpits. She then turns around and sits back down on your face so you get a whiff of her sweaty pussy and ass, but she doesn't think you are sniffing so she scolds you for being a bad doggy! How about some boobs sweat now, as she lifts up her workout top and squats back down and smushes her sweaty tits right in your face! You seem to be enjoying this too much thought, so she decides to teach you a lesson. She knows you don't like her sweaty shoes but she doesn't care. She pulls them off her sweaty feet and they are extra smelly as she wasn't wearing socks at the gym. She sticks the inside of her sneakers right in your face so you must take a good whiff of them. Your mommy then makes you worship and lick her feet clean. There shall be no more disobedience from you. It's now time for her to take a shower but she says you're not allow to shower her scent off. Instead she leaves her sweaty sneakers for you to sniff and learn to enjoy, while you lie in the crate tonight!
armpits, ass worship, femdom pov, foot fetish, mommy roleplay
Download link ----> MILF Vicky Vixxx Teaches Her Puppy Son To Learn Her Scent - 532.75 MB

While Summer is in the bathroom combing her hair you crawl into the bathroom even though she told you to wait in the living room for her. She is upset with you for disobeying her and trying to hump her leg without permission. She tells you to sniff her hair brush as that will be the only thing you get to sniff until you start acting like a good boy. She feels you need a refresher course in your puppy training. She has you go through your "sit" training and then she teaches you "rollover". You perform rollover well so she is pleased. She saysif you continue to be a good boy she will reward you with a treat. She makes you lay down and then do rollover again just to make sure you are proficient with her commands. She then teaches you "paw" but you must "sit pretty" before performing "paw". You continue to obey her so she gives you scratches on your belly. Over and over you follow her commands so she decides that your reward will be allowing you to sniff and lick her armpit sweat as she wipes each armpit with her hand and sticks it up to your face. She is feeling generous so she turns around to allow you to sniff her sweaty cat suit covered butt as well. She tells you that from this point on she expects you to always listen to her!
armpits, ass sniffing, femdom pov, puppy play, redhead, sfw
Download link ----> Summer Marshall Teaches Her Puppy Slave New Tricks - 425.19 MB

Goddess Fina just brought you back inside from taking you for a walk around the apartment complex with your collar and leash. Her feet are tired and sweaty so she takes off her sneakers and makes you take a sniff of the inside of her sneakers, and they are very pungent! She tells you to be a good puppy and start licking her dirty feet clean. Use that tongue of yours to clean off every inch of her sweaty soles. She starts to scold you for checking out the female joggers on your walk noticed your little red rocket came out during the walk, so she needs to discipline you. She takes out a chastity device and puts in your little red rocket to keep you under control, but the worst part is, she swallows the chastity key! Guess you are now stuck in your penis cage for a long time! She has you continue to lick her soles clean and warns you that you if get hard in your little cock cage she will punish you ever worse. She senses that you need to be hydrated, but rather than get you some water to lap up, she grabs your doggy bowl and proceeds to spit in it for you to consume... no more water for you, only Goddess Fina's saliva, but you must wait for her command to begin lapping it up!
femdom pov, foot fetish, humiliation, puppy play, sfw, spit fetish
Download link ----> Goddess FIna Dishes Out Obedience Training Part 2 - 439.0 MB

London is your new neighbor and has been calling you over to help her move things in her home. Every time she calls you, you rush right over no matter what you are doing. She tells you that you remind her of a puppy she had when she was younger who would always coming running to her when she called it. She decides that from now on you are going to be her puppy, and if you don't agree, you won't be allowed back in her home. Ofcourse you want to be in her presence so you get down on your knees and crawl over to her when she commands you to. She starts your puppy training by making you sniff and lick her feet. Then she wants you to sniff her crotch to know what her pussy smells like before she goes out to have sex on her date tonight. She tells you that if you behave and are a good boy she will treat you to a cream pie after her date. London then turns around to make you sniff her ass before she takes off her dirty panties to give you as a chew toy while she is on her date. Before she heads out, she instructs you to crawl over to the make shift doggy bed and she expects you to stay there until she returns home.
cream pie, cuckolding, femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> London Evan's Cucked Pup Neighbor - 475.14 MB

Mommy Scarlett is stretching and doing her yoga workout when she is startled by you quietly perving on her! She scolds you as you know this is her alone time and you have done this before. She is fed up with your bad behavior so she decides to implement a way to discipline you from a magazine article her friend shared with her. She is going to make you her puppy and make you sniff and lick all things of hers that is sweaty! She starts by making you sniff her stinky sweaty sneakers. Then comes her sweaty socks which she shoves in your face to sniff and taste. Ofcourse you must now sniff and lick her sweaty feet and she expects you to do a thorough job. She does plan buy a collar and leash to train you further and teach you to obey and do tricks for her, and when you learn that she is going to take you outside for walks, but there are still more things she wants you to sniff and lick before she does that. She wants you to sniff and lick the sweat from her armpits and her under boob sweat from her big tits! Infact she wipes that sweat with her fingers and makes you sniff and lick her fingers clean. Lastly, but certainly not least, she turns around and tells you to get your nose deep into her sweaty, pungent yoga pants so you get used to scent of her ass!
ass worship, femdom pov, foot fetish, mommy roleplay, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Mommy Scarlett Venom's Pervy Puppy Boy - 536.39 MB

Jackie calls for you to crawl over to her too. Surprise, she is wearing a very tight fitting sexy Super Girl costume for Halloween! She also has a surprise for you, she is going to dress you up as her Super Doggy for the party. That's right, and you are going to match her too with red puppy ears and a red matching cape! She also got you a kryptonite "bone" for you to play with. She tries to get you to jump up on your hind paws to get it but you're such a little pup that you can't even reach it, so you throws it for you to fetch, but apparently she needs to train you better to learn how to fetch. Jackie plans to bring you into the party on a leash and prance you around so everyone can see what a good boy you really are for her, and if you behave she plans to give you the kryptonite "bone" to carry around the party in your mouth. She may even show everyone the tricks she's going to teach you, like beg, rollover and fetch! She knows you'll be the hit of the party as her Super Doggy companion. She can't wait to show you off to all her friends! After the party, she plans to keep you as her Super Doggy, as she says she will keep you in the costume and even put you in a doggy crate, where you'll have to remain until she takes you outside for walks in the neighborhood, for all the neighbors to see! Now be a good puppy and put the "bone" in your mouth and give your owner a nice butt wag like a good obedient boy!
*Sorry for the lighting fluctuations in this video.
femdom pov, humiliation, mental domination, mind fuck, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Super Girl Jackie Velvets Makes Her Puppy Boy Her Super Dogg - 366.9 MB

Jasper caught you creeping over to her house and jerking off while peeping into her bedroom window while she was masturbating. She tells you to come into her house. When you enter her bedroom she immediately confronts you that she knows that you have been peeping in her bedroom window. She knows you've been doing this for a while as she has recorded hours and hours on her phone camera of you peeping on her. She even knows that you like watching her fuck her boyfriend and suck his cock. You seem to get off on it, just like a little cuck. She decides she will blackmail you by sharing the videos with your parents and the others at school, unless you agree to become her puppy sub. You agree to it, so she tell you she wants her puppy sub down on the floor on your hands and knees. As her puppy sub, Jasper says expects you to run over to her house with your tongue out whenever she calls for you. You are going to do some new things with your tongue out. You will be on your hands and knees at the foot of her bed while she is fucking her boyfriend and if you're a good boy, she will let her you lick up her boyfriend's cum as it drips out of her pussyafter they fuck, but you are going to have to earn the reward of getting so close to her pussy! Maybe to start off with she will let you lick it off her feet or her ass, or even her chest when he cums in her mouth and she dribbles it out. Ofcourse you won't be able to hump her, but as her puppy sub, she will give you a pillow to hump, as long as you follow her commands and beg and obey like a good boy, and if you don't, she won't hesitate to punish you!
blackmail fantasy, cuckolding, cum eating instruction, femdom pov, foot fetish, sfw
Download link ----> Jasper Cucks Peeping Neighbor Into Being Her Puppy Sub Part1 - 476.67 MB

While London Evans is out on her date, Kody Evan's agrees to babysit the puppy sub. London went out to the garage and got a few things they had left over from their doggy several years ago. First she takes out a collar from the "bag of goodies" and puts it on you. She then pulls out a potty pad. She tells you that from now on you are only going to go to potty on the pad and not in the human toilet. Kody knows that all puppies like chew toys so she brings out a bone shaped chew toy and a squeaky toy for you to play with. She wants to train you to be obey her commands but if you aren't obedient she threatens to put hot sauce on your little red rocket. She knows you like to play with shoes as well, so she takes off her sneakers for you to sniff and carry around in your mouth, but warns you that you better not chew on her shoe! Speaking of chewing, all puppies love panties. She doesn't mind you sniffing them, but you better not eat the crotch of her panties! If you do, she will put you outside in the cold! To humiliate you further, she commands you to crawl over and hump her leg. She laughs at you while you're humping away. Ok, just a little bit up humping since she needs to get ready as her boyfriend is coming over, but she will give you one last treat before she gets ready. She turns around, lifts up her skirt and tells you to get closer and shove your nose right in between her butt cheeks! She knows you love this and says she expects you to be a good boy for the rest of the night!
ass worship, femdom pov, puppy play, sfw, toilet fetish, upskirt
Download link ----> Kody Evans Babysits the Pup Sub While London Evans On A Date - 471.63 MB

Kiki is in the kitchen when you walk in expecting her to make you some dinner. There is no way she is making you dinner, after all you're just her roommate, but on second hand, she decides that she will feed you dinner because she is going to be your master and you will be her puppy. She tells you to get down on all fours if you want to eat. She proceeds to chew up some chips and then spits the chewed up chips into a doggy bowl. Your dinner is served as she puts the bowl down on the floor for your lick clean. While you are down there she tells you to sniff and lick her feet. She is sweaty from from the gym so she wants her feet cleaned by our tongue. Her big tits are also sweaty so she lifts up her tops exposing her big breasts and proceeds to scoop the sweat from in between them and has you lick her finger cleaned. She knows you must be thirsty now so she squats down, pull down her shorts and proceed to pee in the other bowl. As her puppy, you know what she expects you to do, but before you lap it all up, she needs you to clean her pussy with your tongue and then she turns around and has you clean her sweaty asshole as well. OK puppy, now it's time to quench your thirst!
ass worship, feeding, femdom pov, pee, pussy worship
Download link ----> Kiki Feeds and Hydrates Her Puppy Boy Roommate - 472.74 MB

Ditria invited you over to her apartment when she saw you in the courtyard of the apartment building earlier today. When you arrive she opens the door wearing a witch costume. She explains that she is trying it on for a Halloween party she is going to. She also says she is working on a Halloween potion punch for the party and asks if you wouldn't mind trying the much to see how it taste. when you agree to, she asks you to follow her downstairs to a room she has been working on the punch. She fills an odd looking silver cup with the punch. As you take a big gulp she asks how it tastes, but all of a sudden you can't seem to speak and things seem to blurry. You are wobbly and sink to the floor. Your perspective is different and you don't understand what is going on. Ditria chuckles and reveals that she hasn't been trying on a witch costume and working on a punch for a Halloween party, but that she is actually a with and created a potion to turn you into a puppy. She you have been a loud, annoying neighbor and no matter how many times she has asked you to be more quiet you have not. She has even complained to the apartment management and still nothing has changed! You've also been following her around the in the apartment complex like a creepy little pup, which is why she got the idea to turn you in to her into her pet. So now, you are going to be Ditira's quiet, obedient puppy, and if you start barking she is just going to muzzle you. This is going to be your new life, atleast for now, so you better get used to it!
erotic magic, femdom pov, mesmerize, puppy play, sfw, transformation fantasies
Download link ----> Witch Ditria's Puppy Potion Turns Her Neighbor Into Her Pup - 572.15 MB

Mistress Katherine Green is pleased with the cleaning job you have done with your tongue, so she is going to reward you with more parts of her sweaty body. Her feet have gotten very sweaty walking around in her leather boots so she peels her boots off and reveals her sweaty, dirty feet. She wants you to give your full attention to her feet, as she knows you love it all, from her wrinkled soles to her perfect toes. She gives you plenty of opportunity to inhale all the scent of her feet, before allowing you to stick your tongue out and lick them. After allowing you quite a bit of time with her feet, she bends over and tells you stick your nose in her sweaty leather covered ass so you can smell the aroma. Mistress Green is feeling devious so she tells you to lie down so she can sit on your face, and really make you get the full experience. Once she feels you've had enough of her ass, she turns back around and knowing that you probably need your thirst quenched by now, she graciously agrees to help. She tells you to open your mouth and stick out your tongue and she proceeds to spit in your mouth. Aren't you a lucky boy for having such a considerate Mistress!
ass worship, feet, femdom pov, humiliation, sfw, spit fetish
Download link ----> Mistress Green's Chastity Pup Slave Cleans With Tongue Part2 - 482.95 MB

Ivory is just finishing up 20 minutes of cardio on the step machine so she's now very sweaty. She sits down on the yoga mat and starts to stretch. She takes off her hot stinky shoes and she realizes how smelly her sweaty socks are so she takes them off and her sweaty feet stink too, but she knows a foot lover like you would love a sniff of them! She then stands up and bends over, sticking her sweaty yoga pants covered ass right in front of you. There is a tiny bit of sweat dribbling right down her but crack. You both know you would love to lap it up! She continues to stretch her legs after her hard workout, something a looser like you knows nothing about, but you are lucky enough to watch her. Ofcourse Ivory can't resist bending over, teasing you with her luscious bigs tits right infront of your face. She has to stretch her feet and toes out too, and her foot sweat if getting all over the yoga mat. Don't you wish you were lucky enough to clean it with your tongue after she uses it?! She continues to tease you by wiggling her toes as you dream of sticking your nose right in between them...keep dreaming! Ivory doesn't want you to forget to give her sweaty armpits attention so she sticks them right in your face and tells you to bury your nose in there to take a nice long wiff...but that's all you deserve!
armpits, ass worship, femdom pov, foot fetish, goddess worship, sfw
Download link ----> Ivory Soles Humiliates Her Looser Foot Boy - 420.1 MB

You been dating Natalia for a little while now but frankly she's just not satisfied with you as her boyfriend so she decides to turn you into her puppy slave instead, and it was the best decision she every made! She loves how obedient you are and how eager you are to please her. Life is so much better being her puppy than pretending to be an alpha male. You don't have to think anymore...all you have to do is listen and obey her every command. She likes when you stay right by her side, catching her spit and clean up her mess, and be a good guard doggy for her. She instructs you bark for her and put your paws up so she rewards you by commanding you to put your paws on your dick, but don't stroke yet, just feel yourself getting hard for your Goddess. She tells you to bark for her as she allows you to slowly stroke your cock. As she continues to tell you to bark, she continues to have you stroke your cock. Your obedience is turning her on. Now drool all over your cock and stroke faster...now stop! She has you start barking and stoking again and reminds you have lucky you are to be her puppy and on the end of the leash. No more words for you...just barking and whimpering until she allows you to cum, and when you do, you will be in puppy head space for her for the rest of your life, enjoying being her good boy! Now the cum countdown begins...10, 9, 8....
femdom pov, goddess worship, jerk off instruction, joi, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Goddess Natalia Vouise Turns Boyfriend into Her Puppy Slave - 477.77 MB

Step-Mommy Lora has just finished exercising and is all sweaty, but before she showers, she calls you into the bathroom. Since you have been such a good boy, she is going to let you sniff and lick her clean all over her body...from her sweaty breast down to her feet, but don't forget to lick everything in between, like her tight abs, her muscular legs, her wet juicy pussy, and when Step-Mommy Lora turns around a bends over she has you bury your nose and your tongue deep in her asshole to lick it clean! You did a very good job and Lora says good boys continue to get rewarded. Now sit patiently in the bathroom while she jumps in the shower and you'll get a further reward when she gets out.
ass worship, foot fetish, goddess worship, mommy roleplay, taboo
Download link ----> Mommy Lora Cross Lets Her Pup Sniff and Lick All Over - 381.94 MB

Irene Silver and Summer Marshall are training you as a new puppy slave, and if you are obedient and well behaved, Summer will keep you as her new puppy slave. They instruct you to get down on the ground and sit like a good boy, and then run you through a series of training hand signals. Once they complete that they discuss what collar to get you. They consider a studded collar, but ultimate decide on a chokecollar for you, as it will be better for your leash training. The two women then sit down on the ground so you can sniff and lick there Domme boots, but they know puppies love feet, especially sweaty smelly feet, so they take off the boots they've been wearing all night and give you a reward by allowing you to sniff their feet! You seem to have an affinity for Summer's long toes, so she gives you an extra treat of letting you sniff the inside of her boot and then let you lick her feet! They tease you a little when they notice your little red rocket getting aroused when you lick her Summer's feet. The two Dommes discuss what to feed you, and Irene suggests chewing up food and spitting it out into your doggy bowl. Summer takes it even a step further and says she wants to piss in your bowl and make you lap it up! Summer then declares that you're not allowed to go home as she plans to keep you as her pup, and she even has a cage to keep you in!
femdom pov, foot fetish, goddess worship, humiliation, sfw, slave training
Download link ----> Domme Irene Silver and Summer Marshall Train the Puppy Slave - 518.68 MB

Your pregnant teacher, Indica, told you to meet her in her office during office hours. When you arrive she tells you that you she's noticed you've gawking at her during class and even your fellow students have noticed and it's been a little uncomfortable. As she dangles her high heel pumps from her feet, she says it's obvious that you've been gawking not only at her pregnant belly, but her swollen feet as well. She suggests that maybe you should spend more time with her during her office hours helping her take care of some tasks for her. She has been dropping things more since her belly has been growing and you've been a very attentive teacher's pet in class so you can come in handy to help her...and even become her real pet! You could massage her feet and while you're down on the floor you can get a big sniff of her sweaty feet. If you are obedient and do as she says, you might be able to even earn some extra credit in class. She will expect you to be very attentive to all her needs. Indica has also noticed that you have been staring at her tight shirts as her pregnant swollen breasts have been getting bigger and bigger! She teases you by unbuttoning her her blouse and exposes her full, luscious breasts. She takes it a step further by telling you she may even drop something on your desk in class while two buttons on her blouse pop open...what would you do as all the other students are staring, as her tits are hanging out?! Would you still help her pick up what she dropped? She will bring her heaving chest in closer and maybe she'll let you touch them and feel how full her breasts are of milk. She buttons up her blouse and says she expects you to be he next subservient student, and be back in her office tomorrow after class to begin the "extra curricular activities".
femdom pov, foot fetish, high heels, humiliation, pregnant
Download link ----> Pregnant Teacher Indica Has A Class Pet - 547.03 MB

Mistress Ditria pets you on the head as you wake up from your first night as her new pup. She went to her favorite sex store while you were as leep and picked up some things to further your transformation as her puppy. Ditria loves black and red leather so she got an entire puppy fetish gear set! First she puts on your head a set of puppy ears so you have floppy black and red leather ears. She also got matching paws to go with your ears so she puts your new paws on next. Ofcourse Ditiria didn't forget a new matching collar and leash as she needs her puppy to look good for her! Since she is your new Owner she plans to get a doggy tag that says "Property of Mistress Ditria" with her phone number on it, just incase you get lost or runaway...but you know better than that! She tells you she also wants you to come visit her at her home, which she will have a puppy cage and all the necessary things like doggy bowls and chew toys to give her new puppy a proper home, after all, Ditria thinks you are a "lost soul" and needs a new home and guidance, that she can provide!
femdom pov, humiliation, puppy play, redheads, sfw, transformation fantasies
Download link ----> Ditria's New Puppy Boy Part 2 - 388.34 MB

Your new Step-Mom Vicky calls you into the living room to have a much needed talk. You have been really misbehaving while her new husband has been away for work. You don't listen to her and she's at her wits end. Clearly what she has been doing to keep you in line has not been working so decides to use another method. She is going to train you as a puppy since she can't get you under control as a boy! If you don't agree to it, she will tell your step-father all the bad things you have been doing and you know he will ground you for a long time if he finds out! Reluctantly you agree to be trained as your Step-Mom's puppy. The first command in your puppy training is "sit". Then she says "come" so you crawl over to her and she puts and collar and leash on you. While she is putting it around you neck you looked down her cleavage! She catches you and although not happy you are being a pervy puppy she know that puppy's like to sniff and lick so she decides to stick her tits on your face to give you a good sniff. She then has you stand again so you can practice "sit" one more time and since you listened to the command like a good pup, she gives you a pat on the head, but now you try to look up her dress at her panties...just like a typical pup trying to pick up the scent of dirty worn panties! Now she knows you're just like a pup who can't control themselves from sniffing and licking. She allows you to take a sniff of her panty clad pussy before commanding you to lay down on the floor as she wants you to get used to another scent...the scent of her shoes and her feet! After all what puppy doesn't like shoes and feet?! You Step-Mom informs you that you will not be napping in your bed anymore. Oh no, she bought a puppy crate and put it at the foot of her bed, and that is what you will be in at night so she can keep a close eye on you!
femdom pov, foot fetish, mommy roleplay, taboo, tit worship
Download link ----> MILF Vicky Vixx Trains Her Bad Step-son To Be Her Puppy - 536.43 MB

Kody is coming over to London's house so London texts her to just come on in. When Kody enters the room she is startled when she sees you. She asked her sis who you are and why are you there down on the floor. London explains to her that you were just a subby boy following her around the mall, just like their former puppy when they were younger. London tells Kody that she gave you the option to stay and be her puppy sub or you could stand up and leave, but obviously you chose to stay and be her pup! Kody asked her sis if she gives you commands and London says she is still in the training phase with you but that you will always be on all fours and that she informed you that you will only go potty on the potty pads or outside in the backyard. London says she wants to get a puppy crate for you and plans to only feed you kibble or the scraps from her meals. Kody responds that since you are a small pup, a small crate will suffice and you don't need a whole lot of scraps. Kody asks if the new pup has a name but London hasn't thought about a name yet so Kody suggests "Lucky", but London doesn't care for that name, so Kody suggests "Spanky", which London likes as well! They discuss that if you misbehave and chew on things you are not supposed to, they will spank you on your little butt and maybe even put hot sauce on your little red rocket! Kody seems to be getting into humiliating you saying you should have a pink sparkly collar and leash and then when it begins to thunder and rain outside she says if you misbehave she will put you outside in the rain! London then remembers that Kody's boyfriend is coming over and teases you that you'll probably get excited and start humping his leg...they both laugh at you! London has to leave now for her date so Kody suggests she bring her date back home to meet the new pup! Kody nods and then asked her sis if she wouldn't mind watching you while she's out on her date. With a devilish grin, Kody says "ofcourse, this will be fun".
cuckolding, female domination, femdom pov, humiliation, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> London Evans Introduces Her Puppy Sub To Her Sis Kody Evans - 391.82 MB

Jasper decides to let you out of your puppy crate for a little bit of playtime She has been doing yoga and she knows how much it drives you crazy to watch her stretch, but she has gotten really sweaty and wants some assistance lapping up her sweat. She is going to have you sniff and then lick the most sweaty parts of her body, but you are not allowed to pull out your little puppy cock. Instead she wants you to grab your puppy pillow and hump it while you sniff and lick, but you are not allowed to cum until she's says you are allowed, and in exactly the way she wants! Jasper tells you to start by giving attention to her yoga pants covered ass. She then wants you to focus on her sweaty sneakers as she pulls them off. She has you bury your nose in there. Ofcourse she knows you really want access to her pungent socks and her perfectly pink sweaty feet. She just loves teasing you and wants to hear you beg! Don't forget to lick the sweat between her tits before she turns around again so you can thoroughly clean every last drop of her sweaty yoga pants ass. Once you do she will allow you 3 licks of her feet...1...2...uh oh, you came before Jasper told you you could, so now she makes you lap up your little puddle of cum!
ass worship, cum eating instruction, femdom pov, foot fetish, goddess worship, sfw
Download link ----> Jasper Reed Teases Her Puppy Boy With Her Sweaty Yoga Body - 488.74 MB

Your mother-in-law has found out you cheated on your wife and as a result she is going to blackmail you! First she puts you on a leash and has you kneel by her as she lays out by the pool on this hot, sunny day. She calls you a looser and says you will have to pay, as loosers pay! She informs you that she sent your wife out to go shopping all day with your credit card to buy anything she wants for both of them! Autumn then tells you that while you are in her presence you will do everything and anything she tells you to do...including cleaning every part of her sweaty body with your tongue. You will lick from her long sweaty neck, all the way down to her big feet, including her bodacious tits and her pungent armpits. She turns around and sticks her big luscious ass in your face and tells you to get you nose deep in there and clean every drops of sweat from her ass, but Autumn also needs to be "satisfied" so she turns back and and pulls up her bikini bottoms up between juicy pussy lips. She expects you to get your nose and tongue deep in there and thoroughly clean her wet, sweaty pussy...she is going to sm other you with her glorious pussy! Now look up at her with those puppy eyes, as she now owns you!
ass worship, femdom pov, financial domination, goddess worship, taboo
Download link ----> Autumn Findoms Her Cheating Son-In-Law Makes Him Clean Her - 619.97 MB

You sit quietly by Mia's bathroom door as she is in her bra and panties putting on makeup. She says that while your parents have been out of town you have been following her around like her good little pup and do everything she has asked you to do, but she is getting a little bored so she has a date tonight. You thought maybe she was getting nice and cute and all made up for you, but of course not, it's for her date! Since Mia had to put you in your cage earlier for misbehaving, she has decided to introduce you to some more extreme punishment. She tells you that she is going to bring the man back to the house after the date and you are going to have to sit patiently by the end of the bed and watch a real man hump her, and no, not just hump her leg like a little pup like you. She notices your little red rocket getting excited as she is telling you this and she knows you want to crawl over to hump her leg, but no, not today. She then reveals a collar and leash she just picked up at the store so she can have better control of you. She proceeds put the collar and leash on you and decides to tease you a bit by pulling you close and allowing you to get a good sniff in between her ass checks then turns around and lets you sniff her crotch of her panties. Ok, you've had enough of those scents so she instructs you to get down and sniff and lick her feet a bit before she has to head out for her date that she is soo excited for. She can't wait to bring him back home and she expects you to be waiting at the front door for when the two of them arrive back at the house and you on all fours greeting them with excitement. This is just the beginning of your pup humiliation as the blackmail she has on you for finding your puppy play porn will keep you as her for for a very long time...as will the shock collar she just put on you!
ass worship, cuckolding, foot fetish, humiliation, taboo
Download link ----> Mia Hope Cuckolds Her Puppy Step-Brother - 375.5 MB

Goddess Natalia Vouise is fed up with you pissing all over her toilet seat, so she is going to do what she should have done a long time again...take you outside and potty train you to go to the bathroom outside, just like the mutt that you are. She has you crawl on a leash over towards the tree in the backyard and informs you that this is where you are going to have to go to the bathroom from now on, and she will only let you out to go potty when you sit by the back door. She tells you to mark your territory and lift your leg to piss. When you finally do, she says you can worship her toes as a reward for peeing like a good doggy in the yard. Ofcourse you will also have to do number two as well outside, as there is no human toilet access for you anymore. She see you are staring at her sweaty ass so she teases you with it saying only she is allowed to use the human toilet in the house. She then pulls on your leash so you get right up in her sweaty Goddess ass to get a good sniff of her pungent ass and pussy. She knows you are such an obedient little mutt for her sweaty body so she also offers you her sweaty armpits as well as a rare treat of the sweat between her tits. Since you have been such a good puppy for Goddess out in the yard, she may even let you play fetch with her sweat soaked body suit.
ass worship, foot fetish, goddess worship, humiliation, sfw, toilet fetish
Download link ----> Goddess Natalia Vouise Potty Trains Her Mutt Outside - 427.63 MB

Mistress Angel Severin brings you, her puppy slave, into the bathroom. She has had a lot of cocktails with her girlfriends and needs to relieve herself. Rather than waste her golden nectar in the toilet she decides to treat you with a golden treat. She places you in the tub and pulls back her latex to reveal her beautiful pussy. Mistress says that goldens make her orgasm so she enjoys this, and it clearly shows as she releases her goddess champagne! When she is finished she is soo turned on that she has you sniff and lick her breasts as well! Now it's time for you to clean her up...starting with her pussy and then to clean off her latex leggings, but she doesn't forget her ass, as she turns around and bends down so you can get a good sniff, and lick her ass clean! When she feels you have done a good job, she tells you to be a good boy and stay there as she gets ready to head out to meet up with her girlfriends again!
femdom pov, goddess worship, latex, pee, toilet slavery
Download link ----> Mistress Angel Severin Gives Her Puppy Slave a Golden Treat - 389.5 MB

Raquel is left in charge to babysit you while their parents are away. She plans to invite her girlfriends over for the weekend but has to have a talk with you as she noticed on your computer you've been looking taboo porn of boys trying to fuck their step sisters. She is disgusted by you and is certainly not going to let you sit in your room jerking off to the thought of fucking her and peeping in on her and her friends. Since she's in charge she whips out a chastity device she had for her boyfriend, and tells you you'll have to wear this all weekend. If you don't go along with this, she will let your parents and your friends know about what type of perverted porn you've been watching. She proceeds to put the chastity device on your little penis and then teases him a bit with her big tits. She sees you as just a horndog so she breaks out a collar and leash and puts it on you. Now she has complete control over you. She tells you you'll have to walk on all fours all weekend, even with her girlfriends around. Not only will you be a little bitch pup around them, but you'll be servicing them as well. You want to fuck your step sister, but instead you'll be fucked in the head by your step sister.
chastity, femdom pov, humiliation, sfw, sph, taboo
Download link ----> Raquel Roper Puts Her Step Brother in Chastity - 470.48 MB

Sorceress Morgana brings you over to clean her home, but instead you make a mess. You are dirty and sloppy and even pees on the toilet seat. She has had enough and puts you in a cage. From now on you will stay in there as her puppy slave and she even puts a puppy pee pad in there as that is where you will be going potty from now on. She also double cages you by putting a chastity device on your little penis as you have a tendency to want to hump a lot of things. She notices you got aroused when she put the chastity device on your little red rocket and now you're panting and seems to want to lick something. She decides to let you briefly lick one of her sweaty armpits. She is getting tired of dealing with her new puppy slave and needs to go out for a while. Before she heads out, she leaves you with something to lap up while she is gone...she pees in your new doggy bowl. She then turns around and has you lick the droplets of her Goddess nectar from her pussy and ass.
armpits, ass worship, chastity, femdom pov, toilet fetish
Download link ----> Morgana Double Cages Her Pee Pup Slave - 388.35 MB

Mistress Severin's has you on your knees in front of her. Today you will be experience something new. Mistress has laid out several new pieces of fetish gear as today you are going to be transformed from her average slave to her puppy slave! She plans to make you a full on puppy with a collar and leash, a puppy mask, and even puppy paws! She doesn't want her new pup to start humping things and certainly not other people, without her permission, so she decides to put your little puppy penis in chastity, just to make sure you behave. Once she has you in new puppy slave gear she realizes something very important is missing...a puppy tail! She says she will go shopping for a tail, so next time she sees you, you'll be a proper pup! You will be treated and expected to act fully as her puppy, not a human and will take you for walks, and even make you lap up her pee from a doggy bowl!
chastity, femdom pov, humiliation, sfw, sph, toilet fetish
Download link ----> Mistress Angel Severin's Puppy Slave in Chastity - 484.02 MB

Kylie Rose puts you in a doggy cage so you won't run around in the house while she is out on a date. She entices you to be a good pup in the cage by allowing you to sniff and lick her feet, and turning around to give you the treat of sniffing and licking her butt hole. She then tells you that you will only be able to quench your thirst with your pee that she will fill in your doggy bowl. As she heads out, she threatens that if you don't behave when she brings her date back later, that she will muzzle you with a bone gag!
ass worship, brat girls, cuckolding, femdom pov, foot fetish
Download link ----> Bratty Kylie Rose Cages and Cucks Her Step Brother - 330.0 MB

rene is lying out by the pool with you. You have proven to be a good boy, so far. She knows you're eager to play fetch with one of your favorite chew toys, so she indulges you with some play time, which she actually enjoys as well, since she finds you so cute and playful. After a bit of fetch she wants to relax and soak up the sun but her pup is being frisky...you start to sniff and lick her feet. She tells you to stop so she can relax, but that only makes you crawl closer to her, in attempt to sniff her butt. She says "no" and commands you to just sit quietly by her side while she pets you. The sun is already starting to set, so she says it's time to leave the pool and get ready for dinner. She clips the leash onto your collar as she leads you back home for the evening.
ass worship, femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play, sensual domination, sfw
Download link ----> Irene Silver's Good Boy - 427.77 MB

Miss Wolfe's lover is coming over so she is going to have to put her puppy boy in the doggy crate the entire night so he doesn't get in the way. She sees you getting aroused as she is telling you this, so she decides to put you in chastity, but before she does, she decides to give you a little sniff of her ass and pussy so you have a good idea of what her lover is going to get full access to tonight. She tells you if he is a really good boy and doesn't bark or whimper while he is watching them fuck, she may let you sniff and lick her pussy after her lover fucks her without a condom. She reveals a chastity cage and puts it on you to control that little red rocket, and just to ensure he does not interrupt their love making later, she whips out a doggy bone gag and puts it in his mouth and secures the straps around his head.
ass worship, chastity, cuckolding, femdom pov, sfw, sph
Download link ----> Miss Wolfe Makes Her Puppy Boy A Voyeur - 430.98 MB

Sasha is responsible for babysitting you, her step brother, while your parents are away. She can't trust you to behave himself without supervision because she has caught you stealing her panties so she puts you in a doggie crate. She is now your new owner and you have no choice but to accept it. She buys you a doggie bowl to feed you in the cage, because she is certainly not going to let you out and mess up the house. She notices you fixated on her feet so she sticks her toes through the cage and makes you lick them clean. She seems to be enjoying this new dynamic so she takes it farther and tells you that from now on you won't be using the bathroom they share, no, you will be using the puppy p ee pad when you needs to go to go potty. Once she lays down the new rules she tells you to get comfortable in you new "home" because she is going out with her friends for a while.
caging, femdom pov, foot fetish, sfw, taboo, toilet fetish
Download link ----> Sasha Foxxx Crate Trains Her Little Brother - 379.96 MB

You think you're pretty slick, huh? Well, your mom found a pair of her used panties in your messy, dirty room, and she wants you to explain yourself. She goes on to tell you that you're disgusting to want to smell mom "down there", and that if you're going to continue to live in her house, there's going to be some new rules. Since you don't want clean the human dishes, she bought you a special puppy bowl that you'll be eating out of all the time. How humiliating will it be for you to have to eat out of your puppy bowl when all of your friends come over. To further your humiliation, she's going to tell all of your little buddies that you sniff your mom's panties. If you change your ways and are really good, maybe she'll use her dirty panties as a little bribe or treat to get you to do the things she wants you to do. Now, let's start with these feet. You don't like feet? That's not her problem. You're going to do what you're told. Now, lick those feet. This is just the beginning of your training, so you better do well.
femdom pov, foot fetish, humiliation, mommy roleplay, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Megan Jones' Panty Stealing Son - 383.97 MB

Miss Devi discovers you have been a very bad boy by sticking your little puppy penis in her favorite pair of high heels and humping them! She is angry and disgusted that you violated one of her most valued possessions. She went to the Veterinarian to figure out the best way to correct her puppy slave's bad behavior and they both decide a shock collar is the best method of correction and punishment. When she reveals the shock collar she sees you start to sweat, and rightfully so. She makes you crawl over to her and begins to put it on you, but not around your neck...this is going around your balls! She gives you a few quick zaps to show you how much she can control and correct your behavior, and warns you that if this doesn't work, the only next step will be to cut off your little puppy balls!
domination, femdom pov, high heels, puppy play, sfw, sph
Download link ----> Isobel Devi Shocks Her Bad Puppy Slave - 508.64 MB

Vika gets in the pool while holding on to your leash. She wants to get you in the pool to teach you to doggy paddle but you seem afraid of the water. After trying to convince you there is nothing to be scared of, you still won't get in so she decides to remove her bathing suit to get you to come into the pool, but that isn't working either, nor is allowing you to sniff her bikini bottoms. Maybe letting you lick Mommy's breasts will lure you in but, nope, that didn't work either. You seem to be a scared and stubborn pup! Well Vika has to go to the bathroom, so she gets out of the water and finds a nice spot on the grass to teach her puppy how to go potty by leading by example...she goes first and then instructs her puppy boy to follow her lead!
femdom pov, goddess worship, mommy roleplay, pee, sensual domination
Download link ----> Vika Tries To Teach Her Puppy Boy To Doggy Paddle - 419.61 MB

Janine brings you back from the gym and puts you in your cage. Since you were a good boy at the gym, she is going to give you treats, as promised. She knows how much you love to sniff and lick her sweaty body after she exercises. First she lets you get close to her sweaty red panties to sniff her sweaty crotch and then she tells you to get some good licks in right against her wet, sweaty pussy. Janine then sticks her fingers in between her big, luscious sweaty tits and has you sniff and lick her fingers. She doesn't want you to forget her juicy ass, so she turns around to give you access to that. She then turns back around and give you access to her under boob sweat and her aromatic armpits. After those treats she reminds you that she is going out tonight so she sets a potty pad down in your cage and grabs your favorite chew toy, which she teases you with by wedging in right into her sweaty crotch. Ok, before she goes, she graciously decides to give you a few more treats as she pulls down her yoga top to give you some more sniff and licks of her sweaty breasts and a few more from her sweaty crotch...you are quite the lucky good boy!
ass worship, femdom pov, goddess worship, sensual domination, tit worship
Download link ----> Janine Jericho Gets Gym Sweaty for Her Lazy Pup Part 2 - 424.93 MB

t has been a week since Kat has transformed you from her boyfriend into her puppy. You've done just ok with your training but not good enough for her liking. First of all, you continue to try to speak like a human, but puppies don't speak human. She needs to correct this so she bought a bone gag that she is going to make you wear, unless you are eating. She thinks this will get you to stop speaking like a human very quickly! Kat also has been lenient with you eating at the table, but from now on you will only be eating scraps from her meals in doggy bowls she got for you, and of course you'll be on the floor when you do so. She sees that you notice the sexy red lingerie she is wearing, but she's not wearing it for you. Oh no, she is wearing it for her date tonight! After all, since you are now her puppy and not her boyfriend, she needs to get her sexual needs satisfy. However, she will give you a little treat, by allowing you to worship her high heels and her bare feet, before she heads out on her date.
cuckolding, femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play, redheads, sfw
Download link ----> Kat VanWylder Transforms Her Boyfriend Part 2 - 449.42 MB

Jae Lynn is sitting on the couch feeling tired and swollen as she is 9 months pregnant when you walk into the room. She tells you she needs to have a talk with you, but instructs you to sit down by her feet as she prefers to look down. She says you've been a bad, unruly step-son and now that you've been suspended from school a few times she has had enough. With the baby about due she can't tolerate your behavior anymore... things need to change drastically! From now on she is going to treat you just like a pup so she can get better control of you. She doesn't care how you feel about it Since you are down by her feet she tells you to start sniffing and licking her sore swollen feet, just like a good pup would. You are now going to have to eat, rest, and go to the bathroom just like a puppy would do. Speaking of bathroom, Step-Mommy needs to pee but she so tired and struggles to walk as she is so close to giving birth, so she decides to indoctrinate her new "puppy" with something special for him to lap up from his new doggy bowl. She manages to get up off the couch and strip out of her shorts and panties only to squat down over the bowl and relieve herself, filling the bowl with her special golden nectar that her pup will be to lap up. You better get used to it because this is just the beginning...
femdom pov, mommy roleplay, pee, pregnant, taboo
Download link ----> Pregnant Jae Lynn Fills Her Puppy Boy's Bowl - 584.76 MB

Sunshine Tampa walks into her room and catches you sniffing her dirty panties. She is livid! She just got back home and asked you to do your chores and clean up while she was gone. You are lazy and don't clean up after yourself, you get bad grades and you won't even look for a part time job! She is fed up and tells you from now on, things are going to change. Since you acts like a dirty doggy she is going to treat you as such from now on... Sunshine is going to make you her puppy! She tells you to get down on the floor and crawl over to her and stick your nose right in her butt crack to get a good sniff of her sweat soaked gym shorts. She notices you drooling from sniffing her butt, just like a doggy. She reveals and collar and leash and puts it on you, telling you this is how she is going to control you from now on, including taking you outside for walks and to go potty, so you don't have any accidents in the house. If you misbehave she is going to spank you on the ass with the leather leash handle. She starts your training with commands and tells you that from now on video games are a thing of the past, as those are only for humans. Chew toys and playing fetch are the only fun and games you will have from now on.
ass worship, femdom pov, humiliation, mommy roleplay, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Sunshine Tampa Dolls Out Puppy Punishment - 421.15 MB

Rennadel is trying to watch TV but you're in the way! She tells you if he won't get out of the way she is going to wrestle you and kick your ass, again! You don't seem to listen and in fact seems to want to wrestle her. She tells you that she noticed when you two wrestled in the past you got aroused and even rubbed your dick on her leg, humping her just like a puppy. Well since Rennadel is one kinky woman, so she has in her possession a chastity device which she reveals and says if you want to get close to her, you will have to let her put it on you. You're conflicted but can't resist so you crawl over to her at her command and pull your pants and underwear down. Rennadel comments how small your little red rocket is! She puts the chastity on you and tells you to come close to make you hump both her legs, like you could have resisted anyway!
chastity, femdom pov, humiliation, sfw, sph, taboo
Download link ----> Rennadel Puts Her Pervy Pup Brother in Chastity - 330.73 MB

Onyx Kim is exercising at the gym. As she finishes and turns around she sees you staring at her ass from just behind her. You appear to be panting and drooling. She confronts you and says you remind her of a puppy following after his owner, so she decides to lure you along and treat you as such. She makes you follow her every move as she continues her work out, getting nice and toned and sweaty. After she goes through the rest of her exercises, she stretches allowing you a nice close up look and sniff of her sweaty white workout booty shorts. She proceeds to take off her shoes and stick her sweaty sock clad feet in your face for a good sniff, and then peels off her socks, teasing and tormenting this aroused pup with her beautiful, sweaty, pungent feet...a treat your not even deserving of!
femdom pov, foot fetish, goddess worship, sfw, socks, sweat fetish
Download link ----> Onyx Kim Collars The Gym Pup - 486.26 MB

Step-Mommy Kitty is going out on a date tonight and is excited to get fucked hard, but before she leaves she has to get her puppy step-son situated and lay down some ground rules while she is gone. First off you'll be locked in the bedroom as she can't trust you to be loose around the house, and you are not to get on the furniture. As she strips down naked to change her for date, you crawl over and start to sniff her butt. She is startled but used to it. She does allow you to sniff her pussy and tells you to remember the scent as she is going to have you sniff her pussy after she is fucked so he can smell the difference. She may even make you lick her pussy after she is freshly fucked. She then turns around and presents you with her butt and asshole to sniff. As she is putting on a new dress her for date she says she is going to leave you with something special to eat. She grabs your doggy bowl and proceeds to chew up some pretzels and spits then back out in your bowl. This is all your going to get to eat but it is from Step-Mommy, so you better enjoy and appreciate it. But ofcourse you need something to wash it down. Step-Mommy is so nice that she is going to give you some special "nectar". She takes your other bowl, puts it on the floor and proceeds to pee it in for you to lap up...another special treat for her puppy boy! Before she walks out the door for her date she decides to take off her panties and leave them for you as a chew toy to play with. After all she knows those panties won't be staying on long anyway...
ass worship, cuckolding, femdom pov, mommy roleplay, toilet fetish
Download link ----> Mommy Kitty Cucks Her Puppy Boy - 634.82 MB

Now that Kiki has made you her puppy she decides to take you outside on a collar and leash for your first walkies. She loves looking at you down on all fours obeying her commands. She has a "treat" for you. She has brought with her a doggy bowl as she figured you would get thirty, but instead of filling it with water, she squats down and pees in it, telling you you're going to have to lap it up, but after that, Kiki wants you to now lick her clean after she pees, and since pups love feet she tell you to get down to sniff and lick her feet like a good pup would. Kiki then hikes up her skirt and turns around and spreads her butt cheeks making her new pup worship her asshole. There is still one more "treat" for him...she tells him that she is going to train you to pull her tampon out of her pussy by pulling on the string with his puppy teeth, and she expects you to chew on it like a dirty doggy!
ass worship, femdom pov, foot fetish, pee, pussy worship
Download link ----> Kiki Fills Up Her Horndog's Bowl on Walkies - 428.22 MB

You've been a pretty good puppy so far, and have learned a lot of tricks and commands, but now it's time to crate train you. Every night when you stay there, you'll be staying in a crate. Of course you'll have some things in your crate to help you through the night, like a nice pee pad to go potty on as Lauren doesn't want to wake up to a mess, Lauren then places a bone gag in your mouth so that you don't whimper or bark while she's getting her beauty rest. She knows that you've been dying to sniff her, and since you've been a good boy so far, it's time to reward you. She sticks her toes inside your cage for you to sniff and lick. She encourages you to lick all of her toes & really get the scent of her sweaty toes in your nose. Lauren tells you you're a good puppy, then turns around & tells you to sniff her ass. She tells you to stretch to really get your nose inside there. She bends over a little, to let you sniff her pussy a bit. Now that you're all tucked into your crate, it's time to go to bed.
ass worship, caging, femdom pov, foot fetish, panty fetish, sfw
Download link ----> Lauren Phillips Preparing The Puppy For Bedtime - 436.66 MB

Letty brings you into the bathroom to potty train you as you can't seem to figure out how to go potty now that you are her puppy. You don't go when she takes you outside and you don't go when on the potty pad inside! She puts another potty pad down on the floor in the bathroom and tells you why she hasn't given you anything to consume today...she pulls down her shorts and squats over your doggy bowl and shows you how to p e e...in your bowl! She fills up your bowl and now as your punishment for not following her potty training lessons, you're going to have to lap it all up as that is the only thing you get until you do so!
femdom pov, humiliation, pee, sph, toilet humiliation
Download link ----> Letty Potty Trains Her Puppy Boy - 283.15 MB

Jasper is sitting on the sofa waiting for her boyfriend to arrive when she notices you staring at her down by her feet. Not only is she creeped out by him, but she is mad as she has told you many times that she wanted the house to herself when her boyfriend comes into town so they can have privacy to fuck. It dawns on her that you deliberately wants to be around so he can witness her fucking, as she knows you want to be the one to fuck her...but she tells you that is just not going to happen. She thinks of you more as a perverted little pup following her around trying to get near her to sniff her dirty panties and ofcourse her crotch, ass and feet. She tells you that if he won't leave her alone with her boyfriend, than she is going to lock up your tiny penis with the chastity device she actually bought to spice things up with her boyfriend. She mocks you by saying the chastity device she got for her hung boyfriend is way too big for your little red rocket, so she will have to get a micro chastity cage for you, but for now the larger one will have to do. She knows you're too weak to resist her will, especially when she teases you with her feet and her asshole...she knows you crave to get right in there to sniff and lick them!
ass worship, cuckolding, femdom pov, foot fetish, goddess worship, sfw
Download link ----> Jasper Cucks Her Step Brother - 471.43 MB

Mia has been noticing you peeping over the fence and perving on her when she is lying out by the pool. She also has been hearing barking coming from your yard and she knows you don't have a puppy so she peaked over the fence and saw you crawling around on all fours barking like a doggy. She decides to use this to her advantage and blackmail you to becoming her puppy. She calls you on the phone and you scampers over to her house in 2 minutes flat! She reveals to him that she saw you on all fours barking and that she has caught you perving on her over the fence. She threatens to tell your parents, if you don't behave like a good boy and agree to be her puppy. You seem to be compliant so she tells you to get down on all fours and sniff and lick her sweaty feet, like a good pup would. She surprises you with a chew toy bone that she had from a previous pet and makes you take that from her hand with your mouth. After a while of that she notices you panting and his little red rocket getting hard. She teases him that your little dick is smaller than the chew toy bone she gave you. She suspects your thirsty from licking her feet in the heat but instead of him lapping up some pool water, she tells you to crawl over to her side and sniff and lick her armpit sweat instead, for something wet to consume. She notices you staring at her crotch but says you can't stick your snout there. Instead she rubs her pussy with her fingers and sticks them in your face to sniff and lick the scent and dampness. She decides to give you one last treat..she turns around and allows you to sniff her sweaty butt before telling you to scamper away and leave her be!
armpits, ass worship, blackmail fantasy, femdom pov, foot fetish, sfw
Download link ----> Mia Hope Collars Her Peeping Neighbor - 438.33 MB

Summer just picked you up from a special doggy daycare and is arriving home after being out and about the entire day. She is excited to see her pup but he seems a bit tired out from your play time with the other pups at the doggy daycare. She starts to pet you and grabs one of your chew toys to play a game of tug o war. You seem to get your energy and gives her a real run for her money during your little game. When Summer has had enough, she instructs you to sit patiently while she unwinds and takes off her socks and shoes, but that is when you spot one of her smelly, sweaty socks, just as she put them on the floor. You grabs it with your mouth to play with as a chew toy, but she is not happy and scolds you for it. She proceeds to take off her other shoe and sock so she can put her tired feet up on the coffee table, but this excites you even more as you can't resist sniffing and licking her beautiful feet and toes. Summer however is not in the mood and just wants to relax. She scolds you again, as she did not give you permission to sniff or lick her feet, yet you won't leave them alone no matter what she does. She is fed up with your disobedient behavior so she gets up, grabs your collar and proceeds to drag you outside, headed to the doggy crate to give you some disciplinary crate training!
femdom pov, foot fetish, long toes, puppy play, sensual domination
Download link ----> Summer Marshall Brings Her Pup Home from Doggy Daycare - 430.69 MB

Mz Haze has puts you in the cage for the evening. She is wearing the red lingerie that you like but says it's not for you. She is going on a date and thinks her date will really like it too! She is going to keep you in the cage all night while she is out on her date and plans to come back with her date as she is going to get fucked good and hard by him tonight! She seems to enjoy the fact that her pup will have to sit there quietly locked in the cage and listen or wonder what is happening in the other room, but she threatens you with a bone gag if you don't remain quiet while they are fucking. She is considerate though of her pup, as she may bring back some scraps from her dinner for him to eat, but in the meantime leaves you a chew toy bone and a nice bowl of her p e e, should you get hungry and thirsty locked in the cage while she is out enjoying herself on the date. Before she finishes getting dressed to head out, she let's you get a good sniff of her pussy and ass...just so she can teach her good boy the difference in smells before and after she gets a good fucking by her date!
ass worship, cuckolding, femdom pov, milf, toilet fetish
Download link ----> Mz Haze Teases and Cucks Her Good Boy - 286.28 MB

Lora is masturbating in her bedroom and doesn't notice you come into her bedroom and watch her. This isn't the first time you've done this and invaded her privacy! She's had talks with you about this, but clearly is hasn't worked, so she needs to take a more strict, unconventional approach. Lora had to give up her pup because you were allergic to canine pups, she decides to make you her new pup! This will hopefully make you more obedient and well behaved, and at the same time kinda of satisfy her need for a pup. Since Lora has been considering this drastic step for a while as she has seen no signs of behavioral improvement, she stopped by the pet store and picked up a few items to start your transformation to pup. She reveals a studded collar and matching leash and explains to you that this is a big moment in their relationship. She proceeds to put the collar on you to initiate you new training. She loves the way it looks on you! She also picked up a bone gag from the store, just incase you starts to mouth off. She explains that any of that future behavior will warrant you being gaged with the bone. Ok, it's time to take you for a walk on the leash for the first time, so she pulls on the leash and instructs you to follow her out of the bedroom, which you seems to obey like a good boy!
femdom pov, masturbation, mommy roleplay, sensual domination, taboo
Download link ----> Lora Cross Trains Her Pervy Son - 474.47 MB

London is at the mall buying a new dress when she notices you following her around from store to store. She finds it kinda creepy but she senses you are a harmless submissive male so she decides to use that to her advantage. She invites you back to her home which you think is an invitation to get lucky with her, but once you two get back to her home, she reveals her true intentions...she has no intention of having sex with you, but instead is going to turn you into her human puppy, since you seem to want to follow her around everywhere, just like a puppy would. You don't seem to object, so she tells you to get down on all fours and she lays down the ground rules. While you are in her presence you will be treated only as her puppy. She will train you to obey her commands...all her commands. She will walk you around on a collar and leash, teach you to fetch and stay when commanded, and she will control what you eat, including eating kibble out of a doggy bowl. She will also control where and when you go potty...you will either go on a puppy pad, or she will walk you outside to go potty in her backyard. When you have had enough training she will walk you outside in public on a leash and will expect you to go potty there as well! Don't worry though, London also has a soft spot and if you behave she will buy you lots of chew toys to play with. While she is telling you about your new life as her puppy sub, she notices her phone was vibrating so she picks it up and sees it was her step-sister, Kody, texting her to say she is on her way over to London's house. London knows her step-sister will be very excited to meet her new puppy boy!
femdom pov, humiliation, mind fuck, puppy play, sensual domination, sfw
Download link ----> London Evans Adopts Her Puppy Sub At The Mall - 415.86 MB

Mistress Nicci just finished taking you, her puppy slave, for a walk and puts you back in your cage.
She chastises you for being such a chubby puppy, telling you that she is going to make you to loose weight. She's going to start to restrict what you consumes. She gets a devlish grin on her face and says that you'll only be consuming things that come from her. She squats down and to quench your thirst, she proceeds to pee in your doggy dish. Ofcourse you does need something else to consume, so she unleashes a barrage of ripe burps for you to inhale. She is soo generous she decides to grant you the pleasure of consuming her spit as well, which she drips into the pee filled doggy dish. You better get used to this "gourmet meal" as this will be what you will given for a while, atleast until you loose some weight.
burping, femdom pov, humiliation, spit fetish, toilet fetish
Download link ----> Mistress Nicci Gives Her Puppy Slave a New Diet - 475.98 MB

Megan has gotten sweaty from being outside in the heat waiting for her puppy boy to arrive. Before she jumps into the pool, she has you sniff her sweaty crotch. She then jumps in the pool and tells you to sit there like a good pup and watch your owner enjoy the cool refreshing water. She asks if you know how to swim, but you indicate that you don't, so she shows you how to doggy paddle. She teases you by getting all wet especially her big boobs and butt, making you drool! She comes right up to you by the edge of the pool and sticks her boobs right in you face to lick off sweat and water. Before she decides to get out of the pool, she leans back and sticks her feet out of the water, wiggling her toes, which she knows gets you all hot and bothered!
big tits, femdom pov, foot fetish, goddess worship, sensual domination, sfw
Download link ----> Megan Jones' Pool Tease - 422.06 MB

Stella is very angry with you as she's caught you stealing her panties that you tried to hide from her under your mattress. She says you're acting undisciplined and wild. She takes the dirty panties and makes you sniff and lick them, but she has a surprise...she put a magic potion that turns you into her puppy. Now that you're a young pup she is going to retrain you so you can be well behaved and provide unconditional love and respect to your Mommy. She starts your training with commands and a squeaky chew toy. Since you are starting to obey, she gives you a belly rub, which she sees you loves. Ofcourse she knows pups love to sniff so she decides as her pup, it would be ok to turn around and let you get a good sniff of her panty clad butt, but scolds you for trying to lick there. She does however let you sniff and lick her sweaty armpits. You have been pretty well behaved so she thinks it's time to turn him back into a boy again. She takes a rolled up newspaper and tells you when she wacks you three times you will turn back. She does but it doesn't work the first time. She tries again but this time, instead of turning back into a boy, you turn into a baby...
ass worship, female domination, goddess worship, mesmerize, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Mommy Stella Magically Transforms Her Boy Into A Puppy - 286.28 MB

Miss Rogue comes home sweaty and smelly from the gym and is trying to stretch post workout but you are on the ground all up in her personal space. You won't leave her alone and she is getting very annoyed. She doesn't understand why you would be getting so close to her and even trying to get a sniff of her when she is soo sweaty and disgusting, especially since you never seems to give her the time of day otherwise, and for the last several years you have let yourself go physically and no longer satisfies her sexually. She starts to yell at you and tells you that if he want to crawl around on the floor trying to smell her, just like a puppy, then she is going to treat you as one. She sticks her sweaty socks in your face and says to sniff! Then she puts her sweaty, smelly bare feet in your face for you to sniff and lick them all over, from the toes to the soles. She's not done there, as she makes you sniff and lick her sweaty armpits, the crotch of her ripe, sweaty yoga pants and to really put you in puppy mode, she turns around and tells you to sniff her butt, just like a good pup would. When she is finally tired of you, she tells you to crawl away!
armpits, ass worship, femdom pov, foot fetish, humiliation, sfw
Download link ----> Miss Rogue's Annoying Pet Hubby - 431.68 MB

You obey Indica's commands and arrive at her bedroom door exactly when she told you to arrive. She has just come from the pet store where she picked up a collar and leash, doggy gate, and doggy bowl, all for her new puppy buy, you! She tells you that as she grows, she expects your obedience to grow with her. Her feet are getting very tired all the time now that she is pregnant and she expects to you pay special attention to them, like a good pup would. You will learn to get excited over every aspect, including following her into the bathroom now that she has to frequently pee. She attaches the new collar around your neck and leads you into the bathroom with her as she has to pee again. Oh look, you new doggy bowl is there and she teases you by saying she has to pee so much she could fill your bowl as well! As she sits down on the toilet and begins to pee she tells you that soon her belly will be soo big that she might need your tongue to help clean her up...
femdom, foot fetish, pee, pregnant, toilet humiliation
Download link ----> Pregnant Indica's Yard Doggy Part 2 - 848.87 MB

Savannah loves how you look in your new doggy cage. She hopes you like it in there because you're going to be spending a lot of time there. She tells you she hopes all the pegging she did to your ass will pay off as she wants to make sure the puppy tail butt plug she got for you will fit. She instructs you to turn around and stick your ass high in the air. She shoves the butt plug into your lubed and loosened ass. She is happy with the way it fits and reminds you that she expects you to wag your new tail whenever you are happy. As her new puppy she informs you that you are not human anymore in her eyes so you won't be using the toilet. Instead she reveals a puppy potty pad and sticks it in your cage as this is where she expects you to go potty from now on. Speaking of pe e, she grabs you doggy bowl but instead of filling it with water, she decides to fill it with her goddess nectar instead. This is a treat you better appreciate and enjoy because no one else gets this treat, so start lapping up every drop. Well it's getting late and she has a few things to do before bed, so it's lights out for you as she leaves you in your cage for the night.
femdom, milf, pegging, puppy play, toilet humiliation
Download link ----> Savannah Costello Collars Her Pup Part 2 - 434.22 MB

Lexi calls you into the bedroom. She reminds you to get down on all fours and proceeds to show you some things she bought at the pet store. She shows you a doggy bowl, where he will be eating all his meals from now on. Then she shows you a few chew toys she picked up, as you will no longer be able to use human toys and videos games. She then breaks the big news...she got a cage to keep you in as she can't have you running around freely when she is out of the house for a while, especially tonight as she is going on a date. She notices you seem distracted by her feet. She knows puppies can't resist feet so she allows you a sniff and a lick and then allows you to nuzzle up close to her crotch to get a sniff of the panties she is wearing. She knows this must drive you crazy so she indulges you for a bit and then turns around and allows you to sniff her butt before peeling down her panties and giving you the ultimate treat...a very worn, very pungent pair of panties for her puppy to enjoy as a chew toy!
cuckolding, femdom pov, foot fetish, panty fetish, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Lexi Luna Spoils Her Subby Puppy - 385.82 MB

Sunshine drags her pathetic, weak, out of shape puppy slave with her to the gym to show you what exercise is all about. She makes you sit in the corner and observe, like a good pup. She warms up with some cardio and works her butt, core, and legs. Then she grabs some dumbbells to work on her already toned arms. She has worked up a good sweat and ends her workout on the yoga mat. She takes off her sweaty socks and shoes and tells you to crawl over to her to get a good sniff, including her sweaty bare feet. She decides it's only right that you worship the rest of her sweaty body, including her butt, back, armpits, neck and cleavage. When she feels you have worshipped her body properly, she commands you to stay put as she heads out to shower.
ass worship, femdom pov, foot fetish, goddess worship, sfw, sweat fetish
Download link ----> Sunshine Tampa Drags Her Puppy Slave To The Gym - 485.54 MB

Sadie whistles and her new puppy professor comes to her. She is going to continue your training as her puppy but has to remind you that your always to be on all fours when in her presence. You crawl over to her and she puts on your collar and leash to highlight the control she has on you. She then tells you to sniff her stinky feet. She has been walking around all day today and even went to the gym. She notices you are distracted by the fact that she is not wearing any panties so scolds you, as that is not something she wants her puppy to be focusing on...you better put your little red rocket away! You'll just have to get used to her being panty-less. She says if you don't behave she will put you in the cage! She then breaks out a doggy bowl as that will be where you'll be eating all your meals out of now on, and she will control what and when he will be eating...and only sniff and lick parts of her body when she says so! Sadie then tell you every good respectable puppy needs a tail, so she reveals a big, bulbous puppy tail butt plug! She expects you turn around and present your butt for puppy tail insertion whenever she snaps her fingers!
femdom pov, foot worship, goddess worship, puppy play, pussy worship
Download link ----> Sadie Holmes Dominates Her Professor Part 2 - 483.07 MB

Isobel has agreed to babysit her nephew for the weekend. It's Friday night and Isobel is sitting in her favorite chair reading a good book when she looks down and notices you just staring up at her by her feet. She also notices you're very focused on her feet. She finds this annoying that you're not giving her her space and time alone. She looks down at him and tells you that he looks just like a little puppy looking up at her with big puppy eyes and wanting attention, just like her former doggy, Roscoe. Since you reminder her of Roscoe, Isobel decides to "lean into" this idea and says she is going to treat you as a puppy for the weekend. She says she is going to get you a collar with a name tag, just like every puppy should have. She is going to play fetch with you and if you behave, she will give you treats to lap up between her toes. She agrees to give you a little taste now and says to lick her sweaty feet, including her toes. She finds your tongue warm so she says to suck on her toes to keep her feet warm, but don't forget to lick her heals and lick between her toes. She is actually finding you somewhat useful. She is thinking about taking you to the pet store tomorrow to get a leash as well, maybe even with diamonds on it. She doesn't care that you're a boy pup, you're going to be her bitch boy. As a reward for obedience, she gives you a little taste of what's to come if you continues to be a good boy...she stands up and turns around to allow you to sniff her butt! She also tell you she plants to take you to the puppy park to sniff even more butts...
ass worship, femdom, foot fetish, humiliation, taboo
Download link ----> Isobel Devi Babysits Her Pup Nephew - 482.1 MB

Jae Lynn is sitting out by the pool enjoying her afternoon but a bit annoyed that she has to hold your leash to make sure you stay put. Since you didn't lap up all your food, you're going to have to eat all the crumbs off of each and every one of her toes along with all the sweat. She reveals to you that the only reason she is sitting out by the pool is because the tan, fit pool boy is coming over soon and they both have been flirting with each other recently. She thinks he is really into her big pregnant belly. Since you haven't satisfied her sexual in a few years because of your small penis, Jae Lynn is very sexually frustrated. She is going to finally make a move on the pool boy. She plans to shove his penis down her throat and make you watch. She tells you that she wants you to sniff and lick her pussy to get it all ready for the pool boy to slip his dick deep inside her, but she does have a little surprise gift for her pathetic puppy hubby...she reveals a metal chastity cage that she puts on your little penis to control you while you to watch her get rammed from behind by the young pool boy. She does promise though that if you're a good boy and don't bark or whimper while she gets fucked, she will allow you to suck the pool boy's cum right out of her when they are finished fucking.
cuckolding, cum eating instruction, foot fetish, humiliation, pregnant
Download link ----> Pregnant Jae Lynn Cucks Her Puppy Hubby With The Pool Boy - 554.32 MB

Rennadel walks into her room, and finds you with a pair of her panties in your mouth. She pulls them out, and tells you that you're completely invading her privacy. She grabs a leash, hooks it onto your collar, and leads you to your new crate and locks you inside. She tells you that she's going on a date tonight, and that she might bring him back later that night. She doesn't want you to make any noise when she gets home, but that you can listen to her fuck him with his big cock. Your little red rocket is nothing compared to his big cock, and you'll never ever get to fuck her, but she supposes that she can give you a little taste. She lifts her perfectly pedicured foot up to the cage and allows you to sniff her foot for a bit. Then Rennadel lifts up her dress & lets you sniff her pussy though her panties. She tells you that if you're a good boy, she might even let you sniff those used panties when she's done wearing them. She turns around, showing you her ass, and lets you have a little sniff of her ass as well before she walks out of the room for her date.
ass worship, cuckolding, cum eating instruction, foot fetish, sph
Download link ----> Rennadel's Panty Stealing Roommate Part 2 - 337.64 MB

Ariel X was getting ready to go out, and she noticed some pee dribble on the toilet seat. Fed up, she decides she needs to train you more! First, she tells you that you're no longer allowed to use the bathroom. In fact, you're not even allowed to stand up when you pee. She pulls out a large puppy pee pad, places it onto the floor & demonstrates how you're to go to the bathroom from now on. Next, she talks about your meals. She thinks it's ridiculous that she has to prepare separate meals because you're so picky. Well, no more! From now on, you're going to eat her scraps out of a special puppy bowl on the floor, and since you're hungry a lot, she has a nice chew toy for you to chew on. Then, she decides to check his obedience by running through a few tricks before commanding you to sniff her pussy and her ass. She picks up the bowl, and tells you that not only are you going to eat your meals out of that bowl, but you're going to lick up whatever she puts in that bowl...and tonight, at her BBQ, she's going to blow several guys there and spit their loads into the bowl so that her new puppy can lick it up!
ass worship, femdom pov, sfw, spit fetish, taboo, toilet fetish
Download link ----> Ariel X Continues To Train The Puppy Boy - 428.81 MB

Red August comes in to check on you in your crate, and she notices a piddle on the floor of the crate. She reprimands you for not using your puppy pad, and tells you that she won't be able to take you to her friend's house, if you're not housebroken. Suddenly, she has an idea. She'll put a diaper on you so that you learn your lesson. Red clips your leash onto your collar, and leads you into another room. There, you lay on the bed while she puts the diaper on you. Once it's secure, she takes hold of the leash again, and leads you out to the car.
diaper discipline, femdom, humiliation, sfw, taboo, toilet fetish
Download link ----> Red August Diapering The Bad Puppy - 379.59 MB

Mistress Katherine Green has been out all day wearing her skimpy leather outfit and leather boots. She is glad that you have been waiting for her on your hands and knees as she has a job for you to do. Before she tells you what your task is, she puts your collar and leash on you as well as puts your little red rocket in chastity, as she enjoys that you suffer and sacrifice for her...because you are doing this to please her! Not only does she own you, but she owns your cock as well. She tells you that wearing leather in the heat has made her very sweaty and she needs her feet and boots cleaned...by your tongue. She is also sweaty between her leather bra so she makes sure you get right in between her boobs and sniff her scent, a mixture of her leather and her sweat. Ofcourse her armpits are also sweaty so she has you get in there and get a good deep sniff as well. She knows you are getting excited and your cock cage is getting uncomfortable, but that is just the sacrifice you make for being her puppy slave. If you continue to be a good boy you will continue to get rewarded with treats from your Mistress.
body worship, chastity, female domination, goddess worship, sfw, shoe & boot worship
Download link ----> Mistress Green's Pup Chastity Slave Cleans With Tongue Part1 - 439.55 MB

Lady Velvet and Sorceress Morgana bring you to the gym. After a long cardio work out, the ladies are tired and sweaty. The sit down on the gym mat to stretch and notice the puppy boy is sitting patiently right by them. As the sweaty women start taking off their shoes and socks you crawl very close to them to get a good sniff. As Lady Velvet takes off her socks you grab her sweaty socks in your mouth, taking them off her feet to use at a chew toy, but you are also focused on on sweaty naked feet. She and Sorceress Morgana decide to tease you by showing their sweaty underboob, and after Morgana sniffs her own sweaty armpits, both ladies turn around so their asses are right in your face for some double butt sniffing. Sorceress Morgana can't resist Lady Velvet's lusciousness so she decides to partake in some butt bongos for a bit. Lady Velvet comments on how sweaty her ass is and Sorceress Morgana said she has a pink butt plug for her. Lady Velvet gets excited about the plug and even mentioned that maybe the puppy boy can lick it clean after she uses it. Well it's time to to head to the showers. Sorceress Morgana heads out first to the showers while Lady Velvet puts her sweaty clothes back on while you wait anxiously by her side, but she has another treat for him as she is going to take you for a walk.
ass worship, asshole fetish, feet, female domination, foot fetish
Download link ----> Sorceress Morgana & Lady Velvet Bring Puppy Boy to the Gym - 661.92 MB

Maia just got back from a sexy date, and she walks over to your cage to flaunt it. She reminds you how you were never able to satisfy her, and begins to tell you all about her date and how her date was able to satisfy her sexually! She notices you staring at her dirty bare feet, so she lifts them up to the cage to let you sniff them. She wiggles her dirty toes in your face, and tells you that you're a good pup. She turns around and tells you to sniff her ass, and even moves her thong to the side to give you better access to her asshole. She continues to tell you about the amazing sex she just had, and turns back around to let you sniff her pussy so that you know what real sex smells like. When you're finished, she walks away leaving you in your cage.
ass worship, cuckolding, femdom pov, goddess worship, humiliation
Download link ----> Maia Evon's Cucked Pup Made To Sniff Her Freshly Fucked - 384.68 MB

Anastasia comes home to find you waiting by the door for her. She sees your tail is down and then notices why, you peed on the floor while she was away. So what does she do...she makes you rub your nose in the puddle of**** She is upset because she has spent too much time trying to potty training you with****pads. To really teach you a lesson, she decides to take your doggy bowl out and she relieves her very full bladder in your bowl, but that's not the end...she makes you lap up every drop of her fresh, warm golden, right from your doggy bowl!
femdom pov, pee, puppy play, taboo, toilet fetish
Download link ----> Anastasia Rose Teaches Her Peeing Pup A Lesson - 386.21 MB

Nika brings you outside and shows you the new studded collar and leash she bought as she needs to training you more. She gives you a chew toy but when she puts it in your mouth to play tug of war, you won't give it back to her so she scolds you for being a bad boy. She knows she can't trust you yet, which is why she reveals a chastity device so you will behave yourself and not get a boner or try to hump her friends' legs. After all she is taking you to the park to show you to her friends, especially Ashley, her friend that she knows you have a crush on. She does promise that if you are a good boy at the park with her friends, she may reward you by allowing you to sniff and lick her sweaty crotch and butthole, which she knows is one of your favorite things! Before heading to the park she decides her puppy boy needs to learn to fetch so she throws your chew toy so you can start to learn to obey her commands.
ass worship, femdom pov, humiliation, sensual domination, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Nika Venom Plays Fetch With Her Brother - 473.66 MB

Domina Helena places you into a puppy crate, then unhooks the leash & closes the door. She explains just exactly who and what your father is to her, and why they are together...he is much older and unattractive, so he is her slave who's not even worthy of fucking, which is why she goes on dates and fucks other men! His purpose is to be her cuck. She tells you that if you behave, maybe she'll bring her date home and allow you to watch her fuck him! She shows you her pussy, and tells you that if you're a good little pup while she's fucking her date, she'll let you lick up all of the juices on her pussy afterwards. Helena pulls our a strap-on and presents it to you. She explains that her and your father do have sex, but she's the one fucking him, not the other way around. She places the strap-on into the cage, and instructs her puppy step son to lick the dildo clean as she's grooming you to be cuck number 2. It's just about time for her date, and she notices you eyeing up her shiny black heels. She grins and places her foot inside of his cage & tells you to lick her heels clean.
cuckolding, cum eating instruction, female domination, mind fuck, taboo
Download link ----> Domina Helena's Cum Eating Instructions For Cucked Step Son - 436.71 MB

Kylie has you kneeling by her feet as she is outside getting some sun. She tells you to lick the dry skin off of her sweaty feet, but you don't do a good job at that, so she tells you to sniff her sweaty armpits. After you do a fairly good job at that, she turns around, takes off her bikini bottom and tells you to stick your nose in her sweaty asshole for a good sniff! Kylie then instructs you to stick your tongue all the way out and lick the sweat from her butt, asshole and plump pussy lips. She then flips back around and tells him to get in and sniff and lick her sweaty pussy. She commends you for being such a good roommate and a good boy as you reminds her of a puppy, so she decides from now on she wants you to be not just her roommate, but her puppy as well! If you agree, you will get a reward and be allowed to continue to sniff and lick her when she wants, where she wants, especially when her pussy and asshole are sweaty...but only if you are a well behaved puppy. She gives you one last sniff of her pussy and then tells you to crawl away.
ass worship, brat girls, femdom pov, foot fetish, pussy worship
Download link ----> Sweaty Kylie Rose Instructs You to Sniff and Lick - 380.23 MB

Step-Mommy Stella is upset with you, her puppy boy. You slipped out of your collar last night after bath time and escaped out of house running around all night. She was worried sick about her puppy boy, wondering if you were ok. It was only after one of the neighbors called her saying they saw you peeing on the mailbox. That makes Step-Mommy Stella mad as it poorly reflects upon her with the neighbors! She sternly tells you to crawl over to her and puts your collar back on informing you from now on it won't be coming off as she is going to put a lock on it. There is something though you can do to make Step-Mommy happy again...Step-Mommy gets up and tells puppy to sniff Step-Mommy's crotch like she likes. Step-Mommy Stella turns around and her puppy boy gets frisky sticking his nose in Step-Mommy's ass. Step-Mommy shoes him away from her butt and reminds you to behave, including remembering all the potty training lessons she has done with you. Step-Mommy Stella decides to lighten up a bit and offers her pup something to quench your thirst...she spits into your doggy bowl for you to lap up.
ass worship, femdom pov, mommy roleplay, sfw, spit fetish, taboo
Download link ----> Stella Liberty's Scolds Her Puppy Boy - 1.26 GB

Indica catches you snooping around her yard peeping at her through her patio railing. This isn't the fist time she has caught you being a peeping Tom and perving on her over the fence or through her bedroom window. She finally confronts you and says she knows you can't resist her in her pregnant state. She agrees to not tell you parents if you agree to become her dutiful yard doggy slave. She plans to put you to good use, but you must be subservient to her as she is going to train you to obey all her commands as her puppy slave!
blackmail fantasy, femdom pov, foot fetish, pregnant, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Pregnant Indica's Yard Doggy - 289.13 MB

Ditria meets you at a club and you two end up hitting it off. You offer to drive her back to her hotel so she doesn't have to take an Uber, as it's late at night and she's consumed a bit. She is very appreciative and feels comfortable with you, so she opens up and confides in you that she is not really looking for a traditional relationship with you, but rather she would like you to be her kinky play partner. She goes on to say that works a lot and doesn't really have time for a pet, but she thinks you would make for a good puppy. She knows this is a bit unusually but you don't seem phased when she asks you to be her puppy. When you agree she has you get down on all fours and she proceeds to have you sniff the boots she has been wearing all day. She then takes them off and has you sniff her sweaty socks and then her sweaty bare feet. She is very pleased with you as her new puppy and starts to plan how she will continue to transform you into her new pet. Oh, and she expects you to come visit her soon so she can continue your training!
boot fetish, female domination, femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Ditria's New Puppy Boy Part 1 - 477.23 MB

Luna Lain calls you into her room to have a little chat. She found a Go Pro camera on her book shelf recording her in her room. She knows it was your attempt at spying on her, and she tells you that you have options...she could tell your parents and your soccer coach and risk getting kick off the team, or she can take matters into her own hands. She's always wanted a puppy, but you don't like them. So, the perfect solution is for you to become a puppy! Now, get down on all fours & wag your tail. That's right, move your little pup butt back & forth. She pulls out a bone gag, and puts it into your mouth and pulls the strap tight. She tells you you're doing a good job so far being her pup, but you're not quite there yet. She teaches you a few hand commands for you to follow when you're in public, then walks you through them to see how you perform. She then tells you to leave, but scolds you when you stand up to walk out, after all you're a puppy now, not a human, so you must crawl on all fours!
blackmail fantasy, female domination, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Luna Lain Blackmails Her Step Brother To Be Her Puppy - 431.25 MB

Krissy is going on a date so she locks you up in the cage as she can't trust you to behave if left alone. She puts a pee pad in the cage incase you have to go potty while she is on her date. She may even bring her date back home to fuck, so she threatens that if you whines or even makes a sound if she come back with her date, then she is going to shove a big bone gag in your mouth. She is not a cruel owner though and decides to leave you something to eat. She graciously prepares a meal for you by chewing up a bunch of pretzels and spitting them out in a doggy bowl for you to eat. She knows it may be a bit dry so she thoughtfully spits on the chewed up pretzels to moisten it up a bit, but not too much because she doesn't want to spoil you. Before she heads out on her date, she closes and locks the cage door, but she sweetly offers you her butt to sniff, and her toes to sniff and lick as an incentive to behave like a good boy!
cuckolding, female domination, food, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Krissy Koven Babybirds Her Caged Puppy Boy - 399.99 MB

Kiki D'aire is standing in her bathroom nude when she notices you, her puppy sniffing her ass. She laughs and tells you to go ahead and take a big sniff. She spreads her cheeks and tells you to go ahead and get your nose right up in her asshole. Then she turns around and tells you that since he's been doing so well with his training, that maybe it's time you get to sniff her from the front. She spreads her pussy lips open and says your sniffing feels good. She's been thinking of a very special treat for him, since he's been doing so well, so she places a bowl onto the floor, hovers over it, and pees into it. When the bowl is full, she smiles and tells you to enjoy your golden special treat!
ass worship, female domination, milf, taboo, toilet fetish
Download link ----> Kiki D'Aire Rewards Pup With Her Special Golden Treat - 434.93 MB

Onyx Kim is lying on the bed in her sexy blue bra and panties and calls for you to crawl to her to let you know she is going out for the evening...on a hot date. She didn't forget about you. She prepared a pee pad and a water bowl in the corner of her room, should you get thirsty or need to pee while she is out on her date. She warns you that if you pee anywhere but on that pee pad she will punish you when she gets back home, which she said may be tonight or maybe tomorrow morning. She grabs your bone gag and puts it in your mouth as she doesn't want to hear any yips out of you. She knows how much you are turned on by the lingerie she is wearing so decides to tease you a bit by allowing you to sniff and lick up and down her feet and toes, and then she turns around to tease and torment you with her ass, which she knows you are mesmerized by.
asian goddess, cuckolding, femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Onyx Kim Gags and Cucks Her Pup - 287.12 MB

Nyxon confronts you now that you've been living in her home for six months. You're the dirtiest, messiest roommate she has ever had and was appalled when she recently overheard you talking about getting a doggy and bringing it into her home. Nyxon likes pups but cannot even remotely trust you to take care of one and clean up after it when you can't even clean up after yourself! This gives her an idea though...she decides that from now on if you want to stay in her home, you will become her pet! She starts by telling you to get down on all fours. You are reluctant to do it so she tells him to obey her command or pack your things and move out of her home immediately. You agree to obey and gets down on all fours. She then informs you that since you make such a mess in the bathroom, that from now she will let you outside in the backyard to go potty, but at night or when she is at work, you will have to learn to use a potty pad, just like a good pup. Next she reveals and cute pair of floppy ears and a collar and leash and proceeds to put both on you, after all what pup would be complete with those things, especially when she takes you for a walk outside!
female domination, femdom pov, humiliation, pet play, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Nyxon's Messy Roommate Becomes Her Pet - 381.83 MB

Your step-mommy whistles for you from the bedroom, and you hurry in like a good little pup. She tells you you're getting good at obeying commands, but then reprimands you for standing up...get down on all fours! She puts your leash on you, and tells you that she's had a really long day. She stretches out on the bed and puts her dirty, stinky feet in your face and tells you to sniff them. You sniff them for a bit, then she tells you to lick her feet from her toes to her soles to clean them. You get brave, and start sniffing up her legs so Sunshine starts teasing you about smelling her crotch. You just love step-mommy's dirty panties so Sunshine puts your nose right in there. Next, she tells you to keep moving up her body & start smelling her sweaty armpits. When she's had enough, she tells you to get down. She tells you that she's very disappointed that you've still been making a mess, especially in the kitchen, so from now on you'll be eating out of your very own puppy bowl. She places the bowl on the floor and then tells you she intends to discipline you further with crate training.
femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw, spit fetish, taboo
Download link ----> Mommy Sunshine's Puppy Worships Her Feet - 425.99 MB

Miss Wolfe praises you for being a good little pup while she was at the gym. There's no messes, or spills in the house, and she is very pleased with you. She goes on to tell you that she has really stinky after being at the gym and now you're going to have to smell her stinky socked feet. She holds her feet up for you, and enjoys the fact that you like how they smell. She removes her socks and holds them close to your nose to let you get a better whiff. She then tosses the socks aside, and holds up her bare feet for you to smell. She tells you how much it pleases her when you do this and reminds you to get in between each toe and give them a lick. She smiles as you clean off all of that gym dirt. Next, Miss Wolfe raises her arm and tells you to lick her stinky armpits. She reminds you how lucky you are to be able to do this for her, and encourages you to worship her armpits better. Now that Miss Wolfe's body is sufficiently worshipped, it's time to do some potty training. She holds up a large pad and tells you that if you ever need to go potty when she's unable to take you outside, you are to go on the pad. Miss Wolfe notices that you look like you might be a little thirsty, and she grabs a puppy bowl and spits into it. She places it onto the ground, and tells you to lap up her spit.
femdom pov, foot fetish, goddess worship, puppy play, sfw, spit fetish
Download link ----> Miss Wolfe Spoils Her Puppy Slave - 428.06 MB

Kitty comes home and immediately takes off her clothes and drops them on the floor and heads to her bedroom, but she decides to come back to pick up her clothes only to see you, her step son, on the floor like a puppy sniffing the shoes and panties she just wore. She is beside herself because this is not the first time she has found her you using her dirty panties and shoes like a puppy uses a chew toy. She also scolds you for constantly following her around in the house and you even tried to hump her leg once. You are disappointing as a step son and it seems you'd rather be her puppy anyway. Standing there naked in front of you frustrated, she is trying to figure out what to do with you when she notices you staring at her pussy, which she knows you really wants to sniff. She also knows you want to sniff her sweaty butt so she turns around and sticks her butt in your face to get a good whiff of it. She is at her wits end so decides starting tomorrow you will no longer be treated as her step-son, but instead be treated exactly as a puppy!
ass worship, femdom pov, puppy play, pussy worship, taboo
Download link ----> Kitty Comes Home to Find Her Sniffing Step Son - 433.74 MB

It's been a while since Lexi Luna has had sex, so she is going out on a date, but before she does she needs to put you in your crate. She's going to be gone for a long time, so she places a fresh bowl of water into the crate. She knows that after you lap up the water you're going to have to pee, so places a puppy pad next to the water bowl, crate and tells you to use the puppy pad if you have to be while she is out on her date. If air for the puppy pad and gets pee all over the floor, you will be licking up his mess when she gets home. Lexi tells you that she might bring him back some scraps with dinner, but in the meantime, she holds up a bone gag and places it in your mouth so you don't bark when she brings her date home later to fuck. There, now that the pup has everything you needs, it's time to lock the cage so Lexi can go on her date.
cuckolding, female domination, puppy play, sfw, taboo, toilet humiliation
Download link ----> Lexi Luna Prepares The Pup For Her Big Date - 246.45 MB

Goddess Helly has noticed you peeping on her while she's working out, so she invites you over for a little chat. She explains to you that if you're going to act like a filthy creature, it's time to make you her number one bitch. She commands you to get on all fours, then tells you that it's time to start controlling your little red rocket. She places a metal chastity device on you, then puts a leather collar around your neck. She's concerned with you being loud and disturbing the neighbors, so she places a bone chew toy gag in your mouth and pulls the strap extra tight. Now, you're ready to be led out into the yard to meet her other doggy who just may mount you for his pleasure!
chastity, femdom pov, impregnation fantasy, puppy play, sfw, sph
Download link ----> Goddess Helly Collars The Peeping Tom - 430.42 MB

You have been misbehaving at home, at school, and have been caught stealing a lot. In fact Luna tells you she knows you've been stealing her dirty panties! She caught you stealing her dirty panties with her camera phone set up on her night stand. She is fed up with your antics. All of your bad behavior is preventing her from getting a puppy as your parents feel you two are not responsible enough to handle having one, when it fact it is just you who is not responsible. As a result she decides to blackmail you and informs you that from now on you are going to act as her puppy and if you don't agree to it, she is going to show the footage of you stealing her dirty panties to your parents, who have already threatened to send yo to boarding school if you continues to misbehave. You clearly don't want that, so you have to agree be her puppy 24/7 whenever your parents aren't home. Luna is now your owner!
asshole fetish, bra & panties, femdom pov, puppy play, taboo
Download link ----> Luna's Dirty Panty Stealing Step Brother - 475.04 MB

It's been several years since you have seen Miss Rogue, but today she arrives to look after you. You two are sitting out by the po ol and she reminds you of the fun games the two of you used to play last time she saw you...she used to treat you as her puppy! She asked if you remember and tests you to see if you still want to be her puppy. She can tell right away that clearly you do! Well she is soo excited to have her little puppy again, so immediately begins treating you as her pup by starting off making you sniff and lick her all over...
armpits, femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Miss Rogue Reunites With Her Puppy Nephew - 335.44 MB

While your step-mom is out getting some dick, she places you in Macy's care. Unfortunately for you, Macy wants to get some dick today, too. So, she places you in a puppy cage and gives you a bowl of water so you can stay hydrated. She's nervous that you'll pee the cage, so she places a pee pad in the corner of the cage and instructs you to pee on that if you have to go. She starts explaining her hot date to you, then suddenly remembers how pervy you can be. She shows you a chastity device, and tells you that's where your red rocket is going to go, while you're in the doggy cage. She stands up to finish getting ready, and notices you staring at her toes again. She giggles and lets you have a sniff. She turns around and notices you staring at her ass. Of course, that's what you really want, so she bends over and allows you to sniff her ass for a few minutes before she locks you in your cage.
cuckolding, femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play, toilet humiliation
Download link ----> Macy Cartel Double Cages The Cucked Pup - 436.65 MB

Brandi Mae comes home to find you, her puppy step son waiting for her on all fours by the front door like a good boy. She reminds you that you're supposed to greet her by sniffing and licking her feet. While she was out she bought a new collar and leash to further your training. She plans to walk you around the house, then around the backyard. and if all goes well, she may even take you to the park. She then reveals that she also picked up a Nyla bone to for you to chew on and proceeds to shove it in your mouth and tells him to chew on it before she makes you play fetch with it. She entices you to do your best by saying she was thinking about you all day at work and how you should be under her desk sniffing and licking her muscular sweaty thighs and that thought makes her her pussy juice ooze out. She lifts up her skirt and tells you to get under there and take a sniff, not only of her thighs and pussy, but she turns around and tells you to stick your nose deep into her ass and soak up your Step Mommy's smell!
femdom pov, foot fetish, goddess worship, pussy worship, taboo
Download link ----> Brandi Mae Lets Her Good Boy Take a Sniff - 431.98 MB

Goddess Marie is getting ready for a date, and she tells you, her puppy step-brother that you're going to have to behave. Theirs is to be absolutely no humping, or jacking off, so she tells you you're going to start wearing a metal chastity cage every time she leaves the house. You are going to learn to be more obedient, and resist your perverted desires. Once this cage is on your cock it's not coming of and it will prevent you from getting a raging hard on and making a huge mess everywhere. Marie locks you in and places the keys in her panties. She notices you looking at her with his big puppy eyes, so she decides to give you a treat...she sticks her dirty feet in his face, and lets you sniff and lick them clean. When you're done with that, she bends over and tells you to sniff her ass. She says to get your nose in there nice and deep. Finally Marie turns around and tells you she's gotta go, but, while she's gone, she wants you to clean up the bathroom and pay special attention to cleaning the toilet. If you behave and do a good job cleaning, she just might let you out of your chastity when she gets back.
chastity, femdom pov, foot fetish, goddess worship, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Goddess Marie Locks Up Her Step Brother's Cock - 397.15 MB

You haven't been very attentive lately as Lydia's submissive so she thinks it's time she puts you back in line and make some changes. She calls you over and tells you to get down on your knees where you belong. She tells you to take a good look at her from down there because that's where you're going to stay! She then commands you to get down on all fours just like a good little puppy. Now, what do puppies usually do? The lick and sniff dirty feet. Lydia lifts up her dirty shoes for her new puppy to lick them clean. When she's satisfied, Lydia produces a collar & leash, and puts it on her new puppy. She removes her heels, and holds up her filthy toes for you to lick. She tells you to lick every speck of dirt from between her toes and make them sparkling clean. Lydia remarks on how dirty your mouth is from licking her feet and then places a big black bone gag in your mouth to keep him from barking while she figures out what to do with him next.
female domination, femdom pov, foot fetish, goddess worship, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Lydia Vengeance's Sub Becomes Her Pup - 425.83 MB

You creep into your bratty step daughter's room again. This time she is only wearing her bra and panties. She is fed up with you continually barging into her room and perving on her. She calls you out on it and says she out of your league, and you're only apart of the family to be treated as an errand pup for the women in the house. Well now she is going to treat you all the time like the dirty doggy that you are! She is going to control what you eat and only feed you kibble, and instead of filling your doggy bowl with water, she is going to fill it with her golden nectar. She is also going to control your actions and make you play fetch, but before you do that, she sticks out her dirty feet and tells you to start licking them clean, and don't forget to lick between her toes! Now that she has you where you deserve to be, she grabs her phone and starts to take photos of you as her pervy pup!
brat girls, femdom pov, foot domination, puppy play, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Josie Jo Makes Her Step-Dad Her Pup Part 2 - 279.91 MB

Mommy Sunshine has had you locked up in a cage all day, so she takes you outside to potty train you on the grass as she will not tolerate you having an "accident" inside the house. She tells you this will be the place you have to go potty from now on. She instructs you to start sniffing around to find a good spot to go pee, just like a doggy would. She wants you to get accustomed to this so she can just install a doggy door so you can crawl outside on your own to go potty and not have to bother her when she is with her boyfriend, or just relaxing. You don't seem to catch on quick, instead you just seems to want to sniff her feet and the sweaty crotch of her bathing suit. Mommy Sunshine is starting to get annoyed and impatient as she is getting really hot and sweaty from the midday sun. She wants to desperately get in the p ool so she decides she needs to show her pup how to pee in the lawn. She squats down a bit and starts to pee right through her white bathing suit. Her puppy boy seems to get aroused and wants to now sniff her pee soaked crotch but she does not allow you to, instead she tells you to sniff the grass she just peed on! This is your treat for the day as she walks off to the p ool.
femdom pov, pee, puppy play, sfw, taboo, toilet humiliation
Download link ----> Mommy Sunshine Potty Trains Her Puppy Boy Outside - 433.13 MB

t's the day after your first night in the cage, and Mistress Adreena asks you how your night was. She knows that you probably didn't get good rest, but it doesn't matter. That's where you"ll stay from now on, so you better get used to it. As a puppy, there's a bit of training that's going to need to happen. Not just toilet training, but food training as well. Mistress Adreena chooses what you eat, when you eat & how you eat. From now on, your food is going to come directly from her. She takes a bite of food, chews it up, then spits it out in a puppy bowl for you. She tells you that she's made you a special sauce, and spits out a huge glob of spit right into your bowl for you. Now, for your special champagne. Miss Adreena picks up your water bowl & tells you to follow her into the bathroom. She sits down on the toilet places your water bowl underneath her, and pees into it. When she's finished, she places the bowl onto the floor & tells you to lap it all up!
female domination, femdom pov, puppy play, spit fetish, toilet humiliation
Download link ----> Mistress Adreena's Pup Slave Laps It All Up - 336.22 MB

You've been pretty good lately learning to walk on all fours and getting used to your chastity, however recently Megan caught caught you chewing on her shoes and humping her dirty panties. You will be punished for this soon but before, you'll be fitted with a new puppy cock ring. You seem to be getting aroused when she puts it on you, but she laughs since your chastity device is restricting your little red rocket. She then shows you a new bone gag that you'll probably need it after the next surprise purchase...your first puppy tail butt plug! Megan tells you she'll shoving it up your butt with no lube...well maybe with some of her spit! She laughs at you and even threatens to take photos of you to send to her girlfriends, and she may even invite them over to have their way with you too!
female domination, femdom pov, humiliation, puppy play, sfw, spit fetish
Download link ----> Megan Jones' Little Pet - 385.58 MB

You are staying with your Aunt Lauren while your mother is away on vacation with her boyfriend. Last time you stayed with her you were very unruly so she has decided to control you by treating you like her puppy. When Aunt Lauren brings up the fact that your -mom is on a romantic getaway with her boyfriend, she notices you getting aroused...this is wrong and she won't tolerate it so she starts your puppy training by putting a collar and leash on you. She also tells you the new rules while you're in her house, no more video games. From now on the only games you'll be playing are tug of war with her and a chew toy!
cuckolding, femdom pov, puppy play, redhead, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Lauren Phillips Collars Her Nephew - 454.43 MB

Kylie Rose knows that someone has been stealing her panties, and she's disgusted when she finds out it's you, her own step brother! She's even more disgusted when she finds you in bed with a pair of her panties, and a hard on. She says your punishment is that you'll have to be her puppy and do what she tells you to do. She commands you to pull out your cock and stroke it for her. While you stroking your cock, she says that you two are going to have to go to the store to get some puppy supplies for your training. She encourages you to keep stroking your cock, a bit faster this time. She rubs her pussy over her red panties, and tells you she wants you to get off to the sight of her panties. She notices you're not doing a great job of stroking your own cock, so she grabs it and starts stroking it for you... until you cum all over her hand! Kylie holds up her hand and demands that you lick up every drop!
cei, femdom pov, handjobs, puppy play, taboo
Download link ----> Kylie Rose Humiliation Handjob For Puppy Step Brother - 434.64 MB

Nika is laying out by the po ol, when she notices you nosing around her. But, she's glad you're there, because she needs to lay down some ground rules. She needs a better grip on you, and way to control you. She tells you that she's been scrolling on IG and she's obsessed with Corgi puppies, and to be honest, you kind of look like one to her. You're always sniffing around, always trying to sniff her and her friend's underwear & begging for attention. So, she's been thinking that since she's allergic to real puppies, that you can be her puppy. She will put you through training and then she'll have really good control over you. What? You don't want to? Oh, well she'll just show your parents the doorbell video of you sneaking out of the house. So, unless you become the puppy that she wants, she'll just go right ahead and send that incriminating video. You don't want that? Then you better "sit"! Good boy! One thing that pups do when they say "hello", is sniff each other's butts. So, maybe it's time for you to sniff. Nika turns around and commands you to loudly sniff her ass. Another thing that puppies like to do is lick, so she sticks out her feet and tells you to lick her soles. Nika giggles as your tongue tickles her soles, then tells you to stop. She talks about all the things that she can train you to do and all of the different treats she's going to give you. But, first things first... your collar and leash. She notices you sniffing her again, and encourages you to sniff her pussy. She tells you that if you're a good little puppy & get through all of your training, that maybe she'll let you sniff and lick her down there.
ass fetish, femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play, pussy worship, sfw
Download link ----> Nika Lays Down The Ground Rules - 427.81 MB

Goddess Brandon comes home to find her cucked puppy right where she left you hours ago, in your new doggy cage. From now on that is where you will have stay whenever she doesn't want you to have the freedom to roam around. She pulls you out of the cage with your collar and leash and tells you that since you've had to hold in your pee while she was out, you can now go potty, but not in the toilet. From now on, you will go potty on a pee pad, and infront of her for further humiliation. She threatens that if you get any pee off of the pad you will be punished, which also goes for you chewing on her dirty panties! She then teases you by taking off her high heel shoes she's been wearing all day and tells you since he appears to have behaved you can sniff the inside of her heels and her sweaty stocking feet as a reward. She informs you you'll have to spend time in the cage tonight with a sheet over it while she is in your bedroom with a real man, but before she decides to take you outside for walkies and you better get used to it as more public walks are in your future!
cuckolding, female domination, foot fetish, high heels, humiliation, sfw
Download link ----> Goddess Brandon Cages Her Cucked Pup - 335.39 MB

Savannah Costello, caught you sniffing her panties again, and she's going to teach you a lesson. She commands you to get on your knees, and tells you that since you've become just a boring slave, it's time to switch up your role. She tells you she has a new kind of collar for you, and places a thick leather collar around your neck. Now, you're her new little puppy. She hooks a leash onto your collar, and tells you it's time to learn your place. She tells you how adorable you are, and gives you some head pets as a reward. Next, she places a bowl onto the floor, and tells you that this is what you're going to eat out of from now on. You're definitely not going to be eating at the table with her. You'll just be getting her table scraps in your puppy bowl. She notices you sniffing her toes, and tells you to go ahead & lick them clean like a good pup. Savannah tells you that since you're now a puppy, there's no more television for you. She holds up a rubber toy bone, and gives it a big lick telling you that she's added some extra flavor for you. She hands it to you, and tells you that you can play with it when you're bored.
female domination, femdom pov, foot fetish, pov foot worship, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Savannah Costello Collars Her Pup Part 1 - 422.61 MB

Miss Isobel Devi sits down to address you, her puppy slave. She put a doggy bone gag in your mouth earlier in the day since you were not behaving and being whiney. She tells you to come closer so she can take the bone gag out of your mouth, but warns you better not bark! It seems the gag and "timeout" you've been in has made you behave better, but warns you that she will smack you with a rolled up newspaper if you acts up again. She took the bone gag out of you mouth so you can sniff and lick her sweaty feet, but you seems to be getting aroused just looking at her shiny black patent high heeled boots. She makes you beg for it but teases him by having him start out licking the bottom of her boots that have dungeon dirty on them. After the bottoms of her boots, still withholds her feet from you, as her sweaty socks come next. She decides to shove both her sweaty socks in your mouth at once to see if they will fit...and they do! She is pleased but uh oh, how are you now going to lick her feet with the socks in your mouth...
boots, femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw, socks
Download link ----> Miss Isobel Devi's Gagged Puppy Slave - 630.65 MB

Stella tells you, her little pup to crawl up into bed and curl up in her lap right under her full bosom. She has a special formula for you. She filled up your bottle with something special, a special golden formula. She tells you to suck the nipple of the yummy treat she is giving you. She holds you tight to her bosom and says when you're bigger you can suck all the milk from her boobies. She notices you need a diaper change. As she is undressing you to change the diaper she tells you to suck on her big toe as she doesn't have a binky handy and since she doesn't have any toys she turns around and entertains you with step-momma's tushy. She tells you to get his nose in between her cheeks and get a good sniff. If you're a good boy and take a nap she will let you suckle on her titties and bottle feed him more of her special golden formula. Now its time for you to curl up again in her lap while she rocks you.
femdom pov, foot fetish, mommy roleplay, pee, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Stella Liberty Nurtures Her Baby Pup - 429.85 MB

You and Jae Lynn are about to give birth soon, so she has something to discuss with . You two had previously talked about getting a puppy, but with a newborn on it's way, there just isn't any room for both. So, Jae Lynn has a plan. Since you aren't really satisfying her anymore and you don't even clean up after yourself, she decided that you are going to be the new puppy in the house! She commands you to get onto the floor so that she can properly put your leash on that she just bought. She tells you that from now on, you're going to do everything that she tells you, and that while she is taking care of the newborn, you will take care of her. If you don't do what she says, she'll put him outside in the doggyhouse. It's been a long day for Jae Lynnn so it's time for her to take a shower & relax, but first, she tells you to clean the sweat off of her. She strips out of her clothes & lifts up her boobs so that her new puppy husband can lick the sweat from her underboob, then she makes you to lick the sweat from her stretched out pregnant tummy. You do such a good job with that, that she has a treat for you... she removes her panties, turns around & tells you to sniff and lick her asshole. Once she's satisfied, she walks into the bathroom & turns on the shower...
asshole fetish, femdom pov, foot fetish, pregnant, puppy play
Download link ----> Jae Lynn Makes Room For Baby - 649.49 MB

Scarlett just finished dinner for the first time with you as her new pup. She mocks you that you actually thought you were going to sit on a chair at the table, but obviously pups don't sit on chairs. You were pretty good thought not begging for her scraps. Now it's getting close to bed time so she is setting down the new rules...you won't be getting in the bed. Instead you'll be on the floor, by the bed. She does set a doggy bowl by the side of the bed with some water incase you get thirsty but she does not want to hear you noisily slurping up the water and waking you up. Well as she starts to settle in she reveals that she got you a new chew toy as that will now be how you entertain yourself...your cell phone certainly won't, as she has taken that away from her new pup. Well a few more ground rules and a couple special surprises and it's nite nite. time.
big tits, female domination, femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Scarlett Venom's First Day Training Her Pup - 473.61 MB

Goddess Anat has some new rules for you, her puppy step-son as you've been peeing all over the place. From now on you will have to use a potty pad to go to the bathroom. She acknowledges that this may be difficult for you so she intends to be there when you go potty to help guide you, whether you likes it or not...further humiliating you. She also informs you that from now on he you'll be eating all your meals from a doggy bowl she bought. No plates, forks, knives, or spo ons...you'll have to learn to lap up food and liquid directly from the bowl, but she will not be cooking for you, as you'll only be getting her leftover scraps after she eats. Ofcourse you'll learn to like and appreciate whatever she gives you, as it comes from her, and makes her happy!
femdom pov, mommy roleplay, pee, puppy play, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Goddess Anat Potty Trains Her Messy Puppy Step Son - 329.53 MB

You have been a major disappointment as Goddess Tangent's slave so she is going to try you out as her human puppy since she can't have a real puppy in her apartment complex. She takes out a new collar and puts it on you proclaiming you are never to take it off as you are her property. The leash comes next as she will need to take you for a walk. She then shoves her feet in your face for you to sniff and lick her feet. When she has had enough foot worship she brings out the doggy bowl and tells you from now on you'll only be eating out of the bowl, including lapping up her pee!
female domination, femdom pov, goddess worship, pee, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Goddess Tangent's Useless Slave - 432.16 MB

Lady Velvet knows you like to be treated like a puppy, so she invites her friend Morgana over so they can both have some fun with you. They pull out some squeaky toys, and you immediately begin to get excited & wag your tail. Morgana gives you a bone to chew on, and Lady Velvet tells her that you like sniffing and liking feet. While the girls are going through you puppy things, Morgana notices you oggling Lady Velvet's boobs. She puts your collar & leash on you, then turns around so you can sniff her ass. They laugh at how the puppyboy likes to sniff butts & Lady Morgana turns around to let you get a good whiff of hers. They coax you into doing some tricks, then Lady Velvet & Morgana decide it's a bit too hot out, so they remove their bikinis and cover the puppy with their huge boobs. They walk you around the yard teasing you a bit more, having you sniff their underboobs, asses & armpits. The ladies then lie down on the chaise lounges and ignore your while you lay at their feet.
ass worship, femdom pov, foot fetish, goddess worship, puppy play
Download link ----> Sorceress Morgana & Lady Velvet Babysit the Puppy Boy - 519.34 MB

Domina Helena opens the door to her walk-in closet to find you on the ground, sniffing her dirty panties. She says you're just like your dad, a pervy little doggy. She decides to punish you by making you to inhale her dirty smelly workout shoes. She then tells you crawl to her with your tongue out, panting, and bury your nose right in between her spread ass checks. She then makes you lick her feet and in between each toe when they are nice and sweaty. She shoves them in your mouth, making you gag on them. Her wet and sweaty armpits won't be ignored, you will sniff and lick them as well! She knows this will make you worship the ground she walks on and be enslaved by her forever as her little puppy!
female domination, femdom pov, goddess worship, puppy play, taboo
Download link ----> Domina Helena Catches Her Panty Sniffing Stepson - 425.15 MB

Josie's is lying on the sofa when you walk into the room. She says to you to sit down, not on the sofa, but on the floor, as she has to tell you something. She hasn't been happy with you as her boyfriend as you're just not doing it for her and she feels you're not living up her expectations. She informs you that instead of just being her boyfriend, she wants you to be her well behaved puppy. She also addresses the fact that when you go out your friends you consume too much and then wet the bed, and she ends up being the one to clean the sheets! She is tired of it so she breaks out a diaper and tells him from now on you are going to have to wear a diaper! She then breaks out some fuzzy puppy ears and a collar and leash letting you know that all this is what you'll be wearing from now on when in her home.
diaper discipline, female domination, femdom pov, pet play, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Josie Jo Diaper Disciplines Her New Pup - 386.85 MB

Kitty Quinn has been asked by a friend of hers to please help with you, her step-brother since Kitty is a ther apist. Kitty's friend is at her wits end with you as she continues to catch you sniffing her dirty panties and caught you humping her pillow like a perverted puppy. Kitty has to figure out why you have a lot of puppy like tendencies. She takes a bone gag and has you follow the bone with your eyes and she swings it back and forth, putting him in a trance like state. She sees he is falling into a puppy like state and even notices you wiggling your butt. She tells you she thinks your puppy tendencies stem from a foot and heel fetish since she has noticed you staring at her feet and she's even seen you chewing on his step-sister's shoes before. She takes off her shoe and has you sniff it and then puts her feet in your face. You seem to have a lukewarm reaction so she turns around and hikes up her skirt and puts her butt in your face and tells you to sniff her butt and asshole. She notices a little more of reaction but concludes she thinks it's more than just typical sexual fetishes. She diagnosis that you are truly more a puppy than a boy so she gives you the bone gag to chew on why she ponders what to do. She is going to have to tell your step-sister that you are a lost cause as a boy, but she knows your step-sister doesn't like doggies so Kitty decides she will adopt you as a puppy and take you home with her. Kitty promises if you behave like a good boy she will let you have a sniff and lick later.
asshole fetish, female domination, femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play
Download link ----> Kitty Diagnosis The New Puppy Boy - 467.57 MB

Mistress Nicci comes back from the gym all sweaty. You have been waiting for her by the door like a good pup. She decides it's the perfect time to train you to recognize and love her scent, even when she's sweaty. She tells you to come closer so you can appreciate all of her scent, no matter how smelly. She first takes off her gym shoes off and makes you take a good sniff of the inside of her shoe. Then it's on to her sweaty socks before treating you to her deliciously moist bare feet. She doesn't end there as her armpits are nice and ripe from her workout, so you must learn to worship both of them. The final lesson of the day is maybe her most valued asset...she turns around and has you sniff right in the crack of her sweaty yoga pants, but only briefly as she has a better surprise for him. She pulls down her yoga pants and gives you access to inhale, lick and savor her ripe thong covered asshole. When she feels she has spoiled you enough, she instructs you to sit, only to debase you by saying she now needs a proper shower as your disgusting tongue couldn't get her fully clean.
female domination, femdom pov, foot fetish, goddess worship, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Mistress Nicci's Pup Learns to Lover Her Scent - 647.77 MB

Marie finds your puppy play porn and confronts you about it when you comes home. It seems you have been watching this type of porn for a long time! She took pictures of your browser history and decides to blackmail you by saying if you don't act like her puppy and be at her beck and call, she will share the photos with your parents and others. You have no choice but to agree to be her puppy!
female domination, foot fetish, goddess worship, puppy play, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Goddess Marie Finds Her Step-Brother's Porn - 431.22 MB

Onyx is laying out on a chaise lounge and has you bring her a water and sun tan spray. See has noticed in the brief time you've been roommates that you dote after her, do everything she asks and follows her around like a puppy. She decides she wants to train you as her puppy so tells you to follow her around the p ool on all fours and instructs you to squat on the grass and to go potty. You obediently obey so she is very pleased with her new puppy! She continues your walk and then stops so you can sniff and lick her feet. When she feels you've has had enough time with her feet she sits back in the p ool and tells you that part of his ongoing training will be to teach you to doggy paddle in the p ool with her. Ok, she has had enough of her new roommate puppy so tells you to scamper off so she can get some quiet time to soak up the sun.
female domination, femdom pov, foot fetish, goddess worship, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Onyx Kim Collars Her Roommate - 484.89 MB

Red August comes home to find you, her puppy step-brother waiting by the door for her. Guess her puppy training is taking hold. She tells you she just got fucked by her boyfriend, not just in her pussy but he fucked her ass too! She told her boyfriend about her new puppy step-brother, so they stopped at a few stores before coming home. They first went to the pet store to get a collar and leash, which she proceeds to put on you.. She then reveals that they stop at a sex store yo pick up a chastity device to put on your little red rocket.
Once she locks you in chastity and she teases you that your little penis won't even fill out your new penis cage, she lifts her dress up revealing she has no panties on. What she does have is a pussy and asshole filled with her boyfriends cum. She tells you to sniff and lick her cum filled pussy and asshole so you can be aware of the difference of the smell and taste with and without her boyfriend's cum in her. She tells you that if you're a good boy she will give you her dirty cum filled panties in the future, but of course you'll l have to remain in chastity. After she has made you thoroughly sniff and lick the cum out of her pussy and asshole she tells you it's time for bed, as it's going to be a long day tomorrow, filled with a lot more puppy training!
cei, cuckolding, female domination, puppy play, taboo
Download link ----> Ms August Locks Up Her Puppy's Little Red Rocket - 426.04 MB

Agatha is about to go to bed, but before she does, she calls her puppy boy into her bedroom. You crawl in and she is happy you have remained on all fours, but she is not happy you are perving at her in her lingerie so she tells you to look down at the floor, and that's when you notice that she has placed down on the ground some pee pads and a doggy bowl. She tells you that you'll be staying at the foot of her bed, as puppies don't get to be in a bed. The pee pads are if you have to go potty, as you are no longer allowed to use the toilet, and the doggy bowl is if you get thirsty at night. The bowl is empty right now but don't worry, Mommy will fill it up before you go to bed. In fact, she picks it up and spits in it for you to lap up with water, but on second thought, she knows she will have to pee soon, so she is just going to pee in your doggy bowl and have you lap that up instead of water. If you are good, she will play fetch with you with your chew toy, and if you are really really good, Mommy will let you sniff her ass, and several other parts of her sexy body...you like the way Mommy smells, don't you?! In fact you seem to be enjoying being her puppy so much that maybe she will keep you this way 24/7. The only time you will get to leave the house will be when she takes you to the vet, or out for a walk or to the doggy park!
female domination, foot fetish, puppy play, taboo, toilet humiliation
Download link ----> Agatha Potty Trains Her Puppy Boy - 436.66 MB

You arrive late for your session with Mistress Nyxon, and she notices your unsightly red rocket is out! You know that's against the rules so Mistress is not happy! She does not want to hear you whine that you just can't control himself so she puts a bone gag in your mouth. She threatens to put a puppy tail butt plug up your butt and not feed you since your red rocket is still sticking out, but first she decides to put you in chastity and sends you to your cage with no play time!
female domination, femdom, femdom pov, puppy play, sfw, slave training
Download link ----> Mistress Nyxon's Aroused Puppy Slave - 334.84 MB

Your wife Qandisa confronts you that she found out you cheated on her. She seems to take it in stride though but tells you that you are going to make it up to her by being her pet, or she is going to leave you and take half of all you amassed. She further explains that you will be her obedient puppy and obey her commands. She tells you to get down on all fours pulls out a collar and leash to begin to train you for your new role. She walks you around a bit to get used to the collar and leash and then proceeds to let you know from now on you will eat your meals out of a doggy bowl, but it doesn't end there. She expects you to go to the bathroom on a puppy pad, and not in the toilet. Welcome to your new life...you brought this on yourself you horndog!
female domination, femdom, femdom pov, pet play, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Qandisa Confronts Her Horndog Hubby - 390.65 MB

Ariel X has a date over but while he is out at the store getting some champagne for them, she decides she needs to put you, her puppy step-brother in chastity so she can control you from playing with yourself while she fucks her date. She like referring to herself as your Mommy, and Mommy wants you to sniff her feet, pussy, ass, and armpits before she has sex with her date, so you can compare her pheromone smell before and then after she has sex. After your are done sniffing all over, she puts a bone gag in your mouth so you can't make too much noise while she is having sex with her date.
cuckolding, female domination, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Ariel X Puts Her Cuckold Step Brother in Chastity - 426.99 MB

Princess Alice walks in on you, her Step Dad jerking off with her dirty red panties. She is disgusted but decides to use this to her advantage. She offers up the opportunity to smell the more pungent panties she is currently wearing, but first she takes a video of you with her dirty panties in hand. She says if you don't want her to show the video to your wife, you must act as her puppy, since you won't let her have a real one. You are too engrossed in her dirty red panties to say no. She continues to take advantage of the situation further trapping you in her grasp, literally, as she pulls down your underwear and starts giving you a hand job with her red panties wrapped around your dick, all the while threatening all the things she can do to expose you if you don't obey her wishes.
ass worship, blackmail fantasy, femdom, handjobs, taboo
Download link ----> Princess Alice Catches Her Perving Step Dad - 517.35 MB

Megan has been sitting outside waiting for you, the new lawn boy and you are very late! When you finally arrive she is mad and tells you she is going to have to properly train him... like a puppy! She tells you to get down and start to sniff up her legs, and teases you with her big tits but says you're not worthy of getting access to them. She takes off her shoes and proceeds to teases you with her feet, only to make you lick them and then shoves her foot in your mouth. She then stands up from the chair and makes you crawl around following her bare feet, just like a good pup would.
big tits, female domination, femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Megan Jones Trains The Lawn Boy - 475.44 MB

Anastasia suspects you have been cheating on her so goes through your phone and sure enough finds out you have been, but not only that, she finds out from your browsing that you like to put things in your butt. She tells you she would have been willing to try. As a punishment to teach you a lesson she went out and bought a few things. The first is a butt plug with a tail attached to it! She makes you put it in your butt and she doesn't care if it hurts since you hurt her by cheating. She then brings out a collar and leash to walk you around, but it doesn't end there as she breaks out a puppy pee pad...looks like Anastasia has a new pet!
butt plug, female domination, femdom pov, pet play, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Anastasia Rose Gives Her Man a Puppy Tail - 374.78 MB

Amethyst Mars brings you, her caged puppy slave, a special treat to lap up from a doggy bowl...her pee. You must lap it all up, not only because it's an honor to consume her pee, but because that's all you are going to get to quench your thirst. She puts a pee pad in your cage incase you have to go potty after lapping up her pee. She then surprises you with a tail, a butt plug tail to be exactly. She tells you to turn around so she can insert it in it. Once the tail is in she gives she reveals a chew toy and you two play a little bit of tug of war with it. Well that's enough play for now, she grabs a collar and leash and your puppy ears because she is going to take you outside for a walk...
female domination, femdom, pee, puppy play, toilet humiliation
Download link ----> Amethyst Mars Pee Training of Her Puppy Slave - 376.91 MB

Lauren is lounging out on the lanai on a hot summer day in a bikini with you, her puppy sub down on the ground by her feet. Since it's a hot day she knows you must be thirsty so she is kind enough to give you something to quench your thirst...she spits in your doggy bowl for you to lap up. She then stretches out her long legs and gives her puppy a treat. You will be allowed to sniff and lick all up and down her sweaty feet and then as she twists over she gives you access to her sweaty, pungent bikini clad butt. She has one last treat for you, she allows you to sniff and lick her sweaty armpits clean. She then tells you to lie down on the ground below her and take a nap.
female domination, femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw, spit fetish
Download link ----> Lauren Phillips Lounges Outside with Her Puppy Sub - 481.2 MB

Mistress Luna Lain just finished a corporal punishment session in her latex and is now tired and sweaty when she comes home to her puppy slave. She wants to reward you for being a good puppy, having peed outside and cleaned her toilet with your tongue. She takes off her sweaty, stinky boots that she has been wearing all day and has you lick the sweat off her feet. Your sweat licking duties don't end there as she is sweaty all over. She makes you lick the sweat out of her asshole as well. When she feels you have licked all the sweat off, she makes you roll over and she feeds you a special doggy treat...her chewed up food. After a bit, she decides you've had enough to eat, so she puts a collar and leash on you and takes you outside for walkies.
asshole fetish, female domination, femdom, foot fetish, puppy play
Download link ----> Mistress Luna Lain Rewards Her Good Puppy Slave - 528.71 MB

Krissy is lounging by the po ol while you keep her company. She decides it's time to confront you about being delinquent on the rent, for the third time in a row! She gives you an ultimately, either pay up immediately and never be late again, or...you can become her puppy slave. She tells you she has noticed how submissive you seem, always eager to do what she tells you to do and tends to follow her around, just like a puppy. She also notices how you seem fixated on her feet, typical of a puppy. From now on she will collar you and keep you in chastity. Your daily chores will include sniffing and licking her feet, even if they are sweaty and smelly. You will have to do whatever she commands of you and she will control your daily life, including your feeding times. If you disobey, she will put you in a kennel, but if you are a good boy, she will reward you by allowing you to sniff her ass. Your new roommate dynamic starts now as she puts out her feet for you to start sniffing and licking!
chastity, female domination, femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Krissy Koven and Her Deliquent Roommate - 330.16 MB

Capri has to remind you as her new pup to always get down on your hands and knees when you are in her home. She has you crawl over to her and she put a new collar and leash on you. She's very pleased with your "new look". She just got back from exercising and is hungry, but don't worry, she didn't forget about feeding you. She actually bought a new doggy bowl as well for you to eat out of. She is kind enough to share food with you, but with a twist...she is going to chew up the food and spit it in the bowl for you to eat, and she expects you to lick your new bowl clean! She also bought you a chew toy as she doesn't want you to chew on anything else while she's away, unless she gives you specific permission. You are behaving like a good boy so she rewards you by allowing you to sniff and lick her ass, feet and armpits clean, which are nice and pungent since she just finished exercising. Ok, it's time for you to eat out of your new doggy bowl for the first time, but she almost forgot a dessert for after the meal she made you...it's a nice well worn pair of her socks for you to savor!
ass worship, female domination, femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play
Download link ----> Capri Feeds Her Pup Scraps and Sweat - 430.08 MB

Jacquelyn sits you down and tells you that even though you two are "cat people" she wants a puppy, but she is not talking about a regular puppy as they are a lot of work...she wants you to be her puppy! She notices you seem excited about the idea of being her puppy so she starts your new role in her life right away! From now on you going to be down on all fours and she expects your to beg like a pup for things, starting with becoming familiar with all scents by begging to sniff and lick and if you are a good boy she will take you for a walk in the doggy park...
female domination, femdom pov, foot fetish, pet play, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Jacquelyn Velvets - Cat People Become Puppy People - 437.63 MB

Letty brings you back to her home after she met you at the club. You seem rather harmless and kind of pathetic. You told her you are new in town and don't have a place to stay, so decides to take advantage of your situation. You think you are going to get lucky with her but she has other plans. She invited you n knowing you has no where to rest tonight and you don't seem to have much money, so she knows it should be rather easy to convince you to become her new puppy in exchange for a play to stay. Once inside she breaks the news to you that, no, you aren't going to be having sex with her, but if he wants a place to stay and something to eat you must agree to become her pup. You are reluctant but ultimately agrees to it, so the training begins as she commands you to get down on all fours and puts a collar and leash on you, followed by some binding leather paws. This is just the beginning of your new life as a kept pet...
female domination, femdom pov, pet play, puppy play, sfw, transformation fetish
Download link ----> Letty Brings A Stray Home From the Club - 390.68 MB

Miss Devi just got back home from the club to greet you, her subby pup, right where she left you, in the doggy cage. She she starts to tell you about all the hot boys she danced with at the club and even though she wished she could have brought her little puppy boy with her to the club, you are not properly trained and ready for that yet. She had a few to beverages at the club and needs to really relieve her bladder, so you are in for a treat. While she continues to keep you in the cage, she grabs his doggy bowl and proceeds to squat down and release her goddess champagne in your bowl. Since she has been out all night and did not put anything in his cage for you to consume before she left for the club, she knows you will be mighty thirsty and eager to lap it up.
female domination, femdom pov, pee, puppy play, toilet slavery
Download link ----> Miss Isobel Devi Hydrates Her Pup - 1.33 GB

Ashlynn catches you peeping and perving on her while she was fucking her boyfriend. She video recorded on her phone you peeping on her and plans to use it as evidence to blackmail you. She won't tell your parents so long as you do everything she says. She just sees you as a filthy dirty little mutt so she is going to start to treat you as one. She knows you get aroused watching her fuck her boyfriend so she calls you out as a little cuck puppy. She is really getting into humiliating you. She tells you to crawl over and sniff her stinky feet as any good pup would do and if you don't she will get a collar to discipline you and take you outside for walks to show you off to the neighbors! You seem to obey her for now and enjoy getting use to her scent so she decides to add to your sniffing by stripping her dirty cum filled panties and throws it at you to sniff and chew on.
cuckolding, female domination, foot fetish, puppy play, taboo
Download link ----> Ashlynn Blackmails & Cuckolds Her Mutt of a Step Brother - 528.1 MB

Nika just got home from a long day at work and she is tired. She goes to work all day and comes home to a messy house with no food. She is annoyed that you haven't cleaned the house, made dinner or frankly done anything productive. She is fed up with you. She's been think that since you've been wanting a puppy but you don't clean up after yourself and you forget to even feed yourself, that it would be better if you become her puppy! She went to the sex shop by her work and picked a gag, but not just any gag, a bone gag for your new role as her pup. Since you are now her pup and you haven't even been satisfying her in bed, she informs you that she plans to fuck her boss instead of you. After all, she needs to get a promotion at work since you are not contributing financially. But don't worry, she will allow you to sniff and lick her feet and her ass, just like a good puppy would. She also plans to put you in a pet cage when she fucks her boss in your home, but that's not it, she is going to make you lick her clean after her boss cums in her pussy, and is even threatening to piss in your water bowl after he fucks her, so instead of water, it will just be a combination of her boss' cum and her pee you will be lapping up.
cei, cuckolding, female domination, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Nika Venom's Useless Man Becomes Her Pup - 473.77 MB

Stella Liberty knows how you just love to give her that unconditional love, so she thought you'd be the perfect specimen for a little pet play. The way you wiggle your little butt for her, looking up at her waiting for a pet. You're just the perfect puppy. Stella can't have her puppy making a mess inside her house, so she tells you that you'll have to be trained to use the puppy pad. Don't worry, she'll still let you curl up at her feet. Except now, she's going to expect you to bring her her shoes in the morning. She knows how much you love to smell her shoes, and tells you do go ahead & smell her dirty feet. You ask her if you can lick her toes, and Stella giggles & tells you to go ahead. Next, she tells you that to be her puppy, you need the proper attire. She puts a collar around your neck & hooks a leash onto it. Now, what to feed you? Stella shows you a puppy bowl, and tells you that from now on, you'll be eating your kibble out of this bowl. She knows that your thirsty, so she spits into the bowl & places it onto the floor for you to lap up. Doesn't it feel good to worship your master?
female domination, femdom, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Stella Liberty's Puppy's First Day - 426.83 MB

Ayla Aysel was going on your computer, looking at the family finances when she came across porn links. She understands that all men look at porn, but puppy play porn? Is that's what you like? Is the the reason you haven't been sexual or even touched her on months? Maybe that's the reason you having been performing well at work either, you're just too distracted with puppy play porn! If you really wants to be a puppy, she will retrain you and make that happen! She lets you know that when you become her pet there will be no sex life between the two of you anymore, from now on you are only going to be her pet! She tells you you'll no longer sit at the dinner table, and you'll eat your meals out of a bowl on the floor. You will also no longer be allowed in bed, but instead remain on the floor by the bed, like the pup you now are!
female domination, female domination, femdom, femdom, humiliation, pet play, puppy play, puppy play, sfw, sfw
Download link ----> Ayla Aysel Retraining Her Hubby - 383.77 MB

You have been a misbehaving puppy slave, trying to hump Raquel's leg. She tried swatting you with a newspaper, but that didn't work so she decides to lock you up in the puppy cage for some crate training to punish you and keep you in line. If the crate training doesn't work she threatens to put a shock collar on you, and she knows electricity terrifies you. While in the cage, she slides a collar and leash in for you to put on so she has even more control over you, driving home the fact even further the she is your owner. It doesn't end there though as she reveals a butt plug tail that she makes you suck to lube up and then shove up your ass. After all she says, what's a puppy without a tail?! If you start to behave then she may let you out for a walk, but for now, it's going to be extensive create training time.
female domination, femdom, humiliation, puppy play, slave training
Download link ----> Raquel Roper Crate Trains Her Puppy Slave - 315.95 MB

You come home late again after been out with your friends and Kat is tired of it and doesn't want to constantly come home to an empty home. She's been wanting to get a puppy for a while but you have resisted as you think they are too dirty, messy and get hair everywhere. Well she has had enough of this so she decides that you are going to be her puppy, so she knows your whereabouts and you won't be able to complain about a real "dirty" "messy" pup. From now on when she gets home you will be there waiting for her like a good pup. She has actually been planning this for a while so she reveals a few things she bought that will help to transform and train you in to her puppy. She starts with a puppy mask and puppy paw mitts so you look the part. Then she reveals a matching collar and leash which of course you have to have on to begin your training and to follow her lead when she takes you outside for walkies. Before she puts the collar on your she has you sniff her hand to get familiar with her scent and then allows you to sniff your new Mommy's stocking feet since all pups need to learn to love sniffing feet!
big tits, female domination, femdom, foot worship, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Kat VanWylder Transforms Her Boyfriend Part 1 - 475.48 MB

Mommy Sunshine takes a dip in the water and tells you, here puppy boy, to sit by the edge while she relaxes and enjoys the water. She lets her you know that she is having people over to the house later today and that you better behave yourself and not jump up on them and start sniffing them. She decides that she wants her pup to come in with her but you are hesitant and won't get close to the edge of the water. It dawns on her that you probably never learned to doggy paddle. She tries to entice you to come in by saying you can suck on Mommy's boobs but you doesn't budge so she puts her feet out on the edge to tempt you by allowing him to lick her feet. Nothing seems to get you to crawl closer to get in the water, so she resigns that today isn't the day she is going to get you to learn how to doggy paddle. Sunshine realizes it's getting late so she hops out of the water to prepare for company coming over later. She leaves her sandals but warns her puppy boy not to chew them up.
big tits, female domination, femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Mommy Sunshine Tries To Teach Her Puppy Boy to Swim - 373.49 MB

You and Sablique get back home after her intense gym workout. Since you were a very well behaved pup in the car ride home, she gives you some extra treats. She starts by giving you her sweaty socks to sniff and chew on. Then she begins to peel off her shirt and tells you to get in between her tits to sniff and lick the sweat off, but don't forget to give her armpits attention too. Then she takes off her sweaty shirt and has you beg for it before she throws it at you to sniff and chew on. She then peels down her yoga pants and it's just her lacy thong that are between Sablique and your pup snout. You can't help but crawl right up in there to sniff her sweaty pungent pussy and big juicy ass. She actually encourages you to bury his nose in her ass before allowing her pup to sniff and lick her big sweaty feet clean. She is starting to get a little tired and needs to shower before her date comes over to fuck her, but informs you that she will probably allow you to crawl over in the corner to stay in the room to watch, if you remain a good obedient boy.
ass worship, cuckolding, female domination, foot fetish, puppy play
Download link ----> Sablique's Gym Sweat Pup Part 2 - 523.77 MB

Summer brings you back home from doggy daycare. She is disappointed in you as the daycare was supposed to help with training and discipline since she doesn't have time to look after you all day, but you are still being disobedient and still not potty trained. Summer puts you back in the cage along with pee pads and tells you that is where you are supposed to pee, not in the other side of your cage. She tells you to be quiet as she leaves to the room to make a phone call but you bark when she leaves the room. She is starting to get annoyed. She comes back into the room to scold you for barking and misbehaving but she can't stay mad at you long when he looks up at you with that sweet little puppy face.
female domination, femdom, femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Summer Marshall Crate Trains Her Bratty Puppy - 427.86 MB

Jasper comes over to b@bysit you again for the weekend when your parents go out of town. She arrives after school only to answer the house phone, it's a call from your school saying you were caught masterbating in the bathroom at school. Having been over before she knows you are out of control but this time you have gone too far. She uses this info to blackmail you, telling you from now on when she is there she is going to train you as a puppy to get you under control. If you don't go along with it, she is going to tell your parents about the phone call and you will be in way worse trouble. She explains from now on you will be under her complete control and will not be allowed to act as a boy, playing video games, etc. Instead you will learn to obey her commands, and if you are a good boy you will get rewarded with a chew toy to play with. If you do not obey and behave you will be fitted with a shock collar! Once she feels you are ready to accept your new fate, she begins the training weekend by whipping out a collar and leash and instructs you to get down on all fours and accept a symbol of your new existence.
blackmail fantasy, female domination, femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Jasper Reed Babysits The Pervy Puppy - 285.4 MB

Jasper is out sunning when you, her new puppy boy, crawls over to her. She tells you that you have not been behaving well enough so she is going to have to implement stricter training. She grabs a bone gag and proceeds to secure it in your mouth as she no longer wants to hear you talk. She then shows you this new cage she is going to use on you, explaining it's a chastity cage that goes on your little red rocket to keep it locked up and out of the way, but before she puts the chastity cage on you, she wants you to worship her sweaty body as she relaxes in the sun. She wants you to sniff and lick from the soles of her feet all the way up her body, and expects you not to miss an any spot on her beautiful body!
ass worship, femdom, foot fetish, goddess worship, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Jasper Reed Babysits The Pervy Pup Part 2 - 520.2 MB

Mia peaks at your computer and sees some odd things she has never seen before. She expected to see porn, but not this. It seems he has been looking at something called puppy play porn. Well she has to confront you about this. She tells you what she found and decides to use it to blackmail you. She tells you she wants you to get down on all fours and crawl over to her. She wants to see what she can get you to do so takes off her sandals she's been walking in all day and tells you to sniff them like a good pup would. She then tells you that every pup loves to sniff and lick feet, so ofcourse she has you get to it, including licking some of the dirt off her feet. After you do a good enough job she wants to take it farther and has you sniff and lick her armpits. Now that you appear to obey her, she knows this is just the beginning of your new dynamic...
armpits, femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Mia Hope Discovers Her Step-Brother's Secret - 384.59 MB

Kiki came across your cell phone lying around and saw texts between you and another woman. You clearly have been cheating on her! She calls you into the room and tells you what she discovered. You seem afraid of what she may do, but she tells you not to be afraid, but rather come closer. To deal with your cheating, she reveals a chastity device she bought when she discovered the texts. She snaps the chastity on your cock. Oh, but that's not it...she has something else in store for you! She also picked up a collar and leash as she is going to turn her cheating horndog into her pup. She is now your owner! She commands you to get on all fours and sit like a good pup. From now on you must obey all her commands...when to sit, walk, eat, and rest. Now in her new role as your owner, she decides to tease you with your cock cage on. She hikes up her skirt and shows her clean shaven pussy. Oh how bad you wants to sniff and lick it, but that's not going to happen...she is just going to tease you for a while! The fun for her is just beginning...
chastity, female domination, femdom pov, puppy play, pussy denial
Download link ----> Kiki Locks Up Her Cheating Horndog - 1.27 GB

Sablique is exercising at the gym and her puppy sub is sitting there patiently while she finishes. She is very sweaty now. She starts to tease her pup by telling him all the places on her body he will have to lick up her sweat. He will have to bury his nose up in her sweaty ass. She then exposes her breasts telling him he will have to lick the sweat off her breasts and then on to her armpits, and then her sweaty wet pussy. She then sits down on the gym mat and begins to take off her sweaty gym shoes. She allows him to sniff one of her sweaty shoes and then proceeds to treat him to her sweaty sock and foot, but only one for now, the rest she will save for when they get back to her home!
armpits, femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play, sweat fetish
Download link ----> Sablique's Gym Sweat Pup - 526.53 MB

Madeline thinks her boyfriend has been cheating on him, but he swears he has not, so why won't he fuck her when she wants? Well she was snooping in his computer when he was at work and came across a lot of porn, especially puppy play porn! She confronts him about this when he gets home from work, and although she is glad to know he hasn't been cheating, she's not happy he has been hiding this from her, and worse he has been going to a dominatrix to treat him as a puppy! Well from now own, Madeline is going to treat her boyfriend as HER puppy! Not only is she going to make him crawl on all fours at all times, eat out of doggy bowl, and train him with a collar and leash, but she doesn't even want to see his face, so she bought a puppy mask, that he is to wear whenever he is in her presence!
big tits, female domination, femdom, femdom pov, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Madeline's Boyfriend is Now Her Puppy Part 1 - 361.0 MB

Isobel is finishing her gym workout and she is very sweaty. Her puppy has been such a patient and well behaved good boy waiting on all fours by her side that she decides to reward him by allowing him to lick all the sweat off her body. Ofcourse she makes him start all the way down on the floor by licking all the sweat off her feet. When she feels he has done a good job cleaning her feet, she allows him to continue to lick her clean...with her sweaty ass, under boob and armpits!
ass worship, female domination, foot fetish, goddess worship, puppy play
Download link ----> Isobel Devi's Good Gym Pup - 485.82 MB

Carmen's training of you to be her puppy has been going well. She brings you with her as she lounges outside on the patio. She has a bag with her and reveals that she went shopping for you...to get you a new collar and leash, and a doggy bowl, which you will be eating out of from now on. It's hot outside and she is getting sweaty, so she feels this is a good opportunity to teach you to sniff and lick various parts of her body, even when she is sweaty and smelly. She first has you sniff and lick her sweaty feet. Then she turns around and has you sniff her sweaty butt, as all pups would want! She then turns back around and instructs you to crawl closer to sniff her sweaty crotch and of course not to forget sniffing and licking her sweaty stinky armpits. She realizes you must be thirsty from being outside in the heat so she offers you something to lap up...her spit, which she kindly spits into your brand new doggy bowl. It's time for you to get used to this new way of quenching your thirst!
female domination, femdom, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Carmen X Shops for Her Puppy Brother - 383.4 MB

When you come home Misty sits you down and says you have not been helpful around the house and not cutting it as a lover. The only use she sees for you now is to become her puppy since she can't have a real puppy because You Are Allergic to them! So from here on out you are going to be her puppy if you want to remain in her house, and until you can prove you can fulfill your role as a real man! She makes you get down on all fours and puts a collar on you. Then she teases you with her bare pussy telling you that he won't get to fuck her again until he can prove to be well behaved and helpful! As her puppy, She plans to take you for walks outside, potty training you, and only allow you to eat out of a doggy bowl and it will be scraps from your meals, which she is about to go make for herself. Before she does though, she wants you to get used to sniffing her butt, just like every good pup does!
ass worship, female domination, femdom, femdom pov, puppy play
Download link ----> Misty Rein Turns Her Inadequate Man into Puppy - 378.83 MB

Step-Mommy Dava puts you, her puppy step-son, in a doggy cage while she goes out with her friends. She puts in the cage a doggy dish with water and a chew toy but decides she should put in a pee pad as well incase he needs to go potty in his cage while she is gone. She tells him that from now on she will only feed him a couple times and day and only with her scraps. She decides this transformation must be a bit overwhelming so she gives him a treat by allowing him to smell her pussy and sniff her butthole through the doggy cage, before she heads out for hours of fun with her friends.
ass worship, female domination, femdom, puppy play, taboo
Download link ----> Dava Foxx Keeps Puppy Stepson in a Cage - 436.3 MB

Carmen comes back from the pet store with a new doggy bowl and puppy pee pad to put in her puppy hubby's cage. She is going to be locking you in the cage for a while...the handsome and helpful man at the pet store ask her out on a date and she gladly accepted, so she will be gone tonight for several hours. She is wearing the pretty yellow dress she know's you like, just to tease and torment you further, and she shows you she isn't wearing any panties under the dress as she plans to give her date easy access to her pussy! In fact she tells you that she will probably bring him back home and fuck him in your bed, well it used to be your bed until Carmen made you her caged pup! She is getting so into this new dynamic that she tells you that she plans to not only cuckold you tonight, but if you want anything to eat tonight, you are only going to be allowed to lick out the cream pie from her freshly fucked pussy after her date!
cuckolding, female domination, femdom, humiliation, puppy play
Download link ----> Carmen's Caged and Cucked Cheating Pup - 1.23 GB

Letty brings you, her new puppy boy into her bedroom as she is getting ready to go to bed. She doesn't have a doggy bed for you yet, so she puts down a puppy pee pad and tells you that is what he is going to have to stay on until she gets a puppy bed for you, but you better be careful as that is also where you will have to go potty as well. Before she goes to bed she likes to have her feet massaged but since her new pup doesn't have hands now, only paws, she settles for you licking her sweaty feet clean. Since you do a good job with that she allows you to sniff her sweaty butt and even gives you a brief treat...sniffing and licking the crotch of her panties. She has spoiled you enough tonight so she ties your leash to her bed and tells you that tomorrow she will take you for a walk and teach you to go potty outside.
ass worship, female domination, femdom, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Letty Puts Her New Pup To Bed - 438.2 MB

Lydia finds out you have been reading her diary so she gets revenge by finding your diary online and not only does she uncover your fetish fantasy of being treated as a puppy slave, but she comes across your wish list which includes a collar and leash, chew toys, and a doggy bowl. She decides to purchase these items and use them for her blackmail scheme against you. She confronts you about is snooping and perving and tells you that if you don't obey her every command she will tell you parent, but will let friends and family know about your kinks. She then proceeds to make you worship her sweaty feet after telling you she has been wearing her stinky gym socks and shoes. She also noticed that some of her panties have been missing which she nows knows is because of her step-brother stealing them. Since you likes her scent so much, she makes you sniff her sweaty butt and asshole and then makes you get a good sniff and lick of her sweaty, pungent crotch. Oh, but Lydia isn't done, she lets her puppy step-brother know the from now on you will be consuming her spit and lapping up her pee from a doggy bowl that she will be filling every morning.
blackmail fantasy, female domination, foot fetish, pee, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Lydia Blackmails Her Pervy Pup Brother - 1.18 GB

Kiki notices you, step-son got aroused sniffing her feet while she is training you to be her puppy so she has you start to lick her feet. This turns her on and since her husband is out of town and has been ignoring her sexual needs, she decides to turn to her puppy stepson to take care of her needs. She first has you sniff and lick her armpits, as that really turns her on, but then she cranks it up sexually having you worship her breast, and then sniff and lick her ass, asshole and pussy. She is so pleased with your sniffing and licking sk ills that she decides this is going to be an ongoing thing between the two of you.
female domination, femdom, foot fetish, puppy play, taboo
Download link ----> Kiki Daire's Stepson Sniff and Licks Her - 843.08 MB

Ashlynn went into your office to grab some files and noticed on your computer a video that showed a naked male being lead around on his hands and knees with a collar and leash by a clothed woman. This is obviously not allowed on a workplace computer. She is an intern but you have been treating her more like a slave. Now she has something she can blackmail you with, and threatens to go to Human Resources to report you if you don't agree to become her puppy slave...
blackmail fantasy, female domination, femdom, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Ashlynn Makes Her Boss Her Puppy Slave - 435.4 MB

Goddess Lovell picked you up at the club and brought you back to her home. You think you're going to get to fuck her, but that is not what she has in mind. While you two were dancing at the club you were very yappy so you seemed more like a yappy puppy than a man to her, so she decided to bring you back to her home to try to turn you into her human pup...which proved to be a bit easier than she thought, as you are soo desperate just to be in her presence and get close to her...
female domination, femdom pov, foot fetish, goddess worship, puppy play
Download link ----> Goddess Lovell Picks Up a Club Pup - 274.86 MB

Brandi Mae just got back from the gym and her puppy step-son knows his role...you are down on the floor on your hands and knees ready to sniff, lick and clean every crevice of his Step-Mommy's sweaty muscular body.
ass worship, female domination, foot fetish, puppy play, taboo
Download link ----> Brandi Mae's Puppy Boy Sweat Licker - 901.59 MB

Step-Mommy Riot is getting ready for a date so she puts you in your cage while she is out on her date. She leaves a puppy pad in the cage incase you have to pee while she's gone. Step-Mommy promises you some intimate sniffing if you behaves while she's away. If not you will get the bone gag, but then again.... Step-Mommy just might make you watch her fuck her date when she brings him back to the house.
cuckolding, female domination, mommy roleplay, puppy play, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Riot Cages Her Cuck Step-Son - 263.39 MB

Mistress K is putting you, her puppy slave in his place. She has a rolled up paper in her hand ready to dish out some discipline if you misbehaves. She knows her pup loves her beautiful voluptuous, natural body, including her luscious big breasts and her big juicy booty, but she has you start to worship her beautiful feet. After you do a worthy job on her feet, she lets you sniff her butt and her sweaty pussy, even letting you lick her fingers that were just rubbing on her sweaty, juicy pussy. She has spoiled you enough for now so she puts a collar on you and instructs him to go crawl into your cage in the corner, as she is about to fuck a real man!
ass sniffing, female domination, femdom, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Mistress K Controls Her Pup Slave - 377.1 MB

Goddess Fina comes over to pup sit you while your owner is away for the weekend. Last time she was over there you were an out of control little brat. Well this weekend she is there to give you some obedience training. She starts by putting a tight collar and leash on you. One of the things she was disgusted with when she was over last time was that you went to the bathroom wherever you wanted all over the house. Well Goddess Fina is about to change that! She threatens that she will make you go in your doggy bowl and lap it up with your tongue and then she will pee in your bowl and make you lap that up! She is going to be way more strict than your owner has been with you. She also demands that you only bark when she instructs you to. If you don't learn your lesson than she plans to put you in chastity!
chastity, female domination, femdom, pee, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Goddess Fina Gives Obedience Training Part 1 - 432.21 MB

Irene is lying in bed when you comes into the room. She has your computer on the bed because her computer was not working, so needed to borrow yours to get some work done. She has a big grin on her face because she found puppy play fetish porn on your computer. Rather than be mad about it, she is actually curious about it. She asks you if you are into being a puppy because the site you left up is all about men being treated like pups by women. When you don't deny it, her mind starts to race and she gets excited about all the things she is seeing in the videos, and all the things she is thinking about doing to you...
ass sniffing, female domination, femdom, pet play, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Irene Discovers Her Man's Pup Fetish Part 1 - 433.85 MB

Mistress Angel Severin has been out having cocktails with her girlfriends and shopping for some kinky toys for her puppy slave. She left you locked in the puppy cage for several hours for the first time. When she comes back home, she is excited to show you all the fun toys she bought, including a bone gag to keep you quiet, and a butt plug puppy tail, which she proceeds to shove into your ass to complete your puppy transformation! After she finishes showing her pup all the fun things she got, she tells you that her bladder is full from all the cocktails she had with her girlfriends, so she wants her puppy slave to crawl out of the cage and follower her into the bathroom so she can quench your thirst with her pee...
female domination, femdom, pee, puppy play, sfw, toilet slavery
Download link ----> Mistress Angel Cages Her Puppy Slave - 434.16 MB

Your Boss, Mz Haze, calls you into her office to discuss something important. She was at your desk looking for a file and found fetish puppy play porn on your work computer. She tells you this is grounds for being fired, but decides to give you an opportunity not to be fired under one condition...you agree to be her puppy! She's been wanting to get a puppy but is soo busy with work that she doesn't have time to take care of a real pup, but she believes she has time to train you as her pup. You reluctantly agree to this as you really want to keep your job. She tells you to crawl over to her so she can lay down the ground rules and get your training started.
boss/employee, female domination, femdom pov, milf, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Your Boss Mz Haze Finds Your Puppy Porn - 446.15 MB

After a night of dancing at the strip club, Capri brings you, one of her pervy big spending admirers, home to her house. She noticed you were very focused on her feet and heels at the club so she figures she can use this to her advantage. Her feet are very sore and sweaty from dancing all night so she has you crawl over to her and give her sweaty feet some attention. While down on your hands and knees sniffing and licking her feet you remind her of a puppy loving it's owner's feet. She decides you will now be her new pup and she will train you to do as she wishes, including sniffing and licking her other sweaty body parts! Your training is just beginning of your new life...
ass fetish, female domination, femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play
Download link ----> Dancer Capri Adopts a Pervy Pup - 378.22 MB

Your step sister Kat is bending over in her room, when she hears you sneaking up on her. Startled, she turns around & scolds you for always barging in when she's getting changed. She tells you that it's inappropriate for you to see her when she's half dressed, and notices that you're down on all fours. "What are you, a puppy?", she asks you. Well then, since you're a little puppy and can't seem to take your eyes off of her, she sticks her ass out and tells you to take a big whiff of her ass. You want it, so get your face in there and take a big whiff of her sweaty ass, inhale that booty little pup. She lifts up her dirty sweaty feet & makes you to sniff them, too. She tells you she wants your tongue out to start licking them up & down until they're clean. She turns around, and points towards her pussy and asks if you want to sniff that, too. She describes all the dirty things she's done in those panties over the past few days, and tells you to get your nose right up in there and inhale. She knows her scent makes you weak and laughs as you lose yourself in her aroma. Kat tells you that she has to finish getting dressed, and orders you out of her room.
ass sniffing, female domination, puppy play, sfw, sweat fetish, taboo
Download link ----> Kat Soles Pervy Pup Step Brother - 424.86 MB

Vika wants a real puppy but has never had one so she decides she is going to practice having a puppy by making her sub live like one for a while. She tells you you'll have to pee on a pee pad in the corner and only eat her leftovers from a doggy bowl. She notices your little penis is getting hard as she explains your new role but she tells you that you're not allowed to get your little red rocket hard without her permission. She decides to train him to control his red rocket by getting completely naked and putting a collar and leash on you and then proceeds to tease you by allowing you to sniff her pussy to become familiar with her scent. If you continues to behave she may allow you what her really wants... to lick her pussy as well.
ass sniffing, female domination, femdom, puppy play, sph
Download link ----> Vika's Sub Becomes Her Practice Pup - 431.54 MB

Kat has you come over again to tutor her, free of cost. She is sitting outside on the lanai on a nice, hot sunny day when you arrives. She has to immediate remind you to get down on all fours like a good puppy and begin by sniffing her feet. Then she reveals that she got you a few gifts. The first gift is a collar and leash, wish she proceeds to put on you. When you are nice and secure in her grip she has you lick her feet from her soles all the way to her toes. She then shows you the chew toy she got, it's in the shape of a bone. She tells you if you are a good boy she will take him for a walk later and play fetch with the bone. She is starting to get very sweaty on this hot sunny day, and she feels it's her new puppy's job to clean her off, from her toes all the way up to her armpits! She tells you to get right to it, as she also needs you to make time to tutor her so she can get all A's.
female domination, femdom, pet play, puppy play, sfw, sweat fetish
Download link ----> Kat Soles Makes Her Teacher Her Pup P2 - 481.11 MB

You are late to arrive at Kat's house to tutor her. She is annoyed at your tartiness so she tells you that she and others girls in the class are aware that you perv on them. Infact, when she deliberately drops things on the floor, you always rush over to pick them up...but while you are done on the floor you sniffs at her feet. She has caught you doing this on her video phone so she blackmails you, informing you that from now on, not only will you come over every week for three hours to tutor her, but she will train you as her puppy. She starts training you be by making you come closer to her on all fours and sniff her bare feet like a good pup. After sniffing she instructs you to lick all the dirt off her feet, including between her toes. She is getting excited by having a pup and decides she is going shopping after the tutoring session for a collar and leash for her new pup.
female domination, femdom, foot worship, pet play, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Kat Soles' Teacher Becomes Her Pup - 405.58 MB

Mistress Severin's slave is on his knees in front of her but doesn't realize just yet that today he will be experiencing something he has not experienced before. Mistress has laid out several new pieces of fetish gear as today he is going to be transformed from her average slave to her puppy slave! She plans to make him a full on puppy with a collar and leash, a puppy mask, and even puppy paws! She doesn't want her new pup to start humping things and certainly not other people, without her permission, so she decides to put his little puppy penis in chastity, just to make sure he behaves. Once she has her new puppy slave in all his gear she realizes something very important is missing...a puppy tail! She tells him that she will go shopping for a tail, so next time she sees him he will be a proper pup! She informs him he will be treated and act fully as her puppy, not a human, and if he behaves she will give him pets, take him for walks, and even make him lap up her pee from a doggy bowl!
chastity, female domination, femdom pov, pee, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Mistress Severin's Pup Slave in Chastity - 455.85 MB

Sadie comes home from the gym to see you right where she left you, in the doggy crate. She begins to take off her sweaty shoes and socks so you can sniff and lick her feet. She you her boyfriend is coming over to fuck her and she is really horny because it's been a weeks since she last saw him. She says you may need to "prep" her boyfriend but doesn't want your red rocket to get too hard so she puts you in chastity. Sadie then begins to strip off all her sweaty gym clothes and and sticks her sweaty asshole up to the crate so you get a good sniff. She says you'll have to remain to be in the crate for a while so puts a pee pad in there and instructs him to use it if need be. That makes her think you may be thirsty so she decides she will quench your thirst by peeing in the doggy bowl for you to lap up...she considers this a treat for you!. She doesn't have time to shower before the boyfriend arrives so you'll just have to lick her clean all over to get her ready for the sex she will be having with her boyfriend, so she gets naked for you to begin your licking duties. She tells you that you may have lick her pussy clean after she has been fucked by her boyfriend which is turning her on even more. It's now time for her date she she locks up his cage again and heads out the door.
chastity, cuckolding, female domination, pee, puppy play
Download link ----> Sadie Holmes Crates and Cucks Her Pup - 481.86 MB

Rennadel has caught you, her deadbeat, jobless roommate stealing her panties. She confronts you about it and tells you that if you want to continue living in her home you are going to become her puppy, since she doesn't have time to take care of a real doggy. She starts training you as her puppy by having you sniff her sweaty sneakers and socks since she just came back from the gym. Rennadel then pulls out her favorite pair of panties that she found in your bedroom and scolds you for it. She tells you that if you ever want to sniff her panties again you will have to become her well behaved puppy! She then graciously gives you a little taste of what could be if he behaves, as she has you sniff the panties that are currently on her body.
femdom pov, panty fetish, puppy play, sfw, shoe fetish, sock smelling
Download link ----> Rennadel's Panty Stealing Roommate - 342.41 MB

Agatha is working out at the gym and notices you staring at her. She ignores you at first but you keeps on staring so she confronts you but you don't go away so she starts to belittle you,, especially since you look out of shape and aren't even working out while perving on her. She doesn't let you deter her from her workout, and decides you will become her sweaty towel sniffer!
femdom pov, fitness, muscle worship, sfw, strong women, sweat fetish
Download link ----> Agatha Scolds The Gym Perv - 491.07 MB

Mommy Gia calls her step-son into her bedroom to discuss what time they need to leave the next morning for his tutor lesson. As he is standing in front of her she notices he has an erection...and this isn't the first time. It is happening more and more. She tells him this can't continue to happen, even thought she knows he is turned on by her because of his constant "red rocket" when he is around her. She tells him to get down and sniff her panty covered crotch and then turns around so he can have access to her ass. She then has him hump her leg to help alleviate his erection. That doesn't quite do the trick though, so she decides she needs to take more severe measures. She gets out a chastity device one of her former lovers who left it in her night stand. She explains that he will have to be locked up in chastity from now on until he learns to behave, and if he does, she will let him out...and even allow him to sniffer her crotch, ass and hump her leg again.
chastity, female domination, femdom pov, puppy play, taboo
Download link ----> Mommy Gia Controls Her Son's Red Rocket - 377.89 MB

Raven Rae is sexually unsatisfied by you, but she wants companionship so she decides you will have a new role in her life, you will be her puppy from now on. She warns you that if you don't agree to it and obey all her commands, she will divorce you and take a lot of your money. She puts a collar and leash on you and informs you that from now on you will have to wear a chastity device and your only sexual release will be to hump her leg!
chastity, female domination, femdom pov, pet play, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Raven Rae Inadequate Husband Is Her Pup - 393.73 MB

Savannah catches you cheating again and tells you that if you now don't do what she says she will divorce you and take everything! She starts by putting you in chastity. She decides your role as her husband has not gone well to say the least, so since you've been running around being a cheating horndog, you're new role in their relationship will be as her puppy. She proceeds to put a collar and leash on you and make you sniff her sweaty feet, just like a puppy would. It doesn't end with her feet. You have to sniff her sweaty legs and then her pussy, but that's all you get to do in your new role as her pup. She decides it's time to turn in for the night ,but you won't be allowed to get in the bed with her, you must stay on the floor by the bed like a doggy, at least until you learn to behave.
blackmail fantasy, chastity, female domination, foot worship, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Savannah's Cheating Hubby Become Her Pup - 477.6 MB

Carmen walks into her bedroom and is surprised to find you there, and on your hands and knees sniffing, and what looks like chewing, on her shoe! She is practically speechless! She thought it was odd that she was finding her shoes in weird spots and one even looked like it was chewed on. She is now putting two and two together. She tells you to crawl over to her just like a puppy. Even though she is mad and annoyed at you, she decides maybe this can work to her benefit. She has wanted her own puppy and since their parents won't let her get one, she tells her step-brother that she won't tell them what he has been doing, if he agrees to be her little pup.
female domination, femdom pov, puppy play, sfw, shoe fetish, taboo
Download link ----> Carmen X Catches Her Step-Brother - 384.84 MB

Princess Camryn agrees to take time out of her weekend to ba bysit you, a bratty boy, but only because your parents agreed to pay her double her rate. She makes you get down on your hands and knees and rub her feet while she sits out by the po ol. Camryn tells you how things are going to be while she is there. She is going to control you by putting a collar and leash on you and making him her little obedient puppy. She is going to invite her cute friend Liz over again to help her ba bysit. They both noticed last time Liz came over, you fawned all over her and got a little boner. This time she expects you to behave, and instead of rubbing Liz's feet, you will have to lick her feet like a good pup. If you do a good job and behave like a good boy, she will allow you to sniff Liz's butt as well.
female domination, femdom pov, foot worship, pet play, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Camryn Babysits The Bratty Boy - 496.36 MB

Goddess Helly puts you in a new cage since you've been bad. She tells you she is going to parade you around with a collar and leash in front of her friends and warns you if you makes any noises or whimpers while in your new cage she is going to put a bone gag in your mouth. Before she settles in for the night she teases you, letting saying she may fill your doggy bowl with her glorious pee instead of water. She see this gets you excited so she says if you behave like a good boy during your first night in the new cage she will let you hump her leg.
female domination, femdom pov, pee, puppy play, sfw, slave training
Download link ----> Goddess Helly's Slave Is In The Doghouse - 440.0 MB

Sablique comes back home from a nice long walk with you. She praises you, her puppy slave, for being well behaved and rewards him with chew toys but says she noticed you were completely fixated on her ass while out on the walk. She knows her ass turns you on so she decides to turn around and allow you to stick your nose in her short shorts to get a good sniff of her sweaty ass, but only for so long, as she wants to give you a different treat....to sniff and lick her sweaty and pungent shoes and feet.
ass sniffing, female domination, femdom pov, foot worship, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Sablique's Sweat Licking Puppy Slave - 489.52 MB

Boss Valora calls you into her office and scolds your for being 20 minutes late again. She tells you she is going to teach you about respect and to train you just like a little doggy. She has you get down on the ground on all fours in a subservient position. She has noticed you staring at her feet and heels a lot so she makes you get under her desk and sniff and kiss her shoes. She trains you to respond to her with "woof woof" and then breaks out a collar and leash, letting you know you will be wearing the collar all the time while in her presence. But it doesn't end there....
collars / leashes, female domination, femdom pov, puppy play, sfw, shoe & boot worship
Download link ----> Boss Goddess Valora Puppy Trains Her Intern - 370.46 MB

You barge into Ariana's bedroom again as she is about to get dressed. She is clearly annoyed and confronts you about you telling your parents that she snuck out of the house to meet up with her boyfriend the other night. On top of that, your parents went out of town and made her have to b bysit you. She has something though to use against you as blackmail. She has cell phone video of you taking Dad's prized vintage sports car out for a joy ride, but she is even more angry that when you did that, you left open the door and your family pup, Max, ran out and hasn't come back. Ariana grabs Max's collar and leash and decides to put them to good use. She tells you that you will now be her puppy when your parents are away. If you don't agree to it, she will share the video with your Dad, and you know what that means. She puts the collar and leash on you and tells you she is going to make you eat out of a doggy bowl and put you in Max's cage. Before she does that though, she tells you to get down on all fours and sniff her dirty feet. It doesn't end there, she has you sniff her asshole as well. As she is about to put him in the cage she lets you know her boyfriend will be coming over to fuck her while you are locked in the cage. She notices he seems aroused...
asshole fetish, blackmail fantasy, cuckolding, female domination, puppy play
Download link ----> Ariana Marie Blackmails Her Step Brother - 382.62 MB

Maia tells you that you are just not satisfying her sexually, no matter what you have tried. Rather than leave you, she has another way you can make her happy. She's been wanting a puppy but the landlord they rent their house from won't allow one, so Maia decides it would be a good idea if you become her human puppy. She convinces you into allowing her to put a collar and leash on you. She then tells you from now on you will go to work and come straight home after work to get back in puppy mode. She will be limiting your time time with your friends and all other recreation human activities. While she is telling you this she notices you are crawling closer to her, and staring at her armpits. She remembers you always had a sexual attraction to her armpits. She decides to let you have a good sniff and lick so that she may further manipulate your desires and your new lot in life...as her human pup.
armpits, female domination, femdom pov, pet play, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Maia Evon Pups Her Man - 441.66 MB

Mommy Lora is going out so she has to leave you in your cage as you've been a bad puppy boy. You have been masturbating a lot to her like a human would. You know's better as she has taught you that you can only masturbate like a pup by humping her leg. She also grabs a chastity device and puts it on your little red rocket because she can't trust you. She tells you that she will be gone a while, so before she goes she makes sure you have something to last up should you get thirsty. She fills up your doggy bowl, but not with water, but with Mommy's "special water", her pee! She fills it completely and is about to close the doggy cage, when she remembers she has a gift for you...one of Mommy's worn dirty panties for you to use as a chew toy while she is away.
chastity, female domination, pee, puppy play, taboo
Download link ----> Mommy Lora Pees in Her Puppy Boy's Bowl - 533.34 MB

Mistress Adreena discovers from her your secretary that you have been cheating on her. She knows she can divorce you and take everything, but instead decides to take full control of your relationship and turn you into her puppy slave. She has gotten a new bed...it's a cage on the bottom and a proper bed on top. She lays down the law and let's you know from now on you will be in the cage and she will be on the top. She tells you to get down on all fours and she proceeds to put a collar and leash on you, then whips out a chastity device to put on your cock, since she can't trust you anymore. It's getting late so she tells you it's time to get in the cage to go to bed but before you do, she lets you know that as her puppy, she will choose when and what to feed you from now on.
caging, female domination, femdom pov, pet play, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Mistress Adreena Double Cages Her Hubby - 381.45 MB

Goddess Anat comes home from a good workout in the gym. You have been waiting for her on his hands and knees like a good puppy. She is very sweaty from head to sweaty, pungent toes and wants you to lick her completely clean. She proceeds to start taking her shoes and socks off and has you start there to lick off the sweat. She then has you lick the sweat from her belly button, her armpits, her breasts, her ass, her thighs and her crotch...
female domination, muscle worship, puppy play, sfw, sweat fetish, taboo
Download link ----> Lick Clean Step-Mommy Anat's Sweaty Body - 444.41 MB

Reagan comes home to find you right were she left you, in your doggy cage. She says you've been doing well in your new role as her puppy but lets you know you will now have to be potty trained to go on puppy pee pads from now on and not in a toilet. Already locked up in a chastity device she proceeds to flaunt the key to the chastity device dangling around her neck while she wears a black strapless dress that drives you wild. She processed to tell you that she is wearing the dress not for you, but for a date that she has tonight, with one of your coworkers. She warns you to be quiet in your cage when she brings her date home later in the evening to get fucked. Before she leaves for her date so does give you a little treat, her worn panties she has been wearing all day and getting excited in leading up to her date tonight.
chastity, cuckolding, female domination, puppy play, toilet humiliation
Download link ----> Reagan Cages and Cucks Her Puppy Hubby - 443.93 MB

You show up late for you training session as Miss Wolfe's puppy slave. She instructs you to get down on all fours and get in puppy mode. She has bought a few things at the pet store for your training as she feels she needs to take you farther down the path of being a puppy for her. In addition to teaching you several commands, she informs you that it is time to stretch you out in order to take a puppy tail butt plug. She expects you to wear your new tail whenever you are in her presence, whether it is in private or in public. She then tells you she is taking you for a walk in the park and will expect you to go potty like a real doggy, on a tree or in the grass. (This was Miss Wolfe's first video!)
butt plug, female domination, femdom pov, pet play, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Miss Wolfe Gives Her Puppy Slave A Tail - 393.13 MB

You sneak into Misty's backyard as she is sunbathing. You crawls over to her like a little puppy and starts to get very close to her. She is surprised and annoyed at first but decides to have some fun with you by making you her puppy. She knows what all puppies want to do so she has you sniff and lick her feet. You start to get frisky and jumps up so she tells you to give her a little kiss on the cheek before having you lick her boob sweat and sweaty armpits. She has more areas she wants you to worship, so she pulls aside her bikini bottoms and has you worship her asshole and then her pussy! Her kinky side really kicks in and decides to potty train you, by showing you how to pee on the grass. She squats down and pees right in front of you and when she his done, not only has you sniff where she peed, but makes you clean her up by licking her pee soaked pussy.
ass licking, female domination, femdom pov, pee, puppy play
Download link ----> Misty Rein's Nosey Neighbor Pee Pup - 402.1 MB

You crawl over to your step sister Tylee, and her friend Janine while they are laying out by the water. Janine is a bit taken aback but apparently this is not new to Tylee as she has played with you before treating you as her puppy. Janine decides to go along with it and treat you as a little puppy. She starts by making you sniff and lick her feet. Tylee ofcourse wants to get in on the action and makes you do the same. They know you doesn't just want to sniff and lick their feet, so they allow you to start sniffing and licking their other sweaty body parts...
female domination, femdom pov, pet play, puppy play, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Poolside Puppy Step-Brother - 487.44 MB

Sasha finds out you have been cheating on her. She decides to blackmail you, telling you she is no longer going to treat you as her husband. Instead, she is going to treat you as her puppy as you has proven to be useless as a husband since you don't make much money and don't please her in bed. She puts a collar and leash on you as well as a chastity device to keep you inline. She then informs you she is going to be bedding down with other men!
chastity, cuckolding, female domination, femdom pov, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Sasha Foxxx Makes Cheating Hubby Her Pup - 390.37 MB

After changing out of her club clothes, Miss Devi comes back to her caged pup to find you have lapped up all her golden nectar in your doggy bowl. As a reward for being a good pup, she leads you out of the cage on the leash and lets you sit by the edge of the po ol as she relaxes and soaks her feet after a long night at the club. She proceeds to tell you that she met a man at the club she found attractive and from looking at his tight pants, he seemed to have a big dick. She wanted to bring him back home, but wasn't sure if her pup was trained enough to behave properly. She informs you that she is going to train you so she can bring a man back to the house as she has sexual needs her puppy just can't satisfy, and when she does, she expects her little puppy to great him properly at the door with enthusiasm, just like he would great her. He must also being willing to sniff any and all butts she wants him to sniff, and if the mans wants the pup to sniff his crotch, or even lick his "bone", she expects you to obey. It's starting to get pretty late so she pulls her feet out of the water and lets you get a good lick, before promising to take you to the doggy park tomorrow, so long as you are a good boy and behave.
cuckolding, female domination, femdom pov, foot worship, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Miss Isobel Devi's Poolside Cuck Pup - 491.36 MB

You bring Morgana's her sunscreen while she is laying out getting some sun. She has you kneel down at her feet to place the sunscreen on the ground. When you are down there she tells you that you you remind her of a puppy so she decides she is going to start to treat you as one since since you have been a bad step-son by not doing your chores or homework. She first has you sniff and lick her feet since she knows puppy's like feet. Then she tells you that she is hot and sweaty from the sun, so she takes off her top and has you lick the sweat from under her breasts and her armpits. She then has you sniff her sweaty crotch and proceeds to take off her bathing suit bottom to sniff and lick her butt. After she threatens to take you for a walk in public, she tells you that you are going to have to learn how to pee outside because that's what pups do...so she shows you how by peeing on the grass herself. After she is done peeing, she makes you lick her pussy and ass clean off any remaining droplets of pee. She then pets you and tells you you're a good puppy.
female domination, femdom pov, pee, puppy play, sweat fetish
Download link ----> Morgana's Puppy Son - 437.53 MB

Megan finds out you have been cheating on her. She tells you unless you do as she says you will never be able to have sex with her again. She instructs you to get down on all fours and proceeds to put you in chastity so you can't run around and cheat on her like a sneaky horndog. She then puts a collar and leash on you to begin your training to start act properly like a good little doggy. She has you lick her feet clean and threatens to keep you locked up forever if he don't behave, but she knows you will because you craves her voluptuous body!
chastity, female domination, femdom pov, foot domination, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Megan Jones' Cheating Horndog - 443.26 MB

You arrive late for your appointment with Goddess Janira, so she is in a bad mood. She decides to turn you into a puppy slave so she doesn’t have to deal with cleaning up after a real puppy. She explains that as a puppy slave, you will have to go to the bathroom outside and eat from a doggybowl. You will now have to wear puppy ears and a tail. Goddess Janira also threatens to take you for walks out in public.
female domination, femdom pov, puppy play, sfw, slave training, toilet humiliation
Download link ----> Goddess Janira Wolfe's Puppy Slave - 407.54 MB

Madeline brings you back to her home, but she thinks you are just another pathetic guy that hit on her at the gym. You think you are going to have sex with her, but she has something very different in mind. She brought you home to make you her little sweat licking puppy. When she reveals this to you, she tells you he can head for the door if you doesn't want to agree to it, but you don't leave so she tells you to get down on all fours like a good pup. She then tells you to to crawl over to her and start being a good pup by sniffing and licking all over her post workout sweaty body. You must start with her feet and work your way up, including her boob sweat, sweaty armpits, and her sweaty ass and crotch. You do a pretty good job, but the real test of an obedient pup comes next as she sits down on the toilet...
female domination, femdom pov, puppy play, sweat fetish, toilet fetish
Download link ----> Madeline's Post Gym Toilet Pup - 482.32 MB

Macy is looking after you while her sister is out on a date. She is tired of you perving on her so she decides to have some fun and control you by putting a collar and leash on her you and then treat you as a puppy. She gets turned on so she pervertedly makes you sniff her crotch and lick her feet. As a reward for obeying her, she allows you to sniff her ass. This is just the beginning...
female domination, femdom pov, foot worship, puppy play, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Macy Cartel's Perverted Nephew - 410.72 MB

Terra comes home and as she walks to her front door she step in a puddle of pee! She realizes that it was you, her lazy boyfriend, who made the puddle of pee...she is furious! She decides she needs to treat you as a puppy, as only puppies have no self control and pee all over the place. Until you can learn to act like a human being she will continue to treat you like a mutt!
female domination, foot domination, giantess, puppy play, sfw, toilet humiliation
Download link ----> Terra Mizu Punishes Her Boyfriend - 226.46 MB

Irene told you she planned to spice up your sex life and has been going through some videos you've been watching on your computer. She has come up with a great idea that you will love. When you walk in the door you notices she has a collar and leash in her hand, and a doggy cage behind her. She immediately puts the collar on you. She has you get down on all fours and leads you into the cage. Once locked in the cage she tells you she wants you to behave and be a good boy, not a bad boy. She starts to give you commands such as sit, give her paw, etc. To reward you for good behavior she allows you to sniff her butt through the cage and she knows you love her boobs, but instead of taking her boobs out of her top, she wipes the sweat from under her boobs with her fingers and let's you sniff and lick her fingers. Irene is really getting into this so she tells her new puppy that she plans to take you to the park later for some exercise and expects that you will behave and run around like a good boy, but for now, she teases you further by mentioning a puppy tail butt plug...
ass sniffing, female domination, femdom pov, puppy play, sfw, sweat fetish
Download link ----> Irene Discovers Her Man's Pup Fetish Part 2 - 489.26 MB

Brandi is relaxing on the couch texting with her friends when she notices her son standing there staring at her like a creepy perv. He seems to always follow her around like a little puppy. He reminders her of a German Shepherd she use to have. She's wanted to get another puppy for a while but his Step dad doesn't want to get one, so Brandi decides it's a perfect opportunity for her to get the puppy she wants and her son to indulge in his perversions. She begins to train him as her new puppy, which starts with her commanding him to always be on all fours in her presence and whenever she comes home he must crawl over and sniff and lick her feet, and no human speaking! He must only bark and whimper in her presence. The sniffing and licking doesn't just end at her feet. If she wants her sweaty armpits or butt to be sniffed and licked, he must obey her command. Ofcourse if she commands him to sniff and lick her pussy, she knows he won't resist. In fact, she decides to give him a little sample of her pussy scent as she dips her fingers inside of her panties and then sticks then in his face.
female domination, foot worship, mommy roleplay, muscle worship, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Brandi Mae Turns Step Son Into Her Pup - 428.04 MB

Ariel comes home after a workout to find her brother has not cleaned her apartment, his only responsibility for staying at her home for free. She is fed up with him so she decides to make him of some used by turning him into her puppy since her apartment complex doesn't allow pets. His choice is either become her puppy or move out. Ariel then takes on a Mommy Domme role. Once she collars him, she begins to make her new pup sniff and lick all over her sweaty body.
ass sniffing, female domination, foot domination, puppy play, taboo
Download link ----> Ariel X Makes Her Brother Her Puppy - 439.68 MB

Riot is lying on her bed getting ready to go to rest when her son walks into her room. She tells him to sit down on her bed, by her feet. She knows he wants a puppy but tells him she doesn't think he is responsible enough and she doesn't have the time to take care of one. It does give her an idea though, she thinks it would be good training for him to be the puppy, which after all would teach him how to be obedient and please a woman. She truly thinks he would make for a good puppy and promises to pet him when he behaves and obeys. She reveals to him a set up puppy ears that she puts on him. He looks so cute with the ears on and is being so well behaved that she comments that when he finally gets a girlfriend that she will thank Mommy Riot for training him so well.
She notices her puppy boy is staring at her feet so instructs him to sniff and lick her feet. She then turns around and tells him to sniff her butt to become familiar with her scent, just like a good little puppy. Ofcourse his puppy training does require a collar and leash, which she proceeds to put on him, informing him it will help with his training, keeping him obedient and by her side, both in the house and when they are in public. She does have a treat for him, a squeaky toy that she expects he will learn to love playing with, but will only get when he is a good boy.
female domination, foot worship, mommy roleplay, puppy play, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Mommy Riot's Puppy Boy - 439.37 MB

You crawl out of your cage and crawl over to Vika while she is relaxing out by the po ol. She is not happy with you, but knows you just wants to be near her and get a sniff and lick of all your Mommy's sweaty body parts. Vika decides to allow you to do so, while weaving in some puppy training. First you have to start by sniffing and licking clean her sweaty, dirty feet. Once that task is completed she turns around and allows you to get a good sniff of her beautiful sweaty ass. The sniffing and licking doesn't end there, but you have more lessons and commands you must obey before you're allowed to get to the holy grail between her legs...
ass sniffing, female domination, foot domination, mommy roleplay, puppy play
Download link ----> Vika Tans While Her Puppy Boy Sniffs - 428.47 MB

Your step-sister, Velma, in charge. Velma hates babysitting you. When you are left alone with Velma, she puts you in a crate. If Velma has to be in charge of you, she wants you to be trained. Your step-step-sister gags you with a gag so that you learn to be quiet for her. Then, she shows you a pet bowl that she’s gotten. She’s going to fill it with leftovers from her dinner and let you have her scraps.
Being treated like a puppy is making you act very strange and you can’t help but want to lick your step-sister’s feet. She encourages you to since she wants you to behave like a pet. While you are in the cage, your step-step-sister takes some blackmail photos of you to send to her friend that she knows you have a crush on. Velma decides that she doesn’t want to have to share a bathroom with you anymore. From now on, you are going to pee on wee wee pads in your crate. Velma also knows that you are the one in the house that has been stealing her panties. That’s bad puppy behavior! Your step-sister wants you to chew only on your chew toys and not her panties from now on. The crate training is really going to help with your behavior
caging, female domination, pov foot worship, puppy play, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Velma Makes Her Step Brother Her Puppy - 270.22 MB

Luna Lain sets clear rules for you, as you are to be on all fours anytime you and she are in private. A powerful successful woman like her needs a good boy to listen at all times to keep her happy. Lately, you has been rather disappointing. You screwed up an appointment on her calendar making her miss out on some important clients. She scolds you, saying you can't handle adult responsibilities so she starts treating you like a little puppy. She begins your new training by making you sip from a ba by bottle she personally and intimately fills up. The only catch is it isn't water, it's Luna's warm golden pee, but before she makes him suck on the filled bottle she has him craw to her to use his puppy tongue as toilet paper!
adult babies, female domination, pee, puppy play, toilet fetish
Download link ----> Luna Lain's Assistant Is Her Pee Puppy - 438.45 MB

Your step step-mom catches you perving on her yet again while she is in the bathroom. She has caught you doing this before and she is quite annoyed! She calls you a pervy pup since you keep on hanging around her trying to get a sniff of her scent. She decides to lean into it and tells you to get down on all fours and sniff her sweaty feet, since she just got back from the gym. Once she thinks you've had enough time sniffing her feet she tells you to get up on your knees and start sniffing and licking her sweaty armpits, but it doesn't end there as she has several other sweaty body parts she makes you worship. Only after she feels you have done a proper job worshiping all over her sweaty body, she decides it's time to take it up a notch...she sits down on the toilet and pees right in front of you. When she is done peeing, she gets up and orders you to be a good pup and lap up the pee water in the toilet!
female domination, mommy roleplay, puppy play, scent fetish, toilet fetish
Download link ----> Step Mom's Pervy Pee Pup - 351.73 MB

Goddess Fina's boyfriend finally comes to bed after he has been playing video games for hours. She is not happy that she has had to wait for him for that long! She decides it's time to teach him a lesson taking control of their relationship in and out of the bedroom. She has been wanting to spice up their sex life anyway, so now she is going to get kinky and decides to make him her little puppy, so she can better control him and start to eliminate his bad habits as a lousy boyfriend. It starts with making him get naked and get down on all fours like a good little pup. She then reveals the first step in his transformation, a puppy tail butt plug...
butt plug, female domination, femdom pov, puppy play, sfw, video games
Download link ----> Goddess Fina's Lame Little Boyfriend - 339.04 MB

Carmen confronts you that she knows you've been fucking some of the women you work with. Since Carmen is the bread winner and owns the house you live in, she tells you she will either divorce you and take everything, OR...you will now become her pup! As her pup, you will no longer be aloowed in the bed, or even on the couch. You will be put in a crate in the garage. You will still have to keep your low paying little job, but from now on you have to just go to work and after work come straight home! The moment you step through the door you must strip naked and get on all fours as you are no longer a man, but merely her puppy!
cfnm, female domination, femdom, puppy play, sfw, toilet humiliation
Download link ----> Carmen Valentina's Cheating Hubby Pup - 402.56 MB

You have been lousy as a human slave following Domina Helena's directions so she is turning you into her puppy slave. She starts by putting a collar and leash on you and puts your little dick in a chastity device to prevent you from humping her friends. She then begins your potty training and pees a lot in a doggy bowl as that will be the only thing you gets to lap up from now on in her presence.
butt plug, chastity, female domination, pee, puppy play
Download link ----> Domina Helena's Disappointing Slave - 426.53 MB

Your babysitter, Valora, has locked you in a cage. She is in charge and she can do whatever she wants. Valora hates babysitting. It’s actually a little weird that your parents hired someone from your class to babysit you, but that’s what you get for being so immature. Valora’s going to leave you in the cage so that you don’t get yourself in trouble, and leave to go out on a date with her boyfriend. Valora tosses you a squeaky toy. She doesn’t care that she’s a lazy babysitter. She doesn’t care about you at all and just wants your parent’s cash. In fact, Valora is going to bring her date back to your parent’s house to fuck him. She’s going to fuck him right next to where you are locked in your cage. Valora gags you so you stay quiet. At the end of her date, Valora’s going to have her stud, who is actually your bully from school, shoot a load into your pet bowl and they both are going to you to eat it. If you don’t, Valora has some dirt on you that she’ll share with your parents
caging, cuckolding, femdom, foot worship, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Goddess Valora Babysits Her Classmate - 398.83 MB

You’re a lousy husband and your wife, Akira, is not going to take it anymore. From now on, you are going to do as your wife says. Akira is tired of being the breadwinner. She sick of you being her husband. From now on, you are going to be something different to Akira. Something that illustrates your pathetic dependency on your wife’s ability to provide. She’s got the collar ready and your training starts now.
collars / leashes, femdom, femdom pov, pet play, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Akira Shell Makes Her Hubby Her Pup - 429.84 MB

Your Step-mom, Dava, is so mad at you. If you keep acting like a little beast, then she is going to treat you like a beast. The collar and leash all ready for a step-son who acts wild. Once she collars you, you can’t help but start to act like a puppy and sniff her feet. Your step-mom is ok with you sniffing her feet, because that is what pups do. It’s even ok for you to lick her feet, now that you are her puppy. She notices that you like her scent. That’s good! That’s normal for a pup. She is going to start to re-potty train you now that you are her puppy and not a human step-son. You won’t be napping in your own bed anymore. From now on, she wants you to nap at the foot of her bed.
femdom, puppy play, pussy teasing, scent fetish, taboo
Download link ----> Step Mom Dava Foxx Makes You Her Pup - 444.77 MB

Your sister, Luna, comes back from her night out with her friends and finds you right where she left you, in a cage. Luna has a surprise. She brought one of her girlfriends back with her, and she’s going to show her how your sister keeps you locked in a cage and makes you act like a puppy. She wants you to even do the tricks she’s taught you. Just to make sure you don’t get excited and try to hump her friend’s leg, your sister locks you in chastity. Luna’s mad that you made a mess in your crate. She makes you press her nose against her bare asshole and sniff. Then, instead of filling your bowl with fresh, clean, water, Luna fills it with her pee. Because you’ve been bad, you are going to have to lap up all of your -sister’s pee. She puts the bowl with her pee inside your kennel and goes to invite her friend in to see you.
ass sniffing, femdom, pee, puppy play, taboo
Download link ----> Luna Vera Pees In Puppy Brother's Bowl - 451.15 MB

Your step-daughter, Amethyst, is sick and tired of you barging into her bedroom while she’s undressed. She thinks you are a perv who just wants to see her in her underwear, and she plans to tell your wife just that. The only way your step-daughter won’t rat you out to your wife is if you agree to do whatever she wants. Amethyst wants to make you wear a butt plug for her with a little tail. You are going to be her pet now. Your step-daughter makes you smell her feet. The perfect treatment for a pervert. Amethyst adds a collar and leash. She has a lot of fun humiliating you. Amethyst pulls your collar tight. You are so pathetic and now your step-daughter is in charge.
cuckolding, femdom pov, humiliation, puppy play, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Amethyst Mars Makes Her Step-Dad Her Puppy Slave - 517.44 MB

Lucy Purr tells you that you are failing as a man so she is going to make you her puppy. She puts and collar and leash on you and takes you for a little walk. Lucy then makes you sniffing and licking, just like a puppy would, starting at her feet before making you move up to her butt, pussy, breasts and lastly her armpits.
big tits, femdom, foot worship, puppy play, pussy teasing
Download link ----> Lucy Purr Turns Her Man into Her Pup - 458.19 MB

Mommy Sunshine puts you in the pet cage while she went out to run errands for a few hours because you misbehaved and humped her friend’s leg. Mommy Sunshine then puts you in chastity before she has to go to work. She introduces a puppy pee pad to put in the cage to use if you have to go the bathroom while she’s away again. She then puts a pet bowl in the cage but instead of filling it with water, Mommy Sunshine decides to pee in the pet bowl for you to lap up as a punishment for misbehaving.
chastity, femdom, mommy roleplay, pee, puppy play
Download link ----> Sunshine Tampa Cages Her Puppy Son - 345.53 MB

You creep into Ivory's bedroom while she is on the phone telling her friend how she just gave her boyfriend a blow job in the car and then he fucked her and blew his load in her pussy. You are listening to this while staring at her ass when she notices you standing there. She threatens to tell your parents unless you get down on the floor and acts like her puppy. She then instructs you to lick her feet, ass, AND her cum filled pussy!
ass worship, femdom pov, foot fetish, puppy play, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Ivory Soles Pervy Puppy Brother - 394.59 MB

Stella knows that her pup loves dirty, sweaty feet. Step-Mommy thinks that it's so cute when you lap at her soles. Your step-mommy hasn’t showered in a few days and knows that she’s very stinky. Puppies have a strong sense of smell, and step-mommy knows this, and that all her scents are probably very interesting to you. Step-Mommy invites her pup to explore her scent. She even lets you bury your nose in her butt. Step-Mommy knows that puppies love to sniff butts. Your little red rocket makes an appearance and step-mommy shames you a little for it, but also thinks its kind of cute that you are so excited. Step-Mommy knows that you love to cuddle up to her when she’s stinky. She thinks it’s adorable that her little pup doesn’t even crawl out from under the bedcovers when she farts.
femdom pov, foot worship, puppy play, scent fetish, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Stella Liberty's Scent Play With Her Pup - 373.83 MB

As Sadie’s professor you have been staring and drooling over her in class. You've been trying to tutor her even though she gets good grades, just so you can get close to her after class. She calls you out on your inappropriate behavior and decides to treat you as a beast since you are acting like one. She makes you lick her feet and she puts a collar and leash on you. She then reprimands you for sniffing her butt, however decides to tease you with her pussy. Now you are Professor Fuzzy to her!
ass sniffing, femdom pov, foot worship, puppy play, pussy teasing
Download link ----> Sadie Holmes Dominates Her Professor - 399.59 MB

Whenever Tangent goes on a date you must stay at home and wait for her in your kennel. Tangent lays out a fresh puppy pad in the crate for you. She plans on being gone on her date for a while. Most likely, she won’t be back until tomorrow morning. Thoughtfully, Tangent fills your puppy bowl with some nice warm pee. It’s a treat for you because you’ve been so understanding about her leaving you alone for so long. Tangent even gives you some extra spit in your bowl before nestling it into your crate alongside your wee wee pad. There is one more thing Tangent needs to do before she leaves you for the night, and you are probably not going to like it. But Tangent doesn’t want you bothering her neighbors with your noise, so she needs to make sure you stay silent. Then, one more thing. Tangent closes the lock on the device around your unneutered bits. Well behaved pups don’t hump, even when they are alone. Tangent retains the keys to the metal device and heads out the door, leaving you in the crate
cuckolding, femdom pov, pee, puppy play, spit fetish
Download link ----> Goddess Tangent Cages Her Puppy Slave - 653.67 MB

Sasha Foxxx discovers you have been stealing her bra and panties. She tells you she won’t tell Mom and Dad so long as you agree to be her little puppy since she is allergic to pet fur. She tells you to get on your hands and knees and puts a collar and leash on you. She also takes away all your toys and only allows you to play with chew toys. She also makes her “new puppy” lick and clean her feet, just like a real puppy would. Then Sasha reveals you will be eating her food scraps out of a pet bowl from now on!
blackmail fantasy, femdom pov, foot worship, puppy play, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Sasha Foxxx Blackmails Her Brother - 371.14 MB

Aunt Lexi is kind of frustrated that her step-sister keeps asking her to watch you. Here she is again, on a Friday night, babysitting you instead of going out. It’s exasperating that you are 18-years-old, an adult, and yet you don’t act like one. That’s why your step-mom insists that Aunt Lexi still come over to babysit whenever she goes on a weekend getaway with her boyfriend. While cleaning your room, Aunt Lexi finds out a big secret you’ve been hiding. With your secret known, you are going to have to do whatever your aunt tells you to do, or she will blackmail you to your step-mother. From now on, when she comes over to babysit, she is going to play a little game with you where she walks you around on a leash and treats you like the pet she isn’t allowed to have at her apartment complex. You are going to be your aunt’s pet for the entire weekend while your step-mother is gone
blackmail fantasy, female domination, femdom pov, puppy play, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Lexi Luna Babysits Her Puppy Nephew - 394.42 MB

Reagan, is the breadwinner since you’ve been laid off. At least you are helpful to her by doing everything she asks you to do around the house. Reagan decides to get you a present for being such a great little house pet. The present is not what you expect. It’s a chastity device, and your wife is very excited for you to wear it for her. She can’t wait to close the lock and hold the key. Once you’re in chastity for her, your wife wants you to totally give up the last remaining vestiges of your manhood. In fact, she doesn’t even want you to act human anymore. Reagan's always been allergic to animals, and since she’s been taking care of you like a house pet, now she wants you to really act like one. Now that your role will be Reagan pet instead of her man, she’ll be able to find a new man to satisfy her better than you ever could. Reagan talks about some of the training that you will need to go through to better fit the role that she’s chosen for you. You can do as your wife says and go along with the training, or your broke ass can go live in the street like a stray.
chastity, cuckolding, female domination, femdom pov, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Reagan Lush Locks Her Pet in Chastity - 490.78 MB

Your wife, Qandisa, keeps you locked in a kennel. Qandisa inspects the security of your crate before sharing a surprise with you. Her man is coming over to fuck her. Your cage is in the room with the couch where your wife and her new man are going to fuck. You are going to have to stay locked in your cage and listen to them. This is what you get for being a cheating husband. Your wife has made you into her human pet. When you were a people, you were a rover, fucking every female but your wife. Well, now your wife is going to be satisfied by the cock of the real man that she deserves. Qandisa covers your cage with a soft blanket. You won’t be able to see, but you will be able to hear your wife getting fucked by her new man. This is what you get for acting like a filthy hound. Now, you’ll be treated like one.
caging, cuckolding, female domination, femdom pov, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Qandisa Cages & Cucks Her Horndog Hubby - 376.3 MB

Janira can’t get a puppy because you, her brother is allergic to pet fur, so she blackmails you into becoming her puppy because she caught you stealing her clothes to wear and some gay porn magazines in your bedroom.
blackmail fantasy, femdom pov, gay humiliation, puppy play, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Janira Wolfe Makes Her Brother Her Puppy - 395.8 MB

Goddess Brandon comes home after shopping for a new outfit with your credit card. After all, you have no use for it now as she has turned you into her puppy since you have failed miserably at pleasing her sexually with your small penis. She tells you she has a date tonight with a real man with a big cock and lets you know you will never have sex with her again. Tonight, she will keep you in a pet cage naked and with a collar and leash on while she fucks her date in your former bed.
caging, cuckolding, female domination, femdom pov, puppy play, sfw
Download link ----> Goddess Brandon Cuckolds Her Pup Husband - 395.38 MB

Nyxon calls you into her bedroom telling you you've been bad...getting bad grades, not doing your chores and running around acting like a wild beast. She decides that if you are going to act like one, she is going to treat him like one. She takes out a collar and leash and tells you from now on she is going to treat you like a puppy. Then she scolds you for peeing on the toilet seat. She takes out a puppy pee pad and tells you from now you will go to the bathroom on the puppy pad, and not the toilet. You are also not allowed to eat any more junk food, only pet treats from now on. Step-Mommy is also taking away all your video games and iPad, and replacing them with chew toys
female domination, femdom pov, mommy roleplay, puppy play, sfw, taboo
Download link ----> Nyxon Turns Bad Step Son Into Her Puppy - 838.21 MB